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Unit 4 Global Warming Part II : Reading一、【学习目标】1. 掌握文中重点词汇和重难点句。2. 了解全球变暖和气候的关系,树立环保意识。二、【自主预习】Step 1: Pre-readingAsk the students to look at the picture in Pre-reading and answer the following questions:1. What do you see in the picture?2. What is it used for?3. What are green house gases? What effects do you think green house gases have on the earth?Step 2: SkimmingDivide the passage into 4 parts and match the paragraphs and the main ideas.Part1 para_ to para_ Different attitudes among scientists towards global warmingPart2 para_ to para_ Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming.Part3 para_ to para_ How global warming comes aboutPart4 para_ to para_ A general introduction to global warming B. The passage mainly introduces the _of global warming and scientists different _ _ towards it. C. Where is this passage taken from?A. a travel guide B. a magazine about the environment C. a newspaper about politics D. a childrens bookD. The writer of the passage is _ Step 3: Careful readingA: Read part 1 and answer the following questions:1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?_2. What is the graph for? _B: Read part 2 and answer the following questions:What is the commonly accepted reason for the increase in the earths temperature?What is “greenhouse effect”?Decide whether the sentences are true or not. Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of humans. ( ) Janice Foster believes that she can measure the future global increase in temperature.( ) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997 was measured accurately. ( ) Greenhouse gases are harmful to human beings and we should try our best to rid the world of them. ( )C: Read part 3 and answer the following questions:1. What are the different attitudes towards global warming?2. According to some scientists like George Hambley, _A. global warning is a disaster B. there will be the disappearance of species as a result of high levels of global warming.C. More carbon dioxide will do a lot of good .D He is worried about high levels of carbon dioxideStep 4. Post-reading 1. What are some of the writing techniques are used in the passage? giving examples using graphs making contrast listing some figuresA. B. C. D. 2. What is the writers attitudes?A. subjective B. critical C. opposed D. objectiveStep5. SummaryThere is no _ that the earth is becoming _ and that it is _ _ that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural _. All scientists _ _ the view that the increase in the earths _ is because of the burning of _ _ like coal, natural gases and oil to produce _. However, the _ towards this rise are completely _. Some believe that the effects would be _, while others think that we should not _ _ it. 三【基础知识】I. 重点词组和短语(仔细阅读课文,你会发现他们的哟! )1.当被拿来与. . . . . .作比较_ 2. 发生,产生_3.毫无疑问_ 4.无规律的自然现象_5.同意这个观点_ 6.由于燃烧化石燃料_7.温室效应_ 8.少量的_9.大量的_ 10.趋于_11.被困/留在. . . . . .里_ 12.上升_13.作出精确的测量_ 14.导致_15. 由于某种原因而产生_ 16. 对. . . . . .的态度_17. 海平面_ 18. 物种的灭绝_19. 反对_ 20.增多,大量增加_21.即使_ 22.继续做. . . . . ._II. 重点句子 1. 【教材原句】 It is a rapid increase when compard to other natural changes.【结构归纳】句中when compard to other natural changes为 _ 句,完整表达为 _.【操练巩固】(1) Generally speaking, _according to directions, the drug has no side effect. (take) 一般说来,如果根据说明书服用,这种药是没有副作用的。(2)You mustnt touch it unless _. (ask) 你不许碰它,除非别人叫你做。(3) If _,the experiment will be successful. (do) 如果仔细做的话,这个实验会成功的。(4) He opened his lips as if _ . (say) 他张开嘴,好像要说什么。(5) English words are easily forgotten unless _. (repeat) 英语单词不经常重复是很容易忘记的。2. 【教材原句】 It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.(1) It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.(2) They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.【结构归纳】句中斜体部分是 _.其基本结构: _ 一般疑问句结构:_特殊疑问句结构: _直到.才.结构: _【操练巩固】(1) He told me that it was because he was late for class_ . (punish)他告诉我,是因为他迟到了,他才受惩罚的。(2) I really cant remember _that I first met the man. (it)我真的不记得卧室在哪里第一次见到这个人的。(3) _ that Mr. Smith saw in the park yesterday? (it)Smith先生昨天在公园里见到的是谁啊?(4) _, who plays football well, _ cross the road? (it)是足球踢得好的Bill帮助哪个盲人过马路的吗?(5) _that jeans became really popular in many country. (until)直到那时牛仔裤才在那个国家流行起来。(6) It is your efforts, not your intelligence _our success. (determine)是你的努力不是你的智商决定你的成功。(7) It was what he would study in college_ ,which disappointed him. (up) 他在大学里学什么有他父亲决定,这让他很失望。3.【教材原句】(1) Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.(2) It will encourage a greater range of animal- all of which will make life for human beings better.【结构归纳】以上各句都包含有一个由_+ of + _ 引导的_。Which分别指代_和_。【操练巩固】(1) I have many friends, _ are businessmen. (some) 我有很多朋友,有些是做生意的。(2) The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, _. (sell)这个工厂每年生产50万双鞋子,80%在国外销售。(3) There are two buildings, _nearly a hundred feet hight. (stand)有两栋建筑,较大的那一个有一百英尺高(4) The football team has 15 members, _. (old)足球队有15名成员,最大的有25岁。4. 【教材原句】 Without the “greenhouse effect”, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.【结构归纳】本句是_句,是对_的虚拟。常见的暗示词有_, _, _,_等【操练巩固】(1) Without your help, I _on time. (finish)没有你的帮助,我不可能按时按成工作。(2) I_, but I didnt know her address. (write)我本会写信给她的,但是当时我不知道她的地址。(3) I didnt know that he was a cheat, otherwise I _. (believe)我不知道他是个骗子,否则我就不会相信他。(4) Without electricity human life_. (different)如果没有电,人类生活会很不一样。5.【教材原句】On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that any


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