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Unit 4 Work and Career How many occupations can you name? -ist (e.g. artist) -er (e.g. worker) -man (e.g. policeman) -or/-ess (e.g. actor/actress) -ian (e.g. musician) Other (e.g nurse) Five questions: what is my occupation?- game Do you work in transport/ education/ business/ law/ tourism/ entertainment/ trades/ agriculture/ commerce? Is your job a blue-collar/ white-collar job? Do you work indoors/ outdoors/ both? Do you work only in the day time/ also at night? Is your work individual/ done with other people? Do you use any machinery? Do you stay in one place/ travel to other places in your job? Choosing a careerdiscussion: What kind of job do you think will be suitable for you? What factors will you consider when you choose a job? Directions: When selecting a career or occupation, you have to consider many factors. Now work in pairs or groups to put the following factors in sequence from the most important to the least, and try to justify yourself by providing convincing arguments. work placevalues salary parental influenceinterestsabilities The most important -The least important ideal jobreality compromise Role-play: Suppose you are a consultant in a career planning company. A customer comes to you for advices. Every group will act both roles. As a consultant, ask your customer about the basic information, then work out a plan for him/her. As a customer, you will be allotted a role card with information on it. Tell your consultant your current situation and hopes to the future. Case 1: Zhang Jing, 34 a research worker in Beijing; wife and daughter (5-year-old) in hometown, Shenyang; no house in Beijing. Case 2: Li Zhiping, 32 Teacher in poor village school; primitive conditions; low pay; poor attendance rate (上学率); promise for improvement uncertain Case 3: Xue Li, 27 Actress in film studio Have acted in 7 minor roles Have had no chance to show talent Not marrying till career succeeds Case 4: Huang Chunlin, 22 Universtiy student Major in computer science Will graduate this year Concerned about parents in the country, both ill Case 5: Xue Jie, 20 Reserve (后备) football player on national team for 2 years Team not doing well in international matches Coach seems no good Case 6: Zhang Rong, 36 Office worker,bored with work Love travelling and taking photoes of scenery Participated in 5 photo contests Have not won any award yet Case 7: Deng Cong, 33 Got PhD in US and came back to work in China last month Want own car and house Find work efficiency low and colleague relationships complicated in work unit Text A Work, Labor, and play part s Paras.Main ideas 11-3 The author explains his understanding of work, labor, and play. 24 In the authors eyes, the majority of people in a modern technological society are labourers rather than workers. 35 The author stresses the two negative aspects of technology and the division of labor. Work Labor Play 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 Whether a job can be classified as work depends on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. Work has nothing to do with the division between a manual and a mental job. Whether a mans job can be viewed as work depends on his attitude toward leisure. A job can be classified as labor if a person has no interest in it. One is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family. Play is a private activity that one enjoys doing as a pastime. Whether one plays or not is a matter of the least concern to society. Directions: Summarize the authors explanation of his understanding of “work”, “labor” and “play”. To be happy, a man must feel, firstly, free and, secondly, important. 1. How can one feel free and important in his work? One can feel free if he enjoys what he is doing and one can feel important if what he is doing is valued by society. Para. 1 1. Why does the author call a laborer a wage slave? In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished, whether what a man does has social value depends on whether he is paid money to do it, but a laborer today can rightly be called a wage slave. Detailed Reading_ In a society The author calls a laborer a wage slave because a laborers social value depends on the money he is paid. To a laborer, the job that society offers him is of no interest to him. He is compelled to take it because he has to earn a living and support his family. 2. What is the implied meaning of this sentence? Just like slaves in the past, laborers are compelled to do jobs that they dont really enjoy. As a result, the only difference between a laborer and a slave is that one is paid while the other is not. Para.1 1. What does “voluntary play” refer to in this context? what from the point of view of society is necessary labour is from his own point of view voluntary play. Detailed Reading_ A man is a worker Para.3 “Voluntary play” in the context means the job one enjoys doing. 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 从社会角度看是必需的劳动,在他自己看来却是 自愿的玩耍。 