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语法精讲突破系列(九) 特殊句式(倒装、省略、强调) 完成句子 1. (2013湖北高考)So fast _that we can hardly imagine its speed. 光传传播的速度快到我们难们难 以想象。 2. (2013辽辽宁高考)At no time _the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. 他们绝对们绝对 没有违违反比赛规则赛规则 , 惩罚惩罚 他们们是不公平的。 does light travel did they actually break 3. (2013福建高考)Not until he went through real hardship _ _the love we have for our families is important. 直到他经历经历 了真正的艰难艰难 困苦, 他才意识识到我们对们对 家庭的爱爱是 重要的。 4. (2013江苏苏高考)“Never for a second, ”the boy says, “_ _ that my father would come to my rescue. ” 那个男孩说说: “我从来没有怀怀疑过过我爸爸会来救我。” did he realize did I doubt 5. (2013福建高考)Anyone, _positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government. 任何一个人一旦被检测检测 到携带带阳性H7N9流感病毒, 将会接受 来自我们们政府的免费费治疗疗。 6. (2013新课标课标 全国卷)The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _. 司机想把车车停在路边边, 但是警察提醒他不可以。 once (she/he is)tested not to 7. (2013湖南高考)Every day _ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. 每天大声将一条谚语读谚语读 上几次, 直到你记记住它。 8. (2013天津高考)It was not until near the end of the letter _. 快到信的末尾时时她才提到自己的计计划。 read that she mentioned her own plan 【加固训练训练 】 完成句子 1. (2012湖北高考)Little _what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance. 她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现现。 2. (2011湖北高考)Not until two days after the earthquake _ _her mother alive. 直到地震后两天她才发现妈妈发现妈妈 仍旧活着。 does she care (about) did she find 3. (2010湖北高考)Only if people of all the countries are united _the existing problems in the world. 只有所有国家的人们团结们团结 起来,我们们才能解决世界上存在着 的问题问题 。 4. (2008湖北高考)Seldom _video games ever since they entered college. 自从进进入大学,他们们就很少玩电电子游戏戏。 will we be able to solve/can we solve have they played 5. (2012江西高考)Never before _anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. 她以前从来没见过见过 有人打网球打得和罗罗伯特一样样好。 6. (2012重庆庆高考)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _it a thought. 校长长不会允许许改变课变课 程,甚至都不会考虑虑的。 has she seen will he even give 7. (2012天津高考)Only after Mary read her composition the second time _the spelling mistake. 玛丽玛丽 直到再一次读读了自己的作文后才注意到这处这处 拼写错误错误 。 8. (2011江苏苏高考)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. _, wed better take it to the garage immediately. 听起来汽车车的发动发动 机好像有问题问题 。如果这样这样 的话话,我们们最好立 刻把它送到汽修厂。 did she notice If so 9. (2012湖北高考)I dont know _in the novel that made him burst into tears. 我不知道是小说说中的什么东东西使他突然泪如泉涌。 10. (2012重庆庆高考)It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _to East Africa. (sail) 在克里斯托弗哥伦伦布横跨大西洋的80年前,郑郑和就航行到 了东东非。 what it was that Zheng He had sailed 11. (2011湖北高考)_call me when you arrive. Just come up to my house. Ill be at home all day. 你到达时时不必给给我打电话电话 。直接来我家,我一整天都在家。 12. (2011湖北高考)_that he had an important conference to attend the next morning. 他突然想到第二天上午要参加一个重要的会议议。 There is/will be no need to It suddenly occurred to him 13. (2012北京高考)_ at the door before you enter my room, please. 