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2014年农业银行定向招聘考试内容|复习题 2014年农业银行定向招聘的考试内容包括:行测、英语、经济、金融、财会和 银行常识。考试科目比较多,同学们早点做好备考准备哦下面分享一些练习题: 行测单元 1.“器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。 ”新闻作品要想成为历史的“宏音” ,时代 的“响箭” ,新闻记者就必须胸怀全局、_,深入_新闻的理性力量, 使新闻语言具有一种理性美。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.高瞻远瞩 分析 B.高屋建瓴 发掘 C.见微知著 彰显 D.由表及里 剖析 2.下列各句中没有语病的一句是: A.每一个有理想的爱国青年将来都希望自己能成为一个对社会主义建设事业有 贡献的人。 B.中学生写作文,要留心观察各种事物、各种现象,要有真情实感,切忌不要 胡编乱造。 C.近年来我国对于濒危物种的保护,虽然做了不少工作,但离要求还相差很远, 特别对植物的保护更不重视。 D.它深刻论述了传统经营模式在高科技冲击下所发生的变化和高科技产生经营 管理的基本原则。 3.作为整体,中国在世界上举足轻重;但作为个人,不少中国人还觉得自己一 无所有。国家之强和个人之弱使一些人心理失衡,觉得自己活得还是像在半殖 民地时代受人家欺负的受害者。正因如此,我们更需要对自己生存的状态有理 性的认识,克服狭隘的“受害者情结” 。否则,崛起的中国将难以担当与自己的 国际地位相称的责任。 这段话谈论的核心意思是( ) 。 A.中国急需提高国民的个人地位 B.中国人需要调整自己的心理状态 C.中国人为什么有“受害者情结” D.崛起的中国要承担相应的国际地位 4.根据下列数字的规律,填入空格处正确的是( ) A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 5.从12时到13时,钟的时针与分针可成直角的机会有( ) 。 A.1次 B.2次 C.3次 D.4次 6.宜家效应是指劳动会增加人们对劳动成果的感情,当人们自己动手制作东西 时,他们都会觉得自己的创作特别有价值。 根据上述定义,下列最能体现宜家效应的是( ) A.某公司为方便人们制作蛋糕,推出方便蛋糕粉,使蛋糕的制作非常简单 B.让人们亲手做折纸,然后连同他人做的折纸放在一起竞价,结果大家都愿意 为自己做的折纸出更高的价钱 C.学校鼓励学生自己动手制作各种教具,不仅锻炼了学生的动手能力,还节约 了教学成本 D.某家具生产商生产的家具需要顾客买回家后,按照产品说明书来完成家具的 拼装组合工作 7.( ) 对于 大脑 相当于 资料 对于 ( ) A.智力 书籍 B.记忆 硬盘 C.细胞 图书馆 D.学习 阅读 8.在一次考古发掘中,考古人员在一座唐代古墓中发现多片先秦时期的夔文 (音 ku,一种变体的龙文)陶片。对此,专家解释说,由于雨水冲刷等原因, 这些先秦时期的陶片后来被冲至唐代的墓穴中。 以下哪项如果为真,最能质疑上述专家的观点? A.在这座唐代古墓中还发现多件西汉时期的文物 B.这座唐代古墓保存完好,没有漏水、毁塌迹象 C.并非只有先秦时期才使用夔文,唐代文人以书写夔文为能事 D.唐代的墓葬风俗是将墓主生前喜爱的物品随同墓主一同下葬 9.(1)教授下海救回学生 (2)海滩考察逢涨潮 (3)自己被大浪吞没 (4)潮水淹及海滩 (5)学生小徐被困 A.45231 B.32145 C.24513 D.51432 10.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律 性( ) 11.2006 年,G 市科研经费支出 257.8 亿元,同比增长 2.5%。G 市 2001 年的科 研经费支出是 88.08 亿元,那么,2006 年的科研经费支出约是 2001 年的多少 倍? 英语单元 Directions A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 12. I am very saddened to announce that our Chief Financial Officer of thirty-two years, Martin Fogo, will _ at the end of the companys fiscal year. A) check out B) run into C) look into D) step down 13. Mr. Anderson has decided that we are going to bring in a _ 中公金融人-金融类考试培训的领跑者 银行招聘考试网 from Miracle Software to design our new client management database. A) consultation B) consultant C) consulting D) consulted 14. From what I understand, you will need to _ the chefs purchase orders pending approval from the Vice President of Operations. A) has verified B) verify C) verified D) be verified 15. Mr. Chaderton came through at the last minute with fifteen new investors, _ the company once again from a hostile takeover. A) saving B) to save C) will save D) saved 16. I recently heard that in the new office building we will be sharing space with the executive staff and the _ department. A) exposure B) advertising C) coverage D) public Directions A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 17-19 refer to the following letter. August 21, 2007 LON CHANEY 11509 Westmont Street West Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA Dear Mr. Chaney, I would like to thank you for meeting with me last Monday. I certainly 17._the chance to talk about career possibilities with someone who has been in the medical technology industry for so many years. I