



Unit 3 Life in the future Part IV Using language I Have Seen Amazing Things 一学习目标1. 阅读文章,了解太空站旅游及太空站上的发明。2. 列出未来生活的利弊,并能发表自己的意见。二、自主预习Step1. Fast reading1.How many stops did they visit?1 What are the themes of each stop and what inventions are mentioned in each place.Step2. Careful reading: Compare 2008 with the 31st century2008The 31st centuryCommunicationEnvironment areaManufacturingStep3. DiscussionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of living on a space station?Step4. Retelling the storyYesterday a guide s_ us around a space station which was c_ the most modern in space. It was d_ as an round plate s_ slowly. Inside are the most u_ inventions. First we e_ the latest forms of c_ and knew that messages could be sent using a “_” . Next we saw a g_ machine which can s_ all the waste and t_ it into useful material. At last, we got to know that m_ took place on the space stations with the help of r_. But it still need some representatives to m_ them. 三、合作探究Step5. Phrases1.带某人到处(看看)_ 2. 最新的发明 _3.最新式的交流方式 _4. 因某事而责备某人_5.处理 _6. 大量生产物品 _7. 被转化成_ 8. 贪心;渴望._Step6. Language points1. My first visit was to a space station _ in space.我首先参观的是被认为太空中最现代的太空站a space station considered the most modern in space _作后置定语可以扩充为定语从句= a space station _ the most modern in space.2._ an enormous round plate, it spins slowly to imitate the pull of the earths gravity. 划横线部分是:_作_ (be ) described as 像, 被描绘成 enormous: huge , large or giant 庞大的 the pull of 拉力 the earths gravity 地心吸引力(1)_, he became the pride of his parents.(praise) 受到邻居们的表扬,他成为父母的骄傲。(2)_ hopes and fears, he dived deep into the ocean.(fill) 充满了希望与恐惧,他跳进了深海里。(3)_a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.(dress) 穿着白色制服,他看起来更像一个厨师而不是一个医生。3. Message can be sent_. = People _message by _a “thoughtpad” 句中, using a “thoughtpad”是Ving 作_.4. Theres a system _ using principle of ecology.有一种装置,能利用生态学来处理掉废物a system where : where引导_, 作_ = in which(1) Today, well discuss a number of cases _use the language properly. 今天,我们将讨论一些英语初学者对英语使用不当的问题。 (2) If you risk something important, you cause it to be in a dangerous situation _. 你如果拿重要的东西去冒险,那你就是将它置于一种可能会失去它的危险境地。 5. A giant machine, _, swallows all the waste available. 一架巨大的机器,总是贪得无厌,能把所有能获得的废物都吞进去. always greedy for more: 是_短语作_ (be) greedy for.贪心 available adj. 可获得的,可利用的6. I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, _. 要点:横线处是_作_ stare at. 凝视 (be) absorbed by= (be) attracted by 被吸引Step7. 课内达标1. The first text book as a foreign language was published in the 16th century. 第一本为把英语作为外语教学用而写的教科书是在十六世纪出版的。2. Outside the classroom with green grass covering the ground. (stand)教室外屹立着一些高大的树木,而地上则覆盖着一层青草。3. After graduation, he got his first job, his boss. (impression)毕业之后,他得到了第一份工作,给老板留下了很好的印象。4. I stare the huge statue, its beautiful color consistent with the surroundings. (absorb) 我盯着巨大的雕像,被其与周围的环境一致的漂亮


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