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Unit 1 What Are the Four Functions of Management? n1 In the early part of this century, a French industrialist by the name of Henri Fayol wrote that all managers perform five management functions. They plan, organize, command, coordinate and control. In the mid-1950s, two professors at UCLA used the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling as the framework for a textbook on management that for twenty years was unquestionably the most widely sold text on the subject. nThe most popular textbooks still continue to be organized around management functions, though these have generally been condensed to the basic four: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Let us briefly define what each of these functions encompasses. Keep in mind before we begin, however, that, although we will look at each as an independent function, managers must be able to perform all four functions simultaneously and that each function has an effect on the others. That is, these functions are interrelated and interdependent. n2 If you dont much care where you want to get to, then it doesnt matter which way you go, as the Cheshire explained to Alice in Wonderland. Since organizations exist to achieve some purpose, someone has to define that purpose and the means for its achievement. A manager is that someone. The planning function encompasses defining an organizations goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Setting goals keeps the work to be done in its proper focus and helps organizational members keep their attention on what is most important. n3 Managers like Carol Bartz are all responsible for designing an organizations structure. We call this management function organizing. Organizing includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. n4 We know that every organization contains people. And it is part of a managers job to direct and coordinate those people. Performing this activity is leading function of management. When managers motivate employees, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, or resolve conflicts among members, they are engaging in leading. n5 The final function managers perform is controlling. After the goals are set, the plans formulated, the structural arrangements determined, and the people hired, trained, and motivated, something may still go amiss. To ensure that things are going as they should, a manager must monitor the organizations performance. Actual performance must be compared with the previously set goals. If there are any significant deviations, it is the managers responsibility to get the organization back on track. This process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is what we mean when we refer to the controlling function. n6 The continued popularity of the functional approach is a tribute to its clarity and simplicity. But is it an accurate description of what managers actually do? Following the functional approach, it is easy to answer the question “What do managers do?” They plan, organize, lead, and control. But it is this really true of all managers? Fayols original functions were not derived from a careful survey of thousands of managers in hundreds of organizations. Rather, they merely represented observations based on his experience in the French mining industry. In more recent years, there have been additional efforts at trying to classify what managers do. n7 As a manager, your typical day will not be neatly divided into the four functions. You will engage in all these activities, but usually not independently or sequentially. You will be doing many more or less simultaneously. Your days will be busy and fractionated, spent dealing with interruptions, meetings, and firefighting. There will be plenty to do that you wish you could be doing but cant seem to get to. These activities will involve all four management functions. n8 Some managers are particularly interested in, devoted to, or skilled in a couple of the four functions but not in the others. The manager who does not devote adequate attention or resources to all four functions will fail. You can be a skilled planner and controller, but if you organize your people improperly or fail to inspire them to perform at high levels, you will not be an effective manager. Likewise, it does no good to be the kind of manager who loves to organize and lead, but who really doesnt understand where to go or how to determine whether you are on the right track. Good managers dont neglect any of the four management functions. Knowing what they are, you can periodically ask yourself if you are devoting adequate attention to all of them. nThey plan, organize, command, coordinate and control. 他们计划、组织、命令、协调和控制。 nIn the mid-1950s, two professors at UCLA used the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling as the framework for a textbook on management that for twenty years was unquestionably the most widely sold text on the subject. 在二十世纪五十年代中期,美国加利福尼亚大学洛 杉矶分校的两位教授把计划职能、组织职能、用人 管理职能、指导职能和控制职能用作他们编写的管 理学教材的框架。二十年来,他们编写的这本教材 毫无疑问地成为了这一科目的畅销书。 ncondense: 1. compress or concentrate n同义词:contract concentrate . 浓缩,摘要, 缩短 n2. make more concise 缩短, 精简 n同义词:concentrate digest n3. cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid使冷凝, 使凝结 nencompass: include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as ones sphere or territory围绕, 围住, 包围 ;包含, 包 括 ;完成 nsimultaneous: occurring or operating at the same time n同义词: coincidental coincident concurrent cooc curring coinciding co-occurrent n同时发生的 ;同时存在的 ninterrelate: 1. be in a relationship with n同义词:relate n2. place into a mutual relationship ninterdependent: mutually dependent n同义词:mutually beneficial mutualist nCheshire: Grin like a cheshire cat咧嘴傻笑 ;露齿嬉笑 Grin like a cheshire cat字面意思是“象柴 郡猫那样咧开嘴笑” nCheshire是英格兰西部的一郡,当地出产一种 颇有特色的干酪,叫“柴郡干酪”(Cheshire cheese),曾经一度作成象笑脸猫的形状。另一 种说法是:柴郡有位画家,他给当地旅馆绘画的 招牌上,都画了一只咧着嘴笑的狮子。 n阿丽思漫游奇境记(Alices Adventures in Wonderland)中详细的描述了公爵夫人家中的 一只柴郡猫。 n ncomprehensive: 1. broad in scope n2. including all or everything n1. 广泛的, 全面的, 综合的; 综合教育的 n2. 有理解力的; 容易了解的 nhierarchy:等级制度, 特权阶级 nintegrate: become one; become integrated 整合,使.成整体 n coordinate: bring into common action, movement, or condition 协调,整合,综合 nmotivate: give an incentive for action给与 动机,刺激,提高.的学习欲望 nconflict: 1. 冲突, 斗争 n2. 矛盾, 分歧 n3. 美俚比赛 namiss: in an improper or mistaken or


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