请请在进进入我的房间间前先敲门门。 Knock 考点1 倒装句的2种类类型 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 全部 倒装 (把 全部 谓语谓语 提到 主语语 之前) 以here, there, out, in, up, down, away 等副词词开头头, 谓语谓语 动词动词 多为为be, come, go等, 主语语是名词词 副词词+谓语谓语 + 主语语 Here are some picture books. Out rushed a cat from under the table. 以then, now, thus, such开头头, 谓语动谓语动 词词多为为come, follow, begin, end, be, 主语语是名词词 副词词+谓语谓语 + 主语语 Then came a new difficulty. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple but great scientist. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 全部 倒装 (把 全部 谓语谓语 提到 主语语 之前) 表地点的介词词 短语语位于句首, 且谓语动词为谓语动词为 不及物动词动词 。 主语语是名词词 介词词短语语+谓语谓语 + 主语语 In a lecture hall of a university in England sat a professor. 表语语置于句首, 为为了保持句子 平衡, 为为表示强 调调, 或利于上下 文衔衔接 +be+ 主语语 Outside the doctors clinic were 20 patients. Present at the meeting were experts from Europe. Seated in the first line are some advanced workers. 介词词短语语 形容词词 分词词 类别类别倒装条 件 倒装方法典句例示 部分倒 装(助 动动 词词/系 动词动词 be/情 态动态动 词词提 到主 语语前) only修 饰饰的副 词词、介 词词短语语 或从句 位于句 首作状 语语 Only then did I realize the importance of mathematics. Only in this way can you solve this problem. Only after he finished the work did he leave. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 部分倒 装(助 动动 词词/系 动词动词 be/情 态动态动 词词提到 主语语前 ) 含有否定意义义的副 词词或介词词短语语(not, never, seldom, little, hardly, by no means, not until, on no condition, in no case, under no circumstances)位于 句首时时 否定副词词或介词词 短语语+助动词动词 /系 动词动词 /情态动词态动词 + 主语语+谓语谓语 其他 部分 Not a single mistake did he make. Never before have I seen such a moving film. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 部分倒 装(助 动动 词词/系 动词动词 be/情 态动态动 词词提到 主语语前 ) hardly. . . when, no sooner. . . than, not only. . . but(also)等 连连接两个分句时时, 如果hardly, no sooner, not only位 于句首, 前一个分 句用部分倒装, 后 一个分句不变变 Hardly/No sooner/Not only+助动词动词 /系 动词动词 /情态动词态动词 +主语语+谓语谓语 其 他部分 +when/than/but also+分句 No sooner had the bell rung than the teacher came in. Not only was he forced to stay home, but also he had to do his homework. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 部分倒装 (助动动 词词/系动动 词词be/情 态动词态动词 提到主语语 前) so(such).that 中的so(such)位 于句首时时 So+adj./adv.+系 动词动词 /助动词动词 /情 态动词态动词 +主语语+ 谓语谓语 其他部分 +that从句 So small was the market that I could hardly see it. So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 部分 倒装( 助动动 词词/系 动词动词 be/情 态动态动 词词提 到主 语语前) so/neither/nor 置于句首, 意 为为“也”或“也 不”表示前面 所说说的情况也 适用于另一个 人或事物时时 so/neither/nor+系动词动词 /助 动词动词 /情态动词态动词 +主语语 I went there yesterday, so did she. Tom doesnt like bananas, neither/nor do I. though/as引导导 让让步状语语从句 时时, 意为为“尽管 ”, 通常把句中 状语语、表语语或 动词动词 提前; 若 表语语是名词词, 其前不用冠词词 Child as/though he is, he knows a lot. Object as you may, I will go. 类别类别倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 部分倒 装(助动动 词词/系 动词动词 be/情态态 动词动词 提 到主语语 前) 当if引导导的虚拟拟条件 从句中含有had, were或should等时时, 如将if省略, 则则要将 had, were或should 等移到主语语之前 Had/Were/ Should+主 语语+谓语谓语 其 他部分+主 句 Had I attended the meeting, I would have met Jim. 