中学生青春演讲稿 英语_第1页
中学生青春演讲稿 英语_第2页
中学生青春演讲稿 英语_第3页




多年来我校工会工作在市教育工会和学校行政办公会的正确领导下在各级领导的关心与支持下认真贯彻实施和修改的中学生青春演讲稿 英语when i was youngwhen i was young, i thought that all families were like mine.all neighborhoods were like mine;all cities were like mine;and all countries were like mine.then, when i went to middle school and started to socialize with other students, i realized that i was wrong.their families were not like mine;they lived in different neighborhoods;they ate different foods;they had different religions;and many of them were not even british.in my school in england, there were students whose families came from india, pakistan, poland, russia, and africa. and they had different types of religions: christians, hindus, muslims, sikhs, and jews.suddenly, my world opened up and i became a different type of person. i wanted to know all about their lives where they came from, what their parents did, and why they had come to my country.today, china is opening up, and as a country you are in the world spotlight. many foreigners are fascinated by china and the lives of chinese people. and in turn, you should be interested in their lives - where they are from and what their countries are like.never be afraid to ask questions. most foreigners are very happy to talk about their home countries, and share their knowledge and wisdom and you can learn more about a country from one person than you can learn from fifty books.i have learned a lot about education in china since coming to this country, and i am very grateful for the tremendous support our a-level centre has received from xinghai school. i have broadened my international field of vision. and in turn, by taking an interest in and embracing another culture


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