



专四人文知识考点应试技巧 2006-6-13 2:36 页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B. Greenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable 题解D 属 derivation 2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we dont have to work. This is an example of _ A. meanng shift B. widening of meaning C. narrowing of meaning D. loss of meaning 题解B 关键字 any 3.The capital of Australia is _ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra D. Perth 题解C Sydney 第一大城市,位于 New South Wales 州; Melbourne 第二大城市,位于 victoria 州; Canberra 位于 Sydney 与 Melbourne 之间; Perth 位于 Australia 州 4.Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States? A. Masters degree B. Docters degree c. Bachelors degree D. Associates degree 题解D 5.George Bernard Shaw was a(n) _ A. playwright B. poet C. novelist D. essayist 题解A (英)萧伯纳,爱尔兰裔,剧作家、批评家、社会评论家。著有 Man and Superman,Back to Methuselah, Saint Joan 圣女贞德, Arms and the Man,Pygmalion 茶花女,获得 1925 年诺贝尔文学奖 6.John Galsworthy was most famous for _ A. Heart of Darkness B. Ulysses C. The Forsyte Saga D. A Passage to India 题解C (英)高尔斯华绥,小说家、剧作家。著有 The Forsyte Saga 福赛特家史,于 1993 年获得了诺贝尔文学奖; Heart of Darkness,作者 Joseph Conrad,波兰裔英国小说家,另著有 Lord Jim 吉姆老爷; Ulysses,作者 James Joyce,爱尔兰作家,另著有 Finnegans Wake 为芬尼根守灵; A Passage to India,作者 E.M.Forster,英国小说家,另著有 Howards End 霍华德别业 7.The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was witten by _ A. Henry James B. O. Henry C. Harriet Beecher Stower D. Mark Twain 题解D (美)Henry James,著有 Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl; (美)O. Henry,短篇小说家, 真实姓名为 William Sydney Porter,著有 Cabbages and Kings,The Four Million; (美)Harriet Beecher Stower,其反奴隶制小说 Uncle Toms Cabin,促进了废奴运动发展; (美)Mark Twain,真实姓名为 Samnel Langhorne clemens,另著有 The Adventures of Tom Samyer 8.The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is _ A. morphology B. general linguistics C. phonology D. semantics 题解C Linguistics 语言学,the study of human language.包括 Theoretical linguistics, Applied linguistics,Sociolinguistics,Cognitive linguistics 和 Historical linguistics. 这里主要考 Theoretical linguistics,包括: 1.Lexis 词汇学, the study of what is a word and where words come from 2.Semantics 语义学,the study of meaning in a language 3.Phonetics 语音学,the study of speech sounds (voice)。 4.Phonology 音位学/音系学,the study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication 5.Morphology 形态学,the study of the structure and form of words and phrases 6.Syntax 句法学,the study of the rules, or “patterned relations” that govern the way the words in a sentence come together,与 morphology 形态学并称 grammer 语法学 7.Stylistics 文体学, the study of style used in literary, and verbal language and the effect the writer/speaker wishes to communicate to the reader/hearer. 8.Pragmatics 语用学, generally the study of natural language understanding, and specifically the study of how context influences the interpretation of meanings. 补充:general linguistics, the study of the structure and development of language in general 9.Where is Edinburgh? A. In wales B. In Scotland C. In Northern Ireland D. In Ireland 题解B wales 的首府为 Cardiff, Scotland


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