



2015【海口朗阁】雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心research academy for foreign language examinations雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心 王上考试日期:2014年10月18日reading passage 1 title: undergraduate students study drama question types: true/false/not given 4题表格填空题9题文章内容回顾文学专业的学生学习戏剧,列举了不同时代的四种剧院的特点,戏剧的发展和影响,让学生观看英国不同时期的不同戏剧。相关英文原文阅读this degree course combines the theory and practice of drama. the two approaches are not merely complementary, but are indivisible in the study of drama and theatre at degree level. the main teaching modes compriseseminar discussion and practical workshop sessions, which explore playtexts, theoretical writings, performance traditions and techniques, and examine the theatres role and function in society throughout history. european, american and non-western theatre traditions are studied as well as british theatre. modules in technical theatre, lighting, sound, set and costume, television drama, and playwriting are also available. practical work takes place primarily in the departments theatre and studios. the sir robert martin theatre seats an audience of up to 300 and has a proscenium arch, which is easily adapted to accommodate other forms of production. the leonarddixon studio and the stanley evernden studio are flexible spaces seating up to 86 and 45 respectively. studying abroad our courses enable you to study for a selected period of time in international destinations such as the usa, canada, singapore and continental europe. assessment the course is assessed solely through coursework, using various methods according to the module being studied. methods include: essays/reflective work, seminar participation, online in-class tests, research academy for foreign language examinationsannotated bibliographies, performance projects, in-class presentations, research projects, workbook/log books, group work & peer assessments and dissertation. 题型难度分析第一篇的题型包括是非无判断题和表格填空题。这两种题型都是有顺序原则的细节题,是非无判断主要考察学生快速定位和理解句子的能力,而表格题可以通过空格前后的已知信息找到未知信息,难度不大,第一篇文章相对来说比较好拿分。reading passage 2 title: the importance of diet question types: list of headings 7题summary completion 文章内容回顾起初人类只吃蔬菜,后来发现肉也可以吃,因此hunting成为维生方式之一。需要控制饮食,人类食肉比吃蔬菜多,不利健康。又有researchers认为食肉比食素好,可以改变基因,延长寿命。相关英文原文阅读a healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health. a healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories. the requirements for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods. a healthy diet supports energy needs and provides for human nutrition without exposure to toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts. where lack of calories is not an issue, a properly balanced diet (in addition to exercise) is also thought to be important for lowering health risks, such as obesity, heart disease,type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cancer. various nutrition guides are published by medical and governmental institutions to educate the public on what they should be eating to promote health. nutrition facts labels are also mandatory in some countries to allow consumers tochoose between foods based on the components relevant to health. 题型技巧分析第二篇文章中出现了标题配对题(list of headings),而它是很多学生特别害怕的题型,一是因为它需要看的文字比较多,比较耗时;二是因为学生经常会以细节代替主旨。题型特点:1. 位于文章前部;2. 顺序原则;3. 考察主旨不是细节;4. 一一对应原则,错一个可能连续错几个,所以不确定答案可以把可能的选项都写在边上,最后确定再写。 research academy for foreign language examinations解题思路:1. 将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去;2. 划出选项中的关键词及概念性名词;3. 浏览文章,抓住各段的主题句和核心词(尤其是反复出现的核心词),重点关注段落首句、第二句与末句;4. 与段落主题句同义或包含段落核心词的选项为正确答案。reading passage 3 title: tuatara- the past and the future question types: multiple choice yes/no/not given summary(有选项)文章内容回顾新西兰大蜥蜴tuatara数量正在减少,减少的原因和采取挽救措施的效果都是未知。新西兰某机构正致力于这种动物的保护,并且越来越多的人加入对tuatara栖息地的保护。文章总体是按照时间顺序来写的。相关英文原文阅读tuatara are reptiles endemic to new zealand and which, although resembling most lizards, are partof a distinct lineage, the order rhynchocephalia.the two species oftuatara are the only surviving members of their order, which flourished around 200 million years ago. their most recent common ancestor with any other extant group is with the squamates (lizards and snakes). for this reason, tuatara are of great interest in the studyof the evolution of lizards and snakes, and for the reconstruction of the appearance and habits of the earliest diapsids (the group thatalso includes birds, dinosaurs, and crocodiles). tuatara are greenish brown and gray, and measure up to 80 cmfrom head to tail-tip and weigh up to 1.3 kg with a spiny crest along the back, especially pronounced in males. their dentition, in which two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlap one row on the lower jaw, is unique among living species. they are further unusual in having a pronounced photoreceptive eye, the third eye, which is thought to be involved in setting circadian and seasonal cycles. they are able to hear, although no external ear is present, and have a number of unique features in their skeleton, some of them apparently evolutionarily retained from fish. although tuatara are sometimes called living fossils, recent anatomical work has shown that they have changed significantly since the mesozoic era. the name tuatara derives from the mori language, and means peaks on the back.9 as with many other mori loanwords, the research academy for foreign language examinationsplural form is now generally the same as the singular in formal new zealand english usage. tuataras remains common in less formal speech, particularly among older speakers. the tuatara sphenodon punctatus has been protected by law since 1895; the second species, s. guntheri, was not recognised until 1989. tuatara, like many of new zealands native animals, are threatened by habitat loss and introduced predators, such as the polynesian rat(rattus exulans). they were extinct on the mainland, with the remaining


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