类类 别别 倒装条件倒装方法典句例示 特 别别 提 醒 1. there, here, now, then, up, down, in, away, off, out等副词词置于句首, 但主语为语为 人称代词时词时 , 不用倒装 Here you are. Then he left. Away they hurried. 2. only修饰饰主语语置于句首时时, 不能 倒装 Only he knows the secret. 3. 若两个主语语一致时时, 则则表示同意 以上观观点, 不能倒装, 此时时so表示“的 确如此” He looks young. So he does. 4. 当前面两件或两件以上的事也适 合于另一人或物时时, 通常用“so it is with. . . ”或“it is the same with. . . ” Tom likes singing, but he doesn t like dancing. So it is with Mary. 5. Neither. . . , nor. . . “不, 也不”, 连连接两个并列分句 时时, 这这两个并列分句都用倒装结结构 Neither do I know it, nor do I care about it. 考点2 省略句的5种类类型 种 类类 要点归纳归纳典句例示 宾宾 语语 从 句 由which, when, where或how引导导 的宾语宾语 从句中与主句重复的主语语 及谓语谓语 可全部或部分省略, 只保留 一个连连接代词词或连连接副词词 He will come back, but he doesnt know when(he will come back). 引导宾语导宾语 从句的从属连词连词 that可 省略。但及物动词动词 后跟两个或两 个以上that引导导的宾语宾语 从句时时, 只 有第一个连词连词 that可省略 He told me (that) she was a beautiful girl and that she was clever. Im afraid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess等作答语语, 后面so与 not分别别等于肯定和否定, 宾语宾语 从 句可省略 Do you think it will rain? I hope not (that it will not rain). 种 类类 要点归纳归纳典句例示 定 语语 从 句 在限制性定语语从句中, 关系代 词词that, which, whom充当宾宾 语语, 而且前面无介词时词时 可省 略。关系代词词在从句中作表 语时语时 也可省略 He lost the watch(that/which) he bought yesterday. the way, the time后的定语语从 句, 常省略关系词词 I dont like the way(that/in which )he speaks to others. I dont know the time(when)he arrived. 种 类类 要点归纳归纳典句例示 状 语语 从 句 当状语语从句的主语语和主句的主语语 一致或从句的主语为语为 it且从句谓谓 语语中有be动词时动词时 , 可以省略状语语 从句中的主语语和be动词动词 Please come here as soon as(it is)possible. Though(they were) tired, they went on walking. 虚 拟拟 语语 气 在虚拟拟条件句中, 如含有had, were, should, if可省略, 句子要用 倒装 Were I(=If I were)twenty now, I would join the army. 种 类类 要点归纳归纳典句例示 动动 词词 不 定 式 不 定 式 符 号 to 的 省 略 感官动词动词 或使役动词动词 (如feel, see, hear, notice, let, make, have等)后接 不定式作宾语补宾语补 足语时语时 省略to I heard someone sing in the next room. 在do nothing but, cant help but, why not, would rather. . . than. . . ; prefer to do. . . rather than. . . 等句 型中省略to He did nothing but wait all the time. 种 类类 要点归纳归纳典句例示 动动 词词 不 定 式 不 定 式 省 略 使用不定式符号to来代替整个不 定式, 常在be afraid, expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, seem, try, want, wish等后面 I asked him to see the film, but he didnt want to. 在某些形容词词glad, happy, pleased, delighted等后面使用不 定式符号to来代替整个不定式 Will you join in the game? Id be glad to. 如果不定式中含有be, have, have been, 通常保留be, have和have been Are you a sailor? No, but I used to be. 考点3 强调调的2种类类型 种类类要点归纳归纳典句例示 强 调调 句 It is/was. . . that/who可以 对对除谓语谓语 以外的成分进进行 强调调。当强调调部分为为“人” 时时, 可用that或who, 其他 情况下用that It was him that we met at the school gate. 在强调调句中, 当强调调主语语 时时, 其后的谓语动词应谓语动词应 和 主语语在人称和数上保持一 致 It is White and Betty who often do good deeds for the old lady. It is only I who/that am willing to go to see the film. 