



2015 年 12 月 19 日和 20 日托福口语机经预测 1. Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school. 2. School should require all students to have their own laptops. 3. University should sponsor organized a bus trips for 1st year students. 1. 1st year students dont have a car. 2. Seniors can be more familiar with the city. The woman thinks it is a good idea. First, the city is far from campus,and no public transportation available. Second,because there is no bus,she did not know the time and place for music concerts. 4. Commitment device The professor wanted to run a 10 kilometer race, and planned to get up very early in the morning. But he often went back to sleep after getting up. Then he has a friend who ran with him together so that he was able to run every early in the morning. 5. 一个学生去开会,会晚了一个小时才结束,学校的食堂就关了。如果去远一 点的 cafe 吃饭,就会赶不上历史课。女生建议去吃饭,迟到一点不要紧,解释 下就好。但男生说有的教授会不高兴。女生又建议去 vending machine 去买点啥, 但是自动售货机只有薯片什么的,早饭已经过了很久,现在不吃正经午餐,就 要过很久才能吃到了。 6. Two ways for whales to use sounds to survive in the deep ocean. First, navigate. Hear the refection from objects so that wholes can get right direction. Second obtain food. Since whole are in group, one can call other whales if it find any fish. 7. If you had the opportunity to travel to the moon, would you choose to go and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer. 8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement gifts made by people themselves are more meaningful than the gifts bought from store? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation. 9. 阅读:有 student letter 建议要讲图书馆的桌椅替换成新的,理由是给学生们 提供一个更舒适的环乐,并且可以吸引更多学生。 听力:女学生(1)更舒适的环境只会让学生 sleepy,(2)就是吸引生的重 点不对,很多学生不来图书馆的原因是图书馆没有足够多的插座,很多同学要 带电脑,应该增加插座才对。 10. 阅读:dormancy 。冬眠的涵义:帮助渡过恶劣环境;降低自身生理能耗。 听力:professor 讲述了肺鱼 lung fish 的例子:在河水干涸之后,鱼就躲在河 床上之前就打好的洞里,这样一方面可以隔热、保湿,另一方面可以降低呼吸、 心跳频率 11. 室友在 living room 挂了整墙的画,但很丑且占地方,.不过直说又会造成对 室友的打击。 一男一女讨论对策,对策有二:一是忍气吞声,慢慢习惯;二是 告诉她真实想法,希望她画 点别的。 12. 动物为 adapt 水下环境、防御敌人,进化出了两种器宵,第一种器官


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