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时光的英语知识 时光的英语意思 time 时光的相关英语例句 1. i try to remember all the good times ive had here. 我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。 2. his most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静 地度过。 3. i was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。 4. you had an easy time of it at home. 你在家度过了一段轻松时光。 5. many people were nostalgic for the good old days. 很多人都很留恋过去的好时光。 6. i had a whale of a time in birmingham. 我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。 7. hes really just marking time until hes old enough to leave. 他其实只是在消磨时光,等年龄一到就退休。 8. on the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure. 总的来说,人们渴望享受闲暇的时光。 9. the images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore. 这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。 10. i have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here. 我生命中相当长的一段时光是在这里度过的。 11. sarah and i had a great time while the kids were away. 孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好 时光。 12. the rest of the daysactivities often seemed drab or depressing. 一天的剩余时光好像常常是乏味或令人沮丧的。 13. the summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine. 夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无 聊。 14. this is just like old times. 宛如时光倒转。 15. time flies when youre having fun. 开心的时光总是飞逝而去。 时光的英文例句 我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 we had a glorious time at the seaside. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 she thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. 不要虚度时光。 dont loiter your time away. 看起来是时光机,像是时光机 that seems like a time machine. 我们正努力延续时光,以期能与你们的时光共 融。 we are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. 人们惋惜过去的好时光的流逝。 people lament the passing of the good old days. 它们就这么把我一直吸到成人时光。 and they kept me there well into adulthood. 于是我们不禁想起自己儿时的美好时光。 so we can not but recall the good old days of their childhood. 朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光。 the friends meet occasionally to chat about the good old days at sch ool. 我等待企盼这个时光的到来:你的小舟横渡到 我的岸边。 i wait for the time when your boat crosses over to my shore. 时光的双语例句 时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。 time cured him of his grief. 他们坐在一个角落里畅谈过去的时光。 they sat in a corner and chatted of old times. 他们时常想起与你共度的愉快的时光。 they often remember the pleasant days they had with you. 回到家乡,她觉得自己仍然生活在旧日时光中。 back to her hometown, she feels she still inhabits her old days. 我以观看商店橱窗来消磨时光。 i loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows. 时光过得多快呀! how time runs on! 我们向他请教这台设备如何能够看到时光倒流。 we asked him how the device can look back in time. 我们向他请教这台设备如何能够令时光倒流。 we asked him how the device can look back in time. 如果我们用这种方法检查学习效果,所有的学 生和教师每天都会度过愉快的时光。 if we do in this way, all the students and teachers will have a pleasant time every day. 你的孩子所能拥有最棒的礼物便是与你在一起 的时光。 the best gift your child can have is the gift of time with you. 那段时光我记得很清楚。 i remember that time very well. 朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远 陪伴着你! friends, in this time of happiness, joy and good will to accompany you! 你需要和我度过一段时光。 you need to spend some time with me. 对于我们许多人而言,这是一年中我们可以真 正享受户外活动的时光。 for many of us, this is the one time of the year we can really enjoy the outdoors. 还记得那些你们曾经都优先为对方考虑的时光 吗? and those times when you each think of the other first? 时光的英语意思 time 时光的相关英语例句 1. i try to remember all the good times ive had here. 我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。 2. his most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静 地度过。 3. i was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。 4. you had an easy time of it at home. 你在家度过了一段轻松时光。 5. many people were nostalgic for the good old days. 很多人都很留恋过去的好时光。 6. i had a whale of a time in birmingham. 我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。 7. hes really just marking time until hes old enough to leave. 他其实只是在消磨时光,等年龄一到就退休。 8. on the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure. 总的来说,人们渴望享受闲暇的时光。 9. the images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore. 这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。 10. i have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here. 我生命中相当长的一段时光是在这里度过的。 11. sarah and i had a great time while the kids were away. 孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好 时光。 12. the rest of the daysactivities often seemed drab or depressing. 一天的剩余时光好像常常是乏味或令人沮丧的。 13. the summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine. 夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无 聊。 