am particularly grateful that you have offered to give me your insights on tie-ups between manufacturers and medical institutions. As you are aware, I am most interested in enhancing my research skills for a well-established, 18._ manufacturer that produces equipment for hospitals and institutions that specialize in cardio- pulmonary health care. In the long-term, I would like to establish a system that would provide the latest technology as well as the new information that assists doctors in improving the quality of life of their patients. This is the reason I would like to work for companies that value 19._. Thank you once again for your offer of assistance, and I do look forward to our future discussions. 17. A) appreciating B) appreciated C) was appreciated D) will appreciate 18. A) reputably B) reputable C) repute D) reputation 19. A) association B) commerce C) routine D) innovation Directions In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 20-22 refer to the following fax. To: Edgar Mason North American Train Tours, Inc. Fax: (414)837-3198 From: Bruce Whiting Fax: (315) 448-2820 Re: Registration from questions I have received your North American Train Tours catalogue that I requested last month and am now ready to book a tour for my wife and me. I do have a couple of questions. However, about your registration form What is the difference between “lead passenger” and “passenger details”? Should I put myself as the “lead passenger” because I am using my credit card to pay for the tour and put my wifes information on the first line of “passenger details”? The second question concerns the “passport” section. The tour Im choosing does not cross any international boundary. Do I still need to fill out that section for my wife and me? Besides by fax, I can be reached by my cell phone or email address, whose information I gave you in m last letter. Thanks for all your help. 20. What kind of business is Mr. Whiting dealing with? A) A travel agency B) A credit card company C) A law firm D) A telecommunications company 21. What can be inferred about the services that North American Train Tours, Inc. offers? A) They offer tours to different countries. B) All their tours are within one country. C) They are a very expensive service. D) They operate only in spring and summer. 22. Which of the following statements about Mr. Whiting is true? A) He lives in the same city as North American Train Tours. B) He and his wife do not have passports. C) He has traveled with North American Train Tours before. D) He has contacts North American Train Tours before. Questions 23-25 refer to the following minutes of meeting. Minutes of the South Bay Museum Board of Trustees 中公金融人-金融类考试培训的领跑者 银行招聘考试网 Date: June 11, 2008 Time: 7:00p.m. Venue: South Bay Museum Meeting Hall Convener: Dr. Allison Murphy, Curator Attendees: Mrs. Bella Melina, Mr. Arnold Brown, Mr. Seth Feinstein, Dr. Alicia Cummings, Ms. Betty Draper Old Business: By a vote of 5 to 1 in favor, the Board members chose Mr. Arnold Brown to be the next Curator of the Museum after Dr. Allison Murphy departs at the end of the year. One vote was cast for Ms. Betty