According to the author, when can we define a gardener or a cobbler as a worker, while a bank clerk a laborer? The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer. Detailed Reading_ The difference does Para. 3 According to the author, whether one is a worker or a laborer does not depend on the kind of job he or she does but on whether he or she really enjoys doing the job. Therefore, a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker if he is interested in his job, while a bank clerk is a laborer if he is bored with his job. in the strict sense: in the most limited meaning In the strict sense, it is not a piece of classical music. In the strict sense, the help-the-poor program was put forward on a large scale only after the initiation of the reform and opening-up. Collocations: in a sense 在某种意义上 in the literal sense 就字面而言 in the full sense 就全面的角度而言 in the broad sense 从广义的角度而言 abolish: vt. bring to an end by law; stop Slavery was abolished in England in the 19th century. Modern educators have for the most part abolished corporal punishment. 我们应该废止种族隔离一事愈来愈受到重视。 There is growing recognition that we should abolish segregation. 这些动词均含“取消、废除”之意 正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。 用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划 或约会等。 书面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。如 : CF: abolish, cancel agree; promise During her husbands presidency, Jacqueline Kennedy undertook the coordination of the White House restoration. 量力而行。 Undertake no more than you can perform. We undertake to replace any product not up to the specifications. I had rather undertake some purposeful labour than stay idle. compulsion: n. force or strong influence; strong unreasonable desire 她突然感到一种难以抗拒的冲动,想要揍他。 Everybody acts not only under external compulsion, but also in accordance with inner necessity. 对他们只能说服,不能压服。 Persuasion, not compulsion, is the only way to convince them. Pattern: under compulsion She felt a sudden compulsion to hit him The development of technology and the division of labor have turned a large amount of enjoyable work into boring labor. Because of the development of technology and the division of labor, the need for special strength or skill in many fields has been eliminated. We are very happy to imagine a world in future where the majority of the workforce have as much time for play as the upper classes used to have in the past. The prospect is not cheerful that in future the majority of the workforce ordinary people have as much time for play as the upper classes used to have in the past. F ( ) T ( ) 1. 2. Unlike the aristocracy who used to repeat the same ceremonies in certain seasons, laborers are likely to spend their leisure time in dangerous driving, drug- taking, and senseless acts of violence. Workers seldom commit acts of violence at home, because they do it in their work. Workers seldom commit acts of violence, because they enjoy what they are doing, so they are willing to spend most of their time and energy on their jobs. As they are bent on their work, the aggressiveness inside themselves, if any, would naturally turn into the motivation and determination to do their jobs well. F( ) T ( ) 3. 4. eliminate: vt. remove; take away; get rid of To fight and eliminate poverty is a major task facing the world today. The doctors helped him to eliminate waste material from the body. 我们能消灭癌症以减少死亡率吗? Can we eliminate cancer so as to reduce death rate? Eliminate the false and retain the true. 去伪存真。 Collocations: eliminate sex barriers 消除男女差别 eliminate errors 消除错误 eliminate illiteracy 扫盲 eliminate pornography 扫黄 1. The case against Robert Jones was for lack of evidence. 2. Six American diplomats have already been . 3. The servant was for being lazy and dishonest. 4. Please your bag from the seat so that I can sit down. 5. She once again went through her composition carefully to all spelling mistakes. remove普通用词,不带任何感情色彩。 eliminate指例行公事的排除某物,也指有系统的摧毁某物. dismiss指解雇、开除某人或驳回某事。 expel多指强行解除公职或驱出居住地。 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. dismissed _ eliminate_ expelled _ _ remove_ dismissed_ CF: remove, eliminate, dismiss recollect I dont recall ever meeting her. 1) order to return; summon back remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。 CF: remember, recall, recollect man alone recollects. 动物和婴儿能记住或者说能辨认东西,只有成人才能回忆起事情。 The film reminded him of what he had seen in Germany. 这部电影使他回想起在德国所看到的情况。 均有“记忆、记住、回忆”之意。 remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努 力去记忆。例如: recall比remember文雅,指自愿的对过去的回忆。 recollect指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。 prospect: n. From the top of the hill theres a beautiful prospect of the lake. The prospects of finding gold in California were good in the 1840s. 2) expectation; hope The prospects for a peaceful solution to the crisis are quite dim. 我看他没有什么痊愈的希望 。 I see little prospect of his recovery. 1) wide view of a landscape go in for: I didnt go in for the crossword competition. 2) have an interest in, have as a hobby I dont go in for sport very much. We dont go in for that sort of thing in the new society. 1) take, enter (an examination or competition) 新社会不兴这一套了。 Useful expressions 1. 从严格意义上说in the strict sense 2. 谋生 earn a living 3. 体力劳动 manual job 4. 脑力劳动 mental job 5. 与一致,相符coincide with 6. 心脏病heart attacks 7. 摆脱强制freedom from compulsion 8. 据推


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