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现代办公建筑发展新趋势 绿色决定价值个性赢得市场 威廉克莱因进入二十一世纪后,美国人做过一项统计,发现美国税收来源的83.5%来自于写字楼,而不是工厂。中国的比例估计还没那么高,但同样,写字楼已经不再像二十世纪工业文明时代那样,仅仅是工厂的管理附属,仅仅是企业的接待站,仅仅是管理者的门面,而真正成为了财富的聚集地。 因为写字楼性质的这一种根本性变化,写字楼开发,自然也越来越关注使用者,尤其是创造最大价值的员工本身的舒适、健康、个性化需求,能否激发使用者的灵感,进行更有效率的脑力创造,成为衡量新时代写字楼的主要标准。现代办公建筑开发,因而出现了以下一些新的趋势。 生态办公:绿色决定价值 好几年前,ibm就因为环境因素从中关村搬了出去,因为ibm的全球写字楼都要遵循22摄氏度的办公温度标准,用养热带鱼的标准养人、养设备,而中关村达不到这个要求。 大企业的挑剔显示了现代写字楼的最大特征生态办公成为一种趋势,最贵的楼不再是最高的楼,而是环境最好、最舒适的楼。 当然,生态办公不仅意味着小环境的绿色舒适,还意味着针对大环境的节能环保,既让员工快乐工作,提高效率,更能节省使用费用,让老板快乐赚钱。 高层生态写字楼 对于依赖市中心商务圈的高层写字楼而言,大环境无法选择,小环境的生态环保还是有很多作为的。比如,通过薄板楼体、外遮阳设备、呼吸幕墙、隔热玻璃、新型空调、立体绿化等方式,来营造生态写字楼。外遮阳设备在国外的高档写字楼中应用非常广泛,像英国的诺丁汉国内税务中心,就采用轻质遮阳板和自动控制的遮阳百叶,使整组建筑既能充分利用白天的自然光,有可以有效地遮挡室外的直射光线,避免室内炫光。国内的高档写字楼,也开始慢慢采用外遮阳设备,如北京顶级写字楼新保利大厦,则在大楼的西侧和南侧采用了竖向石材遮阳百页,按照北京的四季光照设置最佳角度,确保夏天最大的遮阳效果和冬天最佳的日照效果。 墙体的保温隔热是建筑节能的重要部分,在现代办公建筑中,比一般幕墙更为保温、通风的可呼吸幕墙和lowe玻璃等带有特殊功能的玻璃成为首选。号称北京长安街收官王座的顶级写字楼凯晨广场,采用的就是双层呼吸式玻璃幕墙。整个玻璃幕墙由三层玻璃构筑,最外层的玻璃采用夹层玻璃,厚度10.76毫米,平整度好,减少变形,减少折射;内层玻璃则采用了lowe玻璃,隔热性能强,可将外部热量反射,阻止热量进入;在内外两层幕墙之间留有一个宽180毫米的空间,室外空气通过位于外幕墙玻璃窗上部和下部的开缝形成外循环。同时还在两层幕墙之间内设80毫米宽的带穿孔的铝合金百叶遮阳,先进的楼宇自控系统(ba)连接电脑总控中心,可以根据季节和气候条件自动改变遮阳角度,既保证采光,又杜绝日晒。萍板楼体也是一种绿色生态的结构。北京的德胜置业大厦选用薄板楼体,每一个使用单元拥有的面宽至少在8米以上,单间的进深却只有7.2米,再搭配大面积的全开落地玻璃窗,通风和采光效果自然显著。 北京中关村最好的写字楼融科资讯a座,每间隔3米就可以开启1.5米的外窗,结合建筑的板式结构,自然风可以在大厦内轻松对流;建筑与三个三角形的绿化庭园结合,为大厦双面均提供了富有生机的绿色空间,让人感觉就像在园林中办公一样。 空调系统是生态写字楼的重要组成部分。像北京世纪财富中心、北京新保利大厦和深圳顶级写字楼华润大厦,都采用了vav变风量空调系统,通过高效的空气处理设备、vav分风箱以及高精度的ddc控制器(直接数字控制器),并配以初效、中效双级过滤设备,令楼内的空气更加清新、舒适。在杭州,生态写字楼的建设刚刚起步,像黄龙世纪广场用的是呼吸幕墙,滨江区的ut斯达康新大楼大面积采用lowe玻璃,而黄龙区的公元大厦,则可以算得上是一个较为全方位的生态写字楼,采用了开放式幕墙、外遮阳板、内充氩气的lowe中空玻璃、新冷媒超级变频多联中央空调、全热交换器、节能水龙头等一系列材料、设备,还有一个7000平方米的绿色中央庭院,非常难得。 生态低层庭院式商务楼 生态办公更彻底一些,自然是直接搬到郊外的景观办公区,趴在地面上,跟绿化结合,这在欧美已渐渐成为趋势,尤其是高科技、需要头脑创意的企业。 景观办公区来源于霍华德的“花园城市”理念,一般坐落于大城市边缘的新城,低密度、小体量的办公楼与优美的绿色园林景观有机结合,使工作者能在休闲的环境中产生更多的灵感。 最典型的景观办公区是美国的硅谷,由各种各样的商务花园群落组成,像著名的甲骨文公司就沿湖建造,整个建筑群在湖边徐徐展开,景观如画。 美国科罗拉多州奥罗拉市的水园办公园区,人工湖、小水池、瀑布、溪流,营造出梦幻般的水园景色,在里面办公,自然是神清气爽。 另外,位于美国西雅图市的微软总部也是一个景观办公区,内有110座小型办公楼,从任何一个办公房间的窗口望出去,均可看到绿草树木。 受到硅谷建筑形态的启发,北京搞了个“bda国际企业大道”,整个项目由43栋三四层高的小独栋构成,每栋办公楼的总面积为3000-5000平方米左右。低层、低密度满足使用者对阳光和空气的追求;企业独门独户,又可以自行决定自己物业的装饰风格、内部布局;独享冠名权利显示实力又能展示自己的品牌。 北京海淀区则提出了一个生态办公区eod(economicalofficedistrict)的全新建设计划。按照该设计规划,eod区域里的建筑全部为最高两层的单体小楼,有仿古建筑、欧式农家小屋式建筑、通体以玻璃结构为主的通透式建筑等,强调采光与绿化,选材上则注重环保,雨水收集渗漏系统、太阳能利用系统、可循环利用再生材料、绿化防晒墙、自然通风系统等一应俱全。 杭州最接近生态办公区概念的是浙大科技园,虽然不是独栋建筑,但建筑也是低低地趴在地上,通风采光良好,边上就是老和山,园区内称得上是鸟语花香,休闲味十足。另外,公元大厦的东南西北边上各有一个四层的独栋角楼,面积在2000平方米左右,既可以享受7000平方米的中央庭院,又可独立进出和使用,颇有独栋办公的味道。 近日,中河边、万松林脚下的一个向阳庭院,高高的杉树依然竖立在深深的庭院里,数幢白色低密度洋楼宛如一个私家别墅群落,这是一个由旧院落改建的庭院式商务楼,3000平方米的办公区域都在两到三层的小洋楼里,享受的是6000平方米的户外绿色空间,南北通透的大开间,绿色景观尽入有限空间万凯商务楼独特的建筑定位思路开拓出一个全新的办公理念,“贴近自然,让员工在绿色生态中工作”。无疑,庭院式商务楼呼应了杭州这样一个有山有水的园林大都市,吸引国内外顶级公司入驻。 个性办公:为少数人考虑 产业分化,个性化的企业越来越多,个性化的写字楼自然也成为一种开发趋势,写字楼开发,不再应该是50-2000平方米的客户统统笑纳,眉毛胡子一把抓,而根据区域市场特点和目标客户的行为模式进行定位,更应该在功能上有所创新,以充分满足客户的个性化需求。有时候,为少数人考虑的办公空间,反而更能赢得市场。 loft办公空间 loft原来指的是工业厂房和仓库的大型开放空间。loft成为办公时尚应追溯到二十世纪四十年代的纽约,艺术家们迫于生计聚集在了曼哈顿的苏霍区(soho),因为这里有着纽约最密集的废弃仓库厂房,空间开阔而又廉价。西方艺术家把空旷的废旧厂房改造成工作室,在里面进行艺术创作,高空间、明亮的采光和真实自然的生态环境,有助于其能量的释放,提高工作效率。 北京的798、上海的“苏州河艺术家仓库”、昆明的“上河创库”、杭州杭印路的“loft49”号等,都属于对老建筑的艺术化、个性化加工。而北京的现代城loft写字间,则是通过5米以上的层高,刻意营造出高大宽敞的办公空间。 杭州的星河商务大厦、越都商务大厦和环城北路的财富中心,都有部分的loft商务空间,文晖路上的现代领地,是杭州第一个纯loft商务楼。 more写字楼 另一种个性化办公模式是more。more原是指在社区组团中集中提供居住者办公、对外商务的资源支持。其特点是资源集中配置,并可全体共享。定位于more概念的写字楼客户需要大量的信息源和对外的交流和联系,同时需经常加班,需要为他们提供更多的配套支持。因此,more写字楼中配置了共用厨房、共用会议室、共用客房和商务中心等丰富的共享资源,能够使客户享受到更宽泛的特色服务和资源支持。像森根国际townhouse写字楼,号称“独联体高级办公基地”,就有这些功能。 