种类类要点归纳归纳典句例示 强 调调 句 如果原句的谓语动词谓语动词 是现现在时时 或将来时时, 强调调句结结构须须用: It is. . . that/who. . . ; 如原句的谓语谓语 动词动词 是过过去时态时态 , 则则强调调句结结构 须须用It was. . . that/who. . . It was I who saw him in the street yesterday afternoon. What is it that you want me to do? “not. . . until. . . ”句型的强调结调结 构为为“It is/was not until. . . that. . . ” It was not until 11 oclock last night that he went to bed. 强调调句型的一般疑问问句形式: Is/Was it+被强调调部分 +that/who+其他成分 Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out? 强调调句的特殊疑问问句句型为为: 疑 问词问词 +is/was+it +that/who. . . ? Where was it that you met Jack yesterday? 种类类要点归纳归纳典句例示 谓语谓语 动词动词 的 强调调 do/does/did+动词动词 原形Do come here this evening. “never+助动词动词 do”也常用来 表示强调调。一般意为为“从来 没有, 绝绝不” I never did like her, you know. 考点4 强调调句型与3大从句的辨析 类类 型区 别别典 句 例 示 与主语语 从句的 区别别 强调调句型去掉It is/was. . . that. . . 之后, 句子结结 构仍然完整, 而主语语从 句却不能 It is there that accidents often happen. (强调调句) It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. (主语语从句) 与定语语 从句的 区别别 强调调句中that没有意义义 , 且不作任何成分, 而 定语语从句中that为为关系 代词词, 在从句中充当主 语语、宾语宾语 或表语语 It is novels that Miss William enjoys reading. (强调调句) It is a question that needs careful consideration. (定语语从句) 与状语语 从句的 区别别 强调调句型去掉It is/was. . . that后, 结结构完整, 而 It is. . . when. . . 中, it 指代时间时间 It was at six oclock that I got up today. (强调调句) It was six oclock when I got up today. (状语语从句) 考点5 其他重要的特殊句式 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 反 意 疑 问问 句 陈陈述部 分含有 must 当must作“必须须”讲时讲时 , 其反意疑问词问词 用 neednt; 当含有 mustnt(不允许许、禁 止)时时, 其反意疑问词问词 用must/may You must go now, neednt you? You mustnt smoke here, must/may you? 当must表示推测时测时 , 其反意疑问词问词 同去掉 must还还原之后的句子 所使用的反意疑问词问词 You must have heard about it, havent you? You must have watched that football match last night, didnt you? 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 反 意 疑 问问 句 陈陈述部分含 有used to 其反意疑问词问词 用 usednt或didnt You used to sleep with the windows open, usednt /didnt you? 陈陈述部分含 有ought to 其反意疑问词问词 用 oughtnt或 shouldnt He ought to attend the lecture, oughtnt/shouldnt he? 陈陈述部分含 有否定词词或 半否定词词 反意疑问问部分的动动 词词用肯定形式 He could hardly walk without a stick, could he? 陈陈述部分含 有由表示否 定意义义的前 缀缀构成的词词 其反意疑问问部分的 动词动词 一般用否定形 式 Tom dislikes playing tennis, doesnt he? 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 反 意 疑 问问 句 当陈陈述部 分带带有宾宾 语语从句时时 疑问问部分的主语语与助动动 词词常和主句保持一致, 但如果主句的谓语动谓语动 词词是think, believe, suppose, guess, expect, imagine等, 且主语为语为 第 一人称时时, 疑问问部分的 主语语和时态时态 与宾语宾语 从 句的主语语和时态时态 保持一 致 He said that he would come to my birthday party, didnt he? I dont believe he will succeed, will he? 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 祈 使 句 否定式在动词动词 前面加dontDont be so sure. 强调调式 肯定句在其前加do, 否定句在其前加never Do come on time this evening. Never come late! 带带有主语语的 祈使句 为为了加强语语气或特别别 指明向谁谁提出命令或 要求、吩咐几个人分 头头做几件事时须时须 加主 语语“you”, 有时还时还 可同 时时加称呼语语 Tom, you water the flowers! You, girls, clean the desks; you, boys, sweep the floor. 