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肾性贫血治疗指南 CPR 1.1. IDENTIFYING PATIENTS AND INITIATING EVALUATION l1.1.1 Stage and cause of CKD: In the opinion of the Work Group, Hb testing should be carried out in all patients with CKD, regardless of stage or cause. l1.1.2 Frequency of testing for anemia: In the opinion of the Work Group, Hb levels should be measured at least annually. l1.1.3 Diagnosis of anemia: In the opinion of the Work Group, diagnosis of anemia should be made and further evaluation should be undertaken at the following Hb concentrations: 120 g/L; l糖尿病的患者,特别是并发外周血管病变的患者,需在监测下谨慎增 加Hb 水平至120; l合并慢性缺氧性肺疾病患者推荐维持较高的Hb 水平。 注:Hb治疗目标值上限, 在2007年K/DOQI补充材料发表前一直不明朗。于2006年 K/DOQI修订版发布后一年间,又有5个研究Hb靶目标值的大型临床随机对照试验完 成,治疗观察例数增加了一倍,在此基础上进行荟萃分析即清晰发现,Hb目标值 130g/L 时发生威胁生命的不良事件风险会显著增加,如此才获得了上述结论。 CPR 3.1. USING ESAs l3.1.1 Frequency of Hb monitoring: l3.1.1.1 In the opinion of the Work Group, the frequency of Hb monitoring in patients treated with ESAs should be at least monthly. l3.1.2.1 In the opinion of the Work Group, the initial ESA dose and ESA dose adjustments should be determined by the patients Hb level, the target Hb level, the observed rate of increase in Hb level, and clinical circumstances. l3.1.2.2 In the opinion of the Work Group, ESA doses should be decreased, but not necessarily withheld, when a downward adjustment of Hb level is needed. CPR 3.1. USING ESAs 3.1.2 ESA dosing l3.1.2.3 In the opinion of the Work Group, scheduled ESA doses that have been missed should be replaced at the earliest possible opportunity. l3.1.2.4 In the opinion of the Work Group, ESA administration in ESA-dependent patients should continue during hospitalization. l3.1.2.5 In the opinion of the Work Group, hypertension, vascular access occlusion, inadequate dialysis, history of seizures, or compromised nutritional status are not contraindications to ESA therapy. CPR 3.1. USING ESAs l3.1.3 Route of administration: l3.1.3.1 In the opinion of the Work Group, the route of ESA administration should be determined by the CKD stage, treatment setting, efficacy, safety, and class of ESA used. l3.1.3.2 In the opinion of the Work Group, convenience favors subcutaneous (SC) administration in non-HD- CKD patients. l3.1.3.3 In the opinion of the Work Group, convenience favors intravenous (IV) administration in HD-CKD patients. CPR 3.1. USING ESAs l3.1.4 Frequency of administration: l3.1.4.1 In the opinion of the Work Group, frequency of administration should be determined by the CKD stage, treatment setting, efficacy considerations, and class of ESA. l3.1.4.2 In the opinion of the Work Group, convenience favors less frequent administration, particularly in nonHD-CKD patients. rHuEPO 的临床应用 l使用时机:无论透析还是非透析的慢性肾脏病患者,若间隔2 周或者以上 连续两次Hb 检测值均低于110 g/L,并除外铁缺乏等其它贫血病因,应开 始实施rHuEPO 治疗。 