



2016高考英语教学研讨会主持词1.开场白:欢迎各位领导、专家和老师们来到我稻田中学参加2015年高考英语教学研讨会。首先,介绍出席研讨会的各级领导和专家。他们是市教科院英语专家:李宇老师雨花区教科中心英语专家:胡文亚老师湖南师大外国语学院的顿官刚教授。(博士、教授、高考专家)。还有我校主管教学副校长隆铁军校长也参加了这次教学研讨会,接下来有请。ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders,experts and teachers fromdifferent schools of changsha city, welcome to daotian middle school for thisenglish teaching and researching seminar on national college entranceexamination of 2015.at first, let me introduce myself . i am zeng rong, head of our englishgroup of my school. i am honored to bethe host for this seminar. now, let me introduce you the experts present atthis seminar. they are li yu ,the expert from the teaching and researchingacademy of cs city. mr. hu wenya, theexpert from teaching and researching center of yu hua district. and professordun guangang, from foreign language institute of hn normal university.(who willbe at our meeting to give us a lecture about ncee later on.)and also, mr. long tiejun, the vice-headmaster of our school in chargeof teaching and researching management , comes to our meeting. ok, mr. long, your are welcome to give us anopening speech. please,come to the stage .接下来有请领导讲话:(隆xx副校长致欢迎词)2.这次研讨会的流程介绍: 今天下午的高考研讨会在李宇老师的精心安排和大力支持下,本次研讨会将形式多样,内容丰富,想必大家一定会收获多多。 首先是我校高三英语老师吴魏老师将为我们带来一堂新授课:教学内容:全国卷新题型-7选5阅读题型 之后,明德中学的英语教研组长 何灵芝 老师 展现一堂说课:内容是:全国卷新题型-语法填空(全国说课比赛一等奖) 这两堂课后,我们将有请李宇老师评课。 最后, 会有一场来自湖师大外国语学院的顿教授给我们带来一场专家讲座:题目是高考测试中的语言之道。thank you mr long, for you opening speech, now let me introduce theprocedures of this seminar. first of all, our english teacher , wu wei , fromsenior iii will present his class for all of us. and then, ms. he lingzhi, fromming deng middle school will show us her english teaching -plan presentationabout grammar gap-filling . after them, mr. li yu is going to give us hiscomments on these presentations. and at last, professor dun is to deliver hislecture about ncee. well, lets move on to our journey to this seminar. mr. wu wei , please be ready for your class.welcome to the stage!好的,现在就让我们开始今天的高考研讨之旅吧。有请高三吴魏老师。感谢为大家带来的这次高考新题型探索之旅,也感谢高三学生们的积极参与和精彩的呈现。接下来有请明德中学的英语教研组长 何灵芝 老师为我们带来全国卷新题型-语法填空 的说课展示(全国说课比赛一等奖)thanks for mr. wu s presentation. thank your for your wonderfulpresentation, and your students excellent performance and participation . andnext, ms. he lingzhi ,head of english group of md middle school will show usher english about grammar gap-filling, which was once awarded the first prizein national teaching -plan presentation competition. please come to the stage,ms. he.。感谢何老师的精彩呈现。接下来请李宇老师为我们点评。mr. li , its time for you to comment on these two presentations,please come to the stage.感谢李老师的点评。thanks a lot for your comments. now, lets welcome professor dunguangangs lecture. the topic of his lecture is the methods of language in testof ncee. lets give him a big hand.接下来为我们讲座的是湖南师大外国语学院的顿官刚教授 。顿官刚教授是湖南师大外国语学院国家重点学科英语语言文学专业翻译系老师,2003年博士毕业于上海外国语大学,2013年10月


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