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Line Balancing 生产线平衡 Course Code: SFM-T02 1 Version A PPP Purpose目的 Learn the basic concepts and methods of line balancing for production lines 学习平衡生产线的基本概念和方法 Process 过程 Explain the meaning of line balancing and the possible reasons for their occurrence 解释生产线平衡的含义和可能发生的原因 Explain the principles and methods to improve the line balancing 解释改善生产线平衡的原则和方法 Payoff 回报 Able to avoid line unbalancing problems during planning stage 能够在规划阶段就避免线不平衡的问题 Able to identify and resolve line balancing problems before production start 能够于开始生产之前就识别和解决生产线平衡问题 2 Contents 内容 1. Introduction 引言 2. Basic Principles 基本原理 3. Shop Floor Monitoring 车间监控 4. Line Balance Improvement 生产线平衡的改善 3 1. Introduction 引言 4 Introduction 引言 Line balancing refer to allocate and adjust the work loading of work stations of production line so as to achieve the production output target with minimum human or machine resources. 生产线平衡是指分配和调整生产线每个工作站的工作 负荷,以利用最低人力或机器资源实现产量目标的。 What is line balancing ? 什么是生产线平衡 5 Before line balancing 生产线平衡以前 Introduction 引言 6 After line balancing 生产线平衡之后 Introduction 引言 7 Line balancing will lead to : 生产线平衡将导致 More effective utilization of labors 更有效地利用劳动力 Reduce labor cost 降低劳动力成本 Reduce work in progress 减少在制品 Increase speed of the production line 提高生产线的速度 Uncover inefficiency problems and initiate improvement 发现低效率的问题,并启动改善 Introduction 引言 8 Possible Reasons of unbalanced line : 生产不平衡线的可能原因 Uneven operator workload assignment 工人工作量分配不均衡 Inaccurate operation breakdown and standard time 不准确 的工序分拆和标准时间 (SMV) Bundling effect 捆扎效应 Learning effect for new style 新样式的学习效应 New operator effect 新工人的影响 Interruptions due to machine breakdown, operator absence, cut piece shortage, rework, etc. 由于机器故障,操作员不在时,切出短缺,返工等等的干扰 Introduction 引言 9 l Balance the operator workload assignment 平衡工人工作量的分配 Basic Principles 基本原理 Operator Workload Chart 工人工作负荷表 10 l Enable work sharing 实现工作分担 lMoving operators 走动的工人 lMultiple skills training 多能工的培训 lProper layout to facilitate moving operators 可促进工人走动的布局 141312 11 10 1 2 3 4 8 56 9 Materials 材料 Product 成品 Basic Principles 基本原理 11 lLimit the WIP level between workstations 限制工作站在制品的水平 lMaximum WIP level 最高在制品水平 e.g. 1 bundle扎, 1 pieces件 , 5 pieces件 , etc. lThe goal is to realize one-piece flow 目标是实现单件流 lWork switching rules 工作更换规则 e.g. switch to another operation when more than 5 pcs before the next operator 例如, 当 “埋夾”前超过5件, 转换到“上介英”工作 Basic Principles 基本原理 12 lStabilize operator work 使工人工作稳定化 lStandardize operation 标准化作业 e.g. workstation, work sequence, traveling path, etc. 例如, 工作站, 工作顺序,走动路线等 lAssign dedicate operators, i.e. water spider, for irregular work 指派专门的工人,即水蜘蛛, 负责不规则的工作 i.e. avoid effect on regular work by interruptions, such as cut pieces shortage, rework, machine breakdown, etc. 避免正常工作受 ,如裁片短缺,再加工,机器故障等干扰的影 响 Basic Principles 基本原理 13 3.Shop Floor Monitoring 车间监控 14 How to see line imbalance 如何揭视生产线不平衡 ? lHigh WIP level between workstations 工作站之间有大量在制品 lDifference between Takt Time (TT) and actual cycle time 产距时间( TT )和实际周期时间之间的差异 lOperator waiting 工人等待 lOperator slowing down 工人放慢工作 lOperator dont move 工人没有走动 Shop Floor Monitoring 车间监 控 15 Methods of Monitoring 监控方法 lHourly production status report on shop floor 每小时车间生产状况报告 lDirect on-spot monitoring and observation 直接现场监控和观察 lIdentifying bottleneck workstation 确定瓶颈工作站 lCheck cycle times in comparison with TT 检测周期以及与TT比较 lObserve operator behavior and performance 观察工人行为和表现 Shop Floor Monitoring 车间监 控 16 Hourly Production Status Report Shop Floor Monitoring 车间监 控 17 4. Line Balance Improvement 生产线平衡的改善 18 Line Balance Improvement 生产线平衡改善 1)Check operator workload allocation and make adjustment 2) 检查工人的工作量分配,并予以调整 2)Identify bottleneck workstation and shorten its cycle time by 找出瓶颈工作站,并缩短其周期时间: Split task and shift sub-task to another workstation 分割工作和转移到另一工作站 Move other operator to support 转移工人支援其他工作站 Replace operator with higher skill level 更换具有较高的技术水平工人 19 Line Balance Improvement 生产线平衡改善 Add parallel workstations 增加并行工作站 Improve the efficiency of working method 提高工作方法的效率 e.g. U


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