l使用途径: rHuEPO 治疗肾性贫血,静脉给药和皮下给药同样有效。但皮 下注射的药效动力学表现优于静脉注射,并可以延长有效药物浓度在体内 的维持时间,节省治疗费用。皮下注射较静脉注射疼痛感增加。 l对非血液透析的患者,推荐首先选择皮下给药。 l对血液透析的患者,可以选择静脉给药,也可选皮下注射。静脉给药可减 少疼痛,增加患者依从性;而皮下给药可减少给药次数和剂量,节省费用 。 l对腹膜透析患者,由于生物利用度的因素,不推荐腹腔给药。 rHuEPO 的临床应用 使用剂量:初始剂量 l皮下给药:100-120 IU/Kg/W。 l静脉给药:120-150IU/Kg/W。 l初始剂量选择要考虑患者的贫血程度和导致贫血的原因,对 于Hb20g/L, 应减少剂量25-50%,但不得停用。 l维持治疗阶段,rHuEPO 的使用剂量约为诱导治疗期的2/3。若维持治 疗期Hb 浓度每月改变10g/L,应酌情增加或减少rHuEPO 剂量25%。 rHuEPO 的临床应用 给药频率(非长效型rHuEPO) l在贫血诱导治疗阶段,无论皮下给药还是静脉给药,均应根据患者贫 血程度、合并高血压等并发症以及应用rHuEPO 的规格选择每周13 次给药。 l进入维持治疗期后,无论皮下给药还是静脉给药,均应根据患者Hb 水平的维持以及不良反应情况,选择每周12 次给药或每12 周给 药1 次。 l将每周rHuEPO 用药剂量分13 次给药,有利于充分发挥药效; rHuEPO10000U 每周1 次给药,也有相似的疗效,且可减少患者注 射的次数,增加依从性。 不良反应 l所有慢性肾脏病患者都应严格实施血压监测,应用rHuEPO 治疗的部 分患者需要调整抗高血压治疗方案。rHuEPO开始治疗到达靶目标值过 程中,患者血压应维持在适当水平。 l接受rHuEPO治疗血液透析小部分患者,可能发生血管通路阻塞。因此 ,rHuEPO治疗期间,血液透析患者需要检测血管通路状况。发生机制 可能与rHuEPO治疗改善血小板功能有关,但没有Hb浓度与血栓形成 风险之间相关性的证据。 l应用rHuEPO治疗时,部分患者偶有头痛、感冒样症状、癫痫、肝功能 异常及高血钾等发生,偶有过敏、休克、高血压脑病、脑出血及心肌梗 死、脑梗死、肺栓塞等。 3.2. USING IRON AGENTS l3.2.1 Frequency of iron status tests: In the opinion of the Work Group, iron status tests should be performed as follows: l3.2.1.1 Every month during initial ESA treatment. l3.2.1.2 At least every 3 months during stable ESA treatment or in patients with HD-CKD not treated with an ESA. l3.2.2 Interpretation of iron status tests: In the opinion of the Work Group, results of iron status tests, Hb, and ESA dose should be interpreted together to guide iron therapy. 3.2. USING IRON AGENTS l3.2.3 Targets of iron therapy: In the opinion of the Work Group, sufficient iron should be administered to generally maintain the following indices of iron status during ESA treatment: l3.2.3.1 HD-CKD: l Serum ferritin200 ng/mL AND l TSAT 20%, or CHr 29pg/cell. l3.2.3.2 ND-CKD and PD-CKD: l Serum ferritin100 ng/mL AND l TSAT 20%. 3.2. USING IRON AGENTS l3.2.4 Upper level of ferritin: In the opinion of the Work Group, there is insufficient evidence to recommend routine administration of IV iron if serum ferritin level is greater than 500 ng/mL. When ferritin level is greater than 500 ng/mL, decisions regarding IV iron administration should weigh ESA responsiveness, Hb and TSAT level, and the patients clinical status. 没有充足的证据建议在铁蛋白500ng/ml时仍需常规静脉补铁。有一项RCT 研 究表明,在铁蛋白高于500ng/ml 时,继续补铁可升高铁蛋白水平,使ESA 剂量 减少了25%。但没有对患者直接益处(生活质量、健康状况或生存率的改善)的证 据。需权衡ESA 治疗反应、Hb 和TSAT 水平及患者的临床状况。TSAT 20% 但铁蛋白 500ng/ml 是临床医生面临的一个难题,可能因铁检测的可变性、假 性低TSAT、炎症或网状内皮系统阻滞. 