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天津 丽水 安徽 台州 津膳堂特制 天津坛子肉 坛子肉 diced pork in pot Are you ready? vMaterial vPig rib(500g), vcrystal sugar (15g), vlaurel(5g)(肉桂), shallot(10g)(葱), ginger(10g)(姜), vsoy sauce(100g)(酱油) Follow me! vModus(做法) vClean,cut into lumps,scalding; vPut it into pot with condiments; vStew for 3 hours v waiting Enjoy it ! vHumdelicious! 糖醋烧豆腐 toufu stewed with sugar and vinegar vMaterail vBell pepper,carrot, vGreen vegetable,shrimp(虾