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细数十大幸福指数最高职业 “A meaningful life must, to some degree, make people feel worthwhile. The person living the life must be engaged in it totally. A life of commitment causes that are generally defined as worthy like feeding and clothing the poor or ministering to the ill but that do not move the person participating in them will lack meaningfulness in this sense. However, for a life to be meaningful, it must also be worthwhile. Engagement in a life of tiddlywinks does not rise to the level of a meaningful life, no matter how gripped one might be by the game.“ This is what underlies the difference between the happiest jobs and the most hated jobs. “富有意义的生活必须在一定意义上让人感到值得。过这种生活的人必须全身心投入 其中。如果一个人的生活奉献给了普遍被认为有价值的事业,比方说给贫苦人提供衣食或 照顾病患,但是这并不能驱使这个人参与到其中,那么在这一意义上,生活就失去了意义。 然而,要富有意义的人生必须也是值得拥有的。充斥着挑圆片游戏的人生并没有上升到有 意义的人生的高度,不管一个人因这个游戏可能会变得多么有影响力。”这就是最幸福的工 作与最令人厌恶的工作的根本区别。 1. Clergy 2. Clergy:The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all. 神职人员:最不世俗的工作据说是最幸福的工作。 2. Firefighter Firefighters:80 per cent of firefighters are “very satisfied“ with their jobs, which involve helping people. 消防员:80%的消防员对自己的工作“非常满意” ,这份工作是在给予人们帮助。 3. Physical therapist Physical therapists:Social interaction and helping people apparently make this job one of the happiest. 理疗师:社会互动和帮助他人明显使得这份工作是最幸福的工作之一。 4. Author Authors:For most authors, the pay is ridiculously low or non-existent, but the autonomy of writing down the contents of your own mind apparently leads to happiness. 对于大多数作家来说,他们的报酬少得可怜,或者根本没有,但是写下自己心中所想 的自由显然会带来幸福。 5. Special education teacher Special education teachers:If you dont care about money, a job as special education teacher might be a happy profession. 特殊教育老师:如果你不在乎金钱,特殊教育老师这个工作或许是个幸福的职业。这 份工作每年的平均薪水仅在 5 万美元以下。 6. Teacher Teachers:Teachers in general report being happy with their jobs, despite the current issues with education funding and classroom conditions. The profession continues to attract young idealists, although 50 per cent of new teachers are gone within five years. 教师:尽管当前存在着教育经费和教室条件的问题,一般来说教师们还是感到自己的 工作很幸福的。这一职业继续吸引着年轻的理想主义者,尽管在五年以内有 50%的新教师 已经转行了。 7. Artist Artists:Sculptors and painters report high job satisfaction, despite the great difficulty in making a living from it. 艺术家:雕刻家和画家据称是工作满意度最高的职业,尽管在这一职业上谋生有着相 当大的困难。 8. Psychologist Psychologists:Psychologists may or may not be able to solve other peoples problems, but it seems that they have managed to solve their own. 心理学家:心理学家可能会也可能不会解决其他人的问题,但是似乎他们能够解决自 己的问题。 9. Financial services sales agent Financial services sales agents:65 per cent of financial services sales agents are reported to be happy with their jobs. That could be because some of them are clearing more than $90,000 dollars a year on average for a 40-hour work week in a comfortable office environment. 金融理财销售代理:据报道 80%的金融理财销售代理认为自己的工作很幸福。这大概 是因为他们中的一些人在舒服的办公环境中工作,每周工作 40 个小时,平均每年挣 9 万 多美元。 