3.2. USING IRON AGENTS l3.2.5 Route of administration: l3.2.5.1 The preferred route of administration is IV in patients with HD-CKD. (STRONG RECOMMENDATION) l3.2.5.2 In the opinion of the Work Group, the route of iron administration can be either IV or oral in patients with NDCKD or PD-CKD. l3.2.6 Hypersensitivity reactions: In the opinion of the Work Group, resuscitative medication and personnel trained to evaluate and resuscitate anaphylaxis should be available whenever a dose of iron dextran is administered. 补充铁剂 l接受rHuEPO 治疗的患者,无论是非透析还是何种透析状态均应补充 铁剂达到并维持铁状态的目标值。 l血液透析患者比非血液透析患者需要更大的铁补充量,静脉补铁是最 佳的补铁途径。 l蔗糖铁(ferric saccharate)是最安全的静脉补铁制剂,其次是葡萄 糖醛酸铁(ferric gluconate)、右旋糖酐铁(ferric dextran)。 l补充静脉铁剂需要做过敏试验,尤其是右旋糖酐铁。 注:静脉用右旋糖酐铁制剂可以分为高分子量右旋糖酐铁(如Dexfeerum) 及低分子量右旋糖酐铁(如Cosmofer, 科莫非)两种。文献对这两种右旋糖 酐铁的安全性进行比较,威胁生命的不良反应包括过敏反应后者比前者少 。 铁状态评估 l铁状态检测的频率:rHuEPO 诱导治疗阶段以及维持治疗阶段贫血加重 时应每月一次;稳定治疗期间或未用rHuEPO 治疗的血液透析患者,至 少每3 月一次。 l铁状态评估指标: l铁储备评估:血清铁蛋白(SF) l用于红细胞生成的铁充足性评估:推荐采用血清转铁蛋白饱和度( TSAT)和有条件者采用网织红细胞Hb 量(CHr)。而低色素红细胞百 分数(PHRC)可因长时间的样本运送和储存增高,并不适于常规采用 ;平均红细胞体积(MCV)和平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCH)仅在 长时间缺铁的情况下才会低于正常。 l铁状态评估应对铁储备、用于红细胞生成的铁充足性、血红蛋白和EPO 治疗剂量综合考虑。 铁剂治疗的靶目标值 l血液透析患者:血清铁蛋白200ng/ml, 且TSAT20%或CHr29pg/红细胞。 l非透析患者或腹膜透析患者:血清铁蛋白 100ng/ml,且TSAT20%。 补充铁剂 l给药途径: l血液透析患者优先选择静脉使用铁剂。 l非透析患者或腹膜透析患者,可以静脉或口服使用铁剂。 l静脉补充铁剂的剂量: l若患者TSAT20%和/或血清铁蛋白100ng/ml,需静脉 补铁100125mg/周,连续810 周。 l若患者TSAT20%,血清铁蛋白水平100ng/ml,则每周 一次静脉补铁25125mg。 l若血清铁蛋白500ng/ml,补充静脉铁剂前应评估EPO 的反应性、Hb和TSAT水平以及患者临床状况。此时不推 荐常规使用静脉铁剂。 口服铁剂 l口服铁剂剂量? l2004年EBPG及2006年K/DOQI指南均未讲述。 l1999年EBPG和2000年K/DOQI指南已明确指出,需要每 日补充元素铁200mg。 l常用口服铁剂的元素铁含量:硫酸亚铁含20%,富马酸亚 铁含33%,琥珀酸亚铁含35%,多糖铁复合物含46%。 3.3. USING PHARMACOLOGICAL AND NONPHARMACOLOGICAL ADJUVANTS TO ESA TREATMENT IN HD-CKD l3.3.1 L-Carnitine: In the opinion of the Work Group, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of L- carnitine in the management of anemia in patients with CKD. l3.3.2 Vitamin C: In the opinion of the Work Group, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of vitamin C in the management of anemia in patients with CKD. l3.3.3 Androgens: Androgens should not be used as an adjuvant to ESA treatment in anemic patients with CKD. (STRONG RECOMMENDATION) 3.4.: TRANSFUSION THERAPY l3.4.1 In the opinion of the Work Group, no single Hb concentration justifies or requires transfusion. In particular, the target Hb recommended for chronic anemia management (see Guideline 2.1) should not serve as a transfusion trigger. 单纯的Hb降低不作为输血的理由,不能为了Hb达标而输血。 慢性贫血患者输血是为了防止组织缺氧或心力衰竭。 在ESA 治疗Hb 达标的患者,仅在急性失血(如急性出血、急性 溶血、严重炎症或外科血液丢失)时输血。 输血患者患急性冠脉综合征时有更高的死亡率。 