初级中学八年级英语下册《8B Unit 6 A charity walk》Period 6 Integ rated skills教案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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初级中学八年级英语下册《8B Unit 6 A charity walk》Period 6 Integ rated skills教案 牛津版.doc_第4页




8b unit 6 a charity walkperiod 6 integ rated skillstitle(课题)a charity walk integrated skillstype(课型)new新授课period(课时)6supporting theories(理论支持)1.任务型教学(task-based approach)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。在任务型教学中有大量的小组或双人活动,每个人都有自己的任务要完成,可以更好地面向全体学生进行教学。2.在活动中学习知识,培养人际交往、思考、决策和应变能力,有利于学生的全面发展。3.加德纳的多元智能理论认为,每个人都至少具有八个方面的潜能,智能是发展的,是可以培养的,而且在许多方面都能达到比较高的水平。多元智能理论从以人为本的角度告诉我们,每个学生都是有潜能的,都是需要开发的,也都是值得去开发的。4.“最近发展区”理论认为学生个体可以实现从独立活动所能达到的现实发展水平到潜在的发展水平的飞跃。aims & demands(教学目标)language skill (语言技能)to understand and speak outfeeling (情感态度)to let the students be charitablekey points & difficulties(教学重、难点)to listen for general information about a charity walkto focus on general meaning by identifying specific details in a list of notesteaching methods(教学方法) task-based approach aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等) blackboard recordertry to read the words and phrases of this period according to the sounds 教 学 设 计 课前延伸1.try to read the words and phrases of this period according to the sounds2. listen to the contents in this period for several times养成自学习惯,培养自学能力 teaching plan (授课计划)studying plan(学习计划)aims(设计意图)课内 探 究 学stepwarming uphaving a revisionfor a revision please answer questions about oxfam trail walker:when is it held? is it tough? why? what is the route?to use the adjective structures learned in our last period in your speaking. 让学生在极短的时间里进入英语的状态,为这一课的任务做铺垫。step ii presentation1.presentingtoday the class 1, grade 8 students want to organize a charity walk.now read part a 1 and answer the following questions:where do they plan to go? how high is the hill? what will they do there?2.listening and answeringlisten to the tape for more information:whats the route of the walk? how long will the walk last? whats the special event on south hill?着重培养学生的运用英语的能力以及对文章通篇的理解力。对学生的情感价值观进行渗透和指导。 导step iiipracticefinishing off part a3go to page 103 to fill in the blanks in part a3, then check the answers .对所教的内容进行反馈,让学生当场掌握所学知识,减轻课后作业负担。练step ivproductionactivitiessuppose our school will hold a charity walk, please discuss in groups to decide place, route, time, other activities of the walk. then write them down and introduce to the class让学生在一定的情境下在有限的词汇内熟练地操练英语,表达自己的价值观。激发学生的助人热情,培养敢说,善说,乐说英语的习惯。学step vpresentation1.presenting speak upif you want to join a charity walk, what should you do? what do you need to pay attention to?give your own ideas.2. listening and answeringeric is asking ben for some advice for joining a charity walk.listen to part b on page 103 and answer the following questions:培养听说能力,拓宽知识面,走进生活,享受阳光。what three things does ben suggest eric to do? 3.explaining and readingdo you have any questions to the structure and meaning of the dialogue? put your questions to me.学会提问,善于提问,让学生更主动地学习英语。导steppracticepractice the conversation in pairs and change rolesget some pairs to role-play in front of the class.通过活动激励学生表达英语的兴趣,让学生主动地学习。练stepproductionmaking up dialoguesin pairs read the dialogue on page 103 and make your own dialogue. you may say like this:a: what do i need to pay attention to if i want to learn english well?b: first, pay attention to the pronunciation. try to pronounce every sound correctly.a: what else do i need to do?b: you must do enough reading aloud because it is good for speaking up in english. a: what else do i need to do?b: its wise to read more after school in english. newspapers, magazines in english are useful especially if you want to study english well


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