外文文献:the new trend of the development of modern office building green determines the value of personality to win the marketwilliam a. kleinenter after twenty-first century, the americans made a statistics, found the united states tax source 83.5% from office, not the factory. china estimates the proportion is not so high, but equally, office no longer twentieth century industrial civilization times, only the factory management subsidiary, is the only business reception, only managers facade, and truly become the accumulation of wealth.because the office properties of this kind of fundamental change, office development, nature also pay more and more attention to the user, in particular to create the greatest value and employee comfort, health, the personalized needs of users, can stimulate the inspiration, more efficient mental creation, become new era office main standard. modern office building development, thus appeared the following new trend.ecological office: green valueseveral years ago, ibm because of environmental factors from zhongguancun moved out, because the ibm global office should abide by22 degrees celsius temperature standard for office, keep tropical fish standard to raise a person, raise equipment, while zhongguancun is not up to the requirements.big business critical showing modern office buildings feature - ecological office has become a trend, the most expensive house no longer is the tallest building, but the environment is best, the most comfortable building.of course, the ecological office not only means the small environment green and comfortable, also means the environmental energy saving and environmental protection, not only let the staff happy work, improve efficiency, can save more costs, let the boss happy to make money. ecological high-rise office buildingthe dependence of the downtown business circle of high-rise office buildings, the environment can not choose, small environmental protection of the ecological environment there are still many as. for example, through the sheet body building, external shading device, respiratory curtain wall, thermal insulation glass, air conditioning, three-dimensional greening mode, to create ecological office building.external shading devices in foreign high-grade office buildings in a wide range of applications, such as british nottingham internal revenue center, on the use of lightweight visor and automatic control of the shutter, the entire group of buildings can not only make full use of natural light in daytime, there can be effectively shielded outdoor straight rays, avoid indoor glare. domestic high-grade office buildings, began using external shading devices, such as beijing s top office new poly plaza, in the buildings west side and on the south side of the vertical stone sunshade louver, according to beijings four seasons light settings to ensure the best angle, the biggest summer shading effect and winter best sunshine effect.wall thermal insulation energy-saving construction is the important part of the modern office building, curtain wall, than the general more insulation, ventilation breathable wall and low - e glass with special function glass became the preferred. known as the beijing changan avenue ending throne in the top office chemsunny plaza, used is the two-tier breathing type glass curtain wall. the whole glass curtain wall is composed of three layers of glass structure, the outer glass is laminated glass, thickness10.76 mm, good flatness, decrease the deformation, reduced refraction; the