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 祈 使 句 祈使句+and/or+ 陈陈述句 陈陈述句往往用一 般将来时时 Work hard and you will succeed. More time and I will do it better. 名词词短语语 +and/or+陈陈述句 类类 型要点归纳归纳典句例示 感 叹叹 句 How +形容词词/副词词+主语语+谓语谓语 ! How fast he is running! How+形容词词+a/an+可数名词单词单 数+主语语+谓语谓语 ! How difficult a problem it is! How+主语语+谓语谓语 !How time flies! What+a/an+形容词词+可数名词单词单 数+主语语+谓语谓语 ! What a clever boy he is! What+形容词词+不可数名词词+主语语 +谓语谓语 ! What sweet water it is! What+形容词词+复数名词词+主语语+ 谓语谓语 ! What beautiful flowers these are! What+名词词+主语语+谓语谓语 !What news it is! . 完成句子 1. 我一打开电视电视 ,就看到莫言获获得了2012年的诺贝诺贝 尔文学奖奖。 Hardly _the TV when I watched the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Mo Yan. 2. 直到一周后,这这个问题问题 才在会议议上被提出。 Not until a week later _ _ at the meeting. had I turned on was the problem/issue/question put forward 3. 当他听到这这个好消息的时时候,他变变得如此激动动以至于说说不 出话话来。 So excited _that he couldnt speak when he heard the good news. 4. 只有当他开始学习习英语时语时 他才意识识到英语语的美妙。 Only when he got to learn English _the beauty of it. 5. 她不仅仅强调阅读调阅读 的重要性,而且她每天至少抽出20分钟钟来 阅读阅读 。 Not only _reading, but also she spares at least 20 minutes every day to read. did he get did he realize does she attach importance to 6. 他讲讲的故事如此滑稽以至于所有在场场的学生都被逗笑了。 Such a funny story _that all the students present laughed. 7. 虽虽然早有传传言,但传说传说 中的财财宝是否藏在这这座山里还还是没 有弄明白。 Though there has been some talk, never _ whether the legendary treasure is hidden in the mountain. did he tell has it been made clear 8. 尽管我们过们过 去经经常通信,但他现现在很少回我的信。 Though we used to write to each other regularly but rarely _my letters now. 9. 即使我们们在同一座城市生活、学习习,我们们也很少见见面。 Seldom _each other though we studied and lived in the same city. 10. 他说说他很少意识识到给给人提供帮助的重要性。 He said that rarely _the importance of offering help. does he respond to did we see was he aware of 11. 当被告知一架飞飞机在伊春坠坠毁的消息后,我们们所有人都 深感震惊和悲伤伤。 When _the news that a plane crashed in Yichun, all of us felt deeply shocked and sad. 12. 小偷偷找钻钻戒的时时候,把废纸废纸 撒得满满屋都是。 The thieves scattered the waste paper all over the room while _the diamond ring. (we were) informed of (they were) searching for 13. 直到他开始工作时时他才知道以前在学校浪费费了多少时间时间 。 It was _that he came to know how much time he had wasted in the school before. 14. 他是婴婴儿的时时候就父母双亡了,没人知道究竟是谁谁把他 抚抚养成人的。 His parents died when he was a baby. Nobody knows who it was _. not until he began to work/working that brought him up 15. 你还记还记 得你母亲亲究竟是何时带时带 你参观长观长 城的吗吗? Do you still remember _that your mother showed you around the Great Wall? 16. 依我看来,是他的措施而不是他的能力应该应该 受责备责备 。 In my opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability _ _. when it was that are to blame 17. 实验实验 怎么会失败败呢? 我们应们应 好好找找原因。 _that the experiment ended in failure? We should try to find out the cause. 18. 他是不是沉船一个月之后在一座孤岛岛上获获救的? Was it on a lonely island _one month after the boat went down? How did it come about that he was saved 19. 相信自己,你会在未来有所成就。 Bel


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