3.5. EVALUATING AND CORRECTING PERSISTENT FAILURE TO REACH OR MAINTAIN INTENDED HB l3.5.1 Hyporesponse to ESA and iron therapy: In the opinion of the Work Group, the patient with anemia and CKD should undergo evaluation for specific causes of hyporesponse whenever the Hb level is inappropriately low for the ESA dose administered. Such conditions include, but are not limited to: l A significant increase in the ESA dose requirement to maintain a certain Hb level or a significant decrease in Hb level at a constant ESA dose. l A failure to increase the Hb level to greater than 11 g/dL despite an ESA dose equivalent to epoetin greater than 500 IU/kg/wk. rHuEPO 治疗的低反应性(EPO 抵抗) l定义:皮下注射rHuEPO 达到300IU/Kg/W(20000IU/W)或静脉注射 rHuEPO 达到500IU/Kg/W(30000IU/W)治疗4 个月后,Hb 仍不能达到 或维持靶目标值,称为EPO 抵抗。 l最常见的原因是铁缺乏,其它原因包括: 炎症性疾病 慢性失血 甲状旁腺功能亢进 纤维性骨炎 铝中毒 血红蛋白病 维生素缺乏 多发性骨髓瘤 恶性肿瘤 营养不良 溶血 透析不充分 lACEI/ARB 和免疫抑制剂等药物的使用 l脾功能亢进 lEPO 抗体介导的纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血(PRCA) CPR 3.5. EVALUATING AND CORRECTING PERSISTENT FAILURE TO REACH OR MAINTAIN INTENDED HB l3.5.2 Evaluation for PRCA: In the opinion of the Work Group, evaluation for antibody-mediated PRCA should be undertaken when a patient receiving ESA therapy for more than 4 weeks develops each of the following: l Sudden rapid decrease in Hb level at the rate of 0.5 to 1.0 g/dL/wk, or requirement of red blood cell transfusions at the rate of approximately 1 to 2 per week, AND l Normal platelet and white blood cell counts, AND l Absolute reticulocyte count less than 10,000/L. 成人网织红细胞绝对数:24-84109L,百分数:0.5-1.5 rHuEPO 抗体介导的纯红细胞再生 障碍性贫血(PRCA) lPRCA 的诊断:rHuEPO治疗超过4 周并出现了下述情况,则应该怀 疑PRCA,但确诊必须存在rHuEPO抗体检查阳性;并有骨髓像检查 结果支持。 lHb以5-10g/L/W的速度快速下降,或需要输红细胞维持Hb水平。 l血小板和白细胞计数正常,且网织红细胞绝对计数小于10000/L。 lPRCA 的处理:因为抗体存在交叉作用且继续接触可能导致过敏反应 ,所以谨慎起见,在疑诊或确诊的患者中停用任何rHuEPO 制剂。患 者可能需要输血支持,免疫抑制治疗可能有效,肾脏移植是有效治疗 方法。 lPRCA 的预防:EPO 需要低温保存。与皮下注射比较,静脉注射可能 减少发生率。 长效ESA: lAranesp, Darbepoetin (达依帕汀) lAranesp 半衰期约为25小时,其血药浓度维持时间较 epoetin-长3倍。 l推荐起始剂量0.45g/Kg,皮下或静脉注射,每周一次 l对于目前每周接受一次epoetin-的病人,Aranesp可每2周 给药一次 l耐受性良好,不良反应类似epoetin- 价格:25 g 625RMBg 625RMB 持续性促红细胞生成素受体激动剂 (continuous erythropoietin receptor activator,CERA) lCERA是一种翻译后经过聚乙二醇(polyethylene glycol, PEG)化修饰的EPO-,其相对分子质量为60 000, 大约是 EPO 相对分子质量(30,400)的1倍 l被称为第三代EPO (Mircera, Roche) lCERA的半衰期长达130140小时, l平均每月注射1次CERA维持Hb平均浓度的效力相当于平 均每周注射13次rhEPO的效力 l CERA对患者来说具有较好的耐受性。目前, 在使用 CERA治疗的患者体内没有检测到抗体 Methods. Patients were randomized (1:1) to receive either 1.2 g/kg C.E.R.A. Q4W or darbepoetin alfa QW/Q2W during a 20-week correction period and an 8-week evaluation period. Results. The Hb response rate for C.E.R.A. was 94.1%, significantly higher than the protocol-specified 60% response rate and comparable with darbepoetin alfa. C.E.R.A. Q4W was non-inferior to darbepoetin alfa QW/Q2W, with similar mean Hb changes from baseline of 1.62 g/dL and 1.66 g/dL, respectively. Patients receiving C.E.R.A. showed a steady rise in Hb, with fewer patients above the target range during the first 8 weeks compared with darbepoetin alfa. Adverse event rate


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