inner layer of glass is used in low, e glass, thermal insulation properties strong, the external heat reflection, prevent the heat into the two layer; curtain wall is arranged between the a180 mm wide space, outdoor air through the outer curtain wall glass window located in the upper and lower portions of the slit to form circulation. while still in the two layer is arranged in the wall between80mm wide perforated aluminum alloy louver sunshade, advanced building automation system ( ba ) connected computer control center, according to seasonal and climatic conditions automatically change the sunshade angle, not only guarantee the lighting, and put an end to the sun. ping banlou body is also a kind of green and ecological architecture. beijing desheng home on the selection of thin body building, every unit has a width of at least in 8 meters of above, single depth only 7.2meters, with a large area of the full glass windows, ventilation and lighting effect remarkable.beijing zhongguancun best office raycom information a, every3 meters to be able to open 1.5meters outside the window, combining architectural type structure, natural wind can easily convection inside of the building; building and three triangular green garden, building on both sides with the life of green space, let a person feel like in the garden of office.air conditioning system is an important part of the ecological office building. like the beijing century fortune center, beijing new poly plaza and shenzhen s top office china resources building, use the vav variable air volume air conditioning system, through the efficient air treatment equipment, vav bellows and high accuracy controller of ddc ( direct digital controller ), and with the beginning of efficiency, in effect of two-stage filtration equipment, make the building in the air more fresh, comfortable.in hangzhou, the ecological office building has just started, like dragon century square with the breathing wall, binjiang district ut starcom new building large area by low - e glass, and huanglong area the building, it can be considered a more comprehensive ecological office building, the open curtain wall, the outer visor, argon gas filling low - e hollow glass, new refrigerant super multi-evaporator inverter central air conditioning, heat exchanger, energy-saving water tap and a series of materials, equipment, and a7000square meters of green central courtyard, very rare.ecological low layer courtyard business buildingecological office more thoroughly, nature is directly to the countryside landscape office area, lying on the ground, with green binding, which in europe and the united states has gradually become a trend, especially high-tech, need the mind creative enterprises.landscape office derives from howards garden city concept, generally located in the city of big city brim, low density, small volume of office building with beautiful green landscape organic union, make the worker in the leisure environment to produce a more inspiration.the most typical landscape district office is the united states silicon valley, by various business garden community composition, like the famous oracle corp built along the lake, the entire building at the lake started slowly, with picturesque landscape.the united states of colorado aurora city water park office park, artificial lakes, waterfalls, streams, small pool, create a dreamy water garden scenery, in office, nature is refreshed.in addition, in the united states seattle city microsoft