14. this is just like old times. 宛如时光倒转。 15. time flies when youre having fun. 开心的时光总是飞逝而去。 时光的英文例句 我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 we had a glorious time at the seaside. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 she thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. 不要虚度时光。 dont loiter your time away. 看起来是时光机,像是时光机 that seems like a time machine. 我们正努力延续时光,以期能与你们的时光共 融。 we are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. 人们惋惜过去的好时光的流逝。 people lament the passing of the good old days. 它们就这么把我一直吸到成人时光。 and they kept me there well into adulthood. 于是我们不禁想起自己儿时的美好时光。 so we can not but recall the good old days of their childhood. 朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光。 the friends meet occasionally to chat about the good old days at sch ool. 我等待企盼这个时光的到来:你的小舟横渡到 我的岸边。 i wait for the time when your boat crosses over to my shore. 时光的双语例句 时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。 time cured him of his grief. 他们坐在一个角落里畅谈过去的时光。 they sat in a corner and chatted of old times. 他们时常想起与你共度的愉快的时光。 they often remember the pleasant days they had with you. 回到家乡,她觉得自己仍然生活在旧日时光中。 back to her hometown, she feels she still inhabits her old days. 我以观看商店橱窗来消磨时光。 i loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows. 时光过得多快呀! how time runs on! 我们向他请教这台设备如何能够看到时光倒流。 we asked him how the device can look back in time. 我们向他请教这台设备如何能够令时光倒流。 we asked him how the device can look back in time. 如果我们用这种方法检查学习效果,所有的学 生和教师每天都会度过愉快的时光。 if we do in this way, all the students and teachers will have a pleasant time every day. 你的孩子所能拥有最棒的礼物便是与你在一起 的时光。 the best gift your child can have is the gift of time with you. 那段时光我记得很清楚。 i remember that time very well. 朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远 陪伴着你! friends, in this time of happiness, joy and good will to accompany you! 你需要和我度过一段时光。 you need to spend some time with me. 对于我们许多人而言,这是一年中我们可以真 正享受户外活动的时光。 for many of us, this is the one time of the year we can really enjoy the outdoors. 还记得那些你们曾经都优先为对方考虑的时光 吗? and those times when you each think of the other first? 时光的英语意思 time 时光的相关英语例句 1. i try to remember all the good times ive had here. 我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。 2. his most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静 地度过。 3. i was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。 4. you had an easy time of it at home. 你在家度过了一段轻松时光。 5. many people were nostalgic for the good old days. 很多人都很留恋过去的好时光。 6. i had a whale of a time in birmingham. 我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。 7. hes really just marking time until hes old enough to leave. 他其实只是在消磨时光,等年龄一到就退休。 8. on the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure. 总的来说,人们渴望享受闲暇的时光。 9. the images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore. 这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。 10. i have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here. 我生命中相当长的一段时光是在这里度过的。 11. sarah and i had a great time while the kids were away. 孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好 时光。 12. the rest of the daysactivities often seemed drab or depressing. 一天的剩余时光好像常常是乏味或令人沮丧的。 13. the summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine. 夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无 聊。 14. this is just like old times. 宛如时光倒转。 15. time flies when youre having fun. 开心的时光总是飞逝而去。 时光的英文例句 我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 we had a glorious time at the seaside. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 she thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. 不要虚度时光。 dont loiter your time away. 看起来是时光机,像是时光机 that seems like a time machine. 我们正努力延续时光,以期能与你们的时光共 融。 we are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. 人们惋惜过去的好时光的流逝。 people lament the passing of the good old days. 它们就这么把我一直吸到成人时光。 and they kept me there well into adulthood. 于是我们不禁想起自己儿时的美好时光。 so we can not but recall the good old days of their childhood. 朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光。 the friends meet occasionally to chat about the good old days at sch ool. 我等待企盼这个时光的到来:你的小舟横渡到 我的岸边。 i wait for the time when your boat crosses over to my shore. 时光的双语例句 时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。 time cured him of his grief. 他们坐在一个角落里畅谈过去的时光。 they sat in a corner and chatted of old times. 他们时常想起与你共度的愉快的时光。 they often remember the pleasant days they had with you. 回到家乡,她觉得自己仍然生活在旧日时光中。 back to her h


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