10. Operating engineer Operating engineers:Playing with giant toys like bulldozers, front-end loaders, backhoes, scrapers, motor graders, shovels, derricks, large pumps, and air compressors can be fun. With more jobs for operating engineers than qualified applicants, operating engineers report being happy. 施工工程师:摆弄那些大型玩具可能是很有趣的,比如推土机、前载车、反向铲、刮 运机、平地机、铲车、起重机、大型水泵以及空气压缩机。施工工程师的工作供大于求, 这使得他们很幸福。 一、中国职场人士总体工作幸福状况不容乐观 我们从 3 个方面考察了中国职场人士的工作幸福感:总体工作幸福指数;工作幸福指数 的正面情绪体验;工作幸福指数的负面情绪体验。 1、总体工作幸福指数 根据所有参与调查者的回答情况,我们统计了所有参与调查的职场人士的工作幸福指 数,以及不同得分人数的比例。 “工作幸福指数”的最高值为 5,最低值为 0。根据统计分析,此次调查的中国在职人 士总体“工作幸福指数”为 2.57,处于中等偏下状态。从总体上来看,中国在职人士的工 作幸福感并不是很强。 According to all those who participated in the survey responses and some figures from references, I counted all the people involved in the investigation of workplace well-being and the proportion of different scores. The maximum value of “Work happiness index“ is 5, the minimum value of it is 0. According to statistical analysis of the survey of Chinese working people, general “work happiness index“ was 2.57, in the middle state. On the whole, Chinas industrial workforce for happiness is not very strong. 从图 1 的结果可以看出,有 8.9%的被调查者的 “工作幸福指数”分值处于 0-1 之间; 有 19.9%的被调查者的 “工作幸福指数 ”分值处于 1-2 之间;有 37.2%的被调查者的得分 处于 2-3 之间;有 24.3%的被调查者的得分处于 3-4 之间;有 9.79%的被调查者的得分处 于 4-5 之间。 从这个调查结果我们可以看出,有 28.8%的被调查者的工作幸福感偏低, 也就是说基本上每 10 个在职人士就有 3 个人的工作幸福感偏低;而如果加上得分处于 2-3 的被调查者,则有 64%的被调查者的工作幸福指数得分并不是很高。只有 9.70%的被 调查者的工作幸福感较高,也就是说基本上每 10 个在职人士只有 1 个人的工作幸福感较 强。从被调查者的情况来看,中国在职人士的工作幸福感偏低,值得政府、企业和在职人 士的进一步关注。 The results from Figure 1 can be seen that 8.9% of the respondents work happiness index “score is at 0-1; 19.9% of respondents “work happiness index“ score is between 1-2; 37.2% of respondents score is between 2-3; 24.3% of respondents score at 3 - between 4; with 9.79% of respondents score at 4-5. The results from this survey we can see that 28.8% of respondents work happiness is low, which means that basically every 10 working people will have three people working low happiness; and if the score is added 2-3 of the respondents, 64% of respondents work well-being index score is not high. Only 9.70% of the respondents have higher sense of happiness. Basically out of every 10 working people, only one person has a strong sense of happiness. From the respondents of the situation, the Chinese working people working happiness is low, and it is deserved that government, business and working peoples further attention. 2、工作幸福指数的正面情绪体验 调查结果表明(见图 2) ,职场人士的正面情绪体验得分相对来说比较低,最高也只有 2.2,最低分达到了 1.47。从这个结果可以看出,中国职场在职人士在工作中正面情绪体验 很少,企业和管理者在今后的管理过程中应该考虑如何让员工有更多的正面情绪体验。 3、工作幸福指数的负面情绪体验 调查结果表明见图 3,职场人士的负面情绪体验得分相对来说比较高,最高的甚至达到 3.79,最低的也有 2.69。从这个结果可以看出,中国职场在职人士在工作中负面情绪体验 比较多,而其中较为明显的负面情绪体验有:愤怒、受到威胁、痛苦、担惊受怕、气馁。 这 些负面的情绪体验必将影响员工的工作效率和效果,企业和管理者在今后的管理过程中应 该 考虑如何让员工有更少的负面情绪体验。 二、女性的工作幸福指数要高于男性 2.76 2.52 工作幸福指数 男女 图 4. 不同性别人士的工作幸福指数 图 4 表明,女性的“工作幸福指数 ”比男性高,女性的 “工作幸福指数”为 2.76,而 男性的 “工作幸福指数 ”仅为 2.52。这


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