headquarters is also a landscape office area, there are110 small office building, from any one office room window, can see green trees.by the silicon valley architectural inspiration, beijing got a bda international enterprise avenue, the project consists of 43building three or four storey small standing pose, every office building covers an area of3000-5000 square meters. low level, low density satisfies the user to the sunlight and air pursuit; enterprise further, and can determine its own property decorative style, internal layout; exclusive naming rights to show strength and can display their brand.beijing haidian district provides an ecological office district eod ( economicalofficedistrict ) of the new building plans. according to the design and planning, eod area construction for all the top two layers of single building, with antique architecture, european architecture, the cottage to glass structure consisting mainly of transparent type construction, emphasizing lighting and greening, material selection, pay attention to environmental protection, rainwater leakage system, solar energy utilization system, circulating use of recycled materials, green sun wall, natural ventilation system and other goods are available in all varieties.the closest to hangzhou ecological office district concept is scientific and technological park, although not a building, but the building is also low to the ground, ventilated daylighting is good, the edge is old and hill, park was an idyllic scene, snack flavor. in addition, the buildings southeast northwest edge of each have a four layer of single-family turret, in the area of 2000 square meters, can enjoy the7000 square meters of the central garden, and independent import and use, a single-family office.recently, in the river, pine million feet of a sunny courtyard, tall fir still erected in the deep courtyard, a few big white low density houses as a private villa community, it is a by the old courtyard alterations in the courtyard building,3000 square meters of office area in two to the three layer the small houses, enjoy the6000 square meters of outdoor green space, north-south permeability of large bay, green landscape to the limited space - kai million business building unique building location ideas open up a brand-new office concept, close to nature, let the staff in the green ecological work. undoubtedly, garden-style office in response to the hangzhou such a mountain and water garden cities, to attract domestic and foreign top company settled. personality: to a few people consider officeindustrial differentiation, personalized business more and more, personalized office also has become a development trend, the development office, should no longer is 50-2000 square meters of customers all heart, beard yibazhua eyebrows, and according to the regional market characteristics and target customer behavior pattern should be in the function of positioning, to innovate, to fully to meet customer demand for personalized. sometimes, for a few people consider the office space, but more to win the market.loft office spacethe original loft refers to the industrial plant and warehouse in large open space. loft become the office fashion should be traced back to the nineteen forties new york artists under the livelihood, gathered in the manhattan area ( soho soohoo ), because there is in new york with the most intensive unused workshop, open space and cheap. we


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