Draper. Mr. Browns tern of office will run from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. New Business: Mr. Seth Feinstein, treasurer, reported that increased attendance at the Museum, particularly during the two-month “Master Painters of Europe Exhibition” earlier this year, will allow the Museum to purchase the sculpture Children at Play by Marcello DeVito and increase salaries of the Museum custodians by 15%. Next Meeting: December 8, 2008, 7:00p.m. at the South Bay Museum Meeting Hall. The agenda will include making official ties with the Cleveland City Museum. Secretary: Claire Wilson 23. How many people attended the meeting? A) Five B) Six C) Seven D) Eight 24. What was discussed during Old Business? A) The removal of the current curator B) The election of a new curator C) A policy of limiting the term of the curator D) A raise in the salary of the curator 25. What did the treasurer report on? A) The result of his two-month trip to Europe B) The purchase of European paintings C) The enlargement of the museum staff D) Increased revenues for the museum 综合知识 26.下列各项中,不属于 2003 年新巴塞尔资本协议中“三大支柱”的是() 。 A.最低资本要求 B.市场约束 C.综合监管 D.监管当局的监督检查 27.以下哪项投资为无风险投资( ) 。 A.股票 B.可转换公司债券 C.商业票据 D.国债 28.自然垄断指的是()的情况。 A.一个企业能以低于两个或更多企业的成本为整个市场供给一种产品 B.企业垄断某种自然资源 C.政府对重要的自然资源实行完全垄断 D.两家企业共同控制一个市场 29.不论在何种市场上,企业实现利润最大化的决策原则都是()。 A.边际收益等于边际成本 B.边际收益大于边际成本 C.价格大于平均成本 D.劳动的边际产量为零 30.下列做法中,符合会计基础工作规范规定的是( ) 。 A.自制原始凭证无须经办人签名或盖章 B.外来原始凭证金额错误,可在原始凭证上更正但需签名或盖章 C.凡是账薄记录金额错误,都可以采用“划钱更正法”予以更正 D.销售商品 1000.84 元,销货发票大写金额为:壹仟元零捌角肆分 31.某企业原材料按实际成本进行日常核算。2005 年 3 月 1 日结存甲材料 300 公斤,每公斤实际成本为 20 元;3 月 15 日购入甲材料 280 公斤,每公斤实际 成本为 25 元;3 月 31 日发出甲材料 200 公斤。如分别按后进先出法和先进出 法计算 3 月份发出甲材料的实际成本,两种方法的计算结果相比较,其差额为 ( )元。 A.400 B.500 C.1000 D.1400 32.下列有关一人公司的哪些表述是正确的? A.一人有限责任公司,是指只有一个自然人股东有限责任公司 B.一人公司发生人格或财产混同时,股东应当对公司债务承担连带责任 C.一人公司的首次出资必须达到 20%以上 D.一个法人只能设立一个一人公司 33.将所有的工作作为一种流程,采用量化的方法分析流程中影响质量的因素, 找出最关键的因素加以改进,从而达到更高的客户满意度,即为( )。 A.全面质量管理 B.质量圈 C.六西格玛管理 D.流程再造 34.计算机中,2M 存储空间指的是() A.210001000 字节 B.210241024 字节 C.210001024 字节 中公金融人-金融类考试培训的领跑者 银行招聘考试网 D.210241000 字节 35.2012 年 11 月, ()省正式被国务院扶贫办列入世行贷款中国贫困片区产业 扶贫试点示范项目。 A.甘肃 B.贵州 C.陕西 D.青海 参考答案 行测单元 1.【答案】B。解析:第一空中所填的成语应能与“胸怀全局”连用, “胸怀全 局”讲的是一种大局观念,是指横向上的全面,而“深入”说的是深度。题干 既包括广度,又有了深度,独缺高度,因此第一个空缺处填入的成语应包含高 度方面的内容,故表纵向上把握的“高屋建瓴”最合句意。 “高瞻远瞩”是迷惑 项,但它比喻眼光远大,还是停留在广度方面,而且第二空“发掘”比“分析” 更能体现“深入”的方向性。故本题选 B。 2.【答案】D。解析:A 项中的“将来”位置错误,应该移至“自己”后面。B 项属于多重否定表肯定,去掉“不要” ,否则不合常理。C 项不合逻辑,句子前 面的意思是工作还不够到位,并没有不重视的意思,故前后不存在重视程度的 对比,应将 “更不重视”改为“很不重视” 。 3.【答案】B。解析:由“正因如此,我们更需要对自己生存的状态有理性的认 识,克服狭隘的受害者情结” ,可知作者意在强调中国人需要调整自己的心理 状态,A、C、D 均不是本段核心阐述的内容,故选择 B 项。 4.【答案】B。解析:第一个图中 3=41-3+2,第二个图中 10=52-4+4,因此 第三个图中应为 33-2+1=8,选择 B。 5.【答案】B。解析:一个小时内,分针转一圈,因此与时针可构成直角的机会 只有 2 次,因此选择 B 项。 6.【答案】B。解析:宜家效应的定义要点是“觉得自己的创作特别有价值” 。 A、C、D 三项都没有体现出这一要点。只有 B 项“愿意为自己做的折纸出更高 的价钱”体现了这一要点,符合定义。 7.【答案】B。解析:大脑可以存储记忆,硬盘可以存储资料。 8.【答案】B。解析:削弱型题目。专家的观点认为雨水冲刷是唐代墓穴中发现 先秦陶片的原因。A 项中的西汉时期文物对题干观点构不成影响;B 项反驳了雨 水冲刷的可能性,直接削弱了专家的观点;C 项与题干论证无关,题干发现的 是先秦的陶片;D 项说明唐代墓穴中有先秦陶片可能是“另有他因” ,但无法反 驳雨水冲刷也是原因之一,削弱程度不如 B 项。 9.【答案】C。解析:这个题目描述的是教授救学生自己被海水吞没的故事。海 滩考察逢涨潮是事情的起因,自己被吞没是事情的结局,故答案选 C 项。 10.【答案】C。解析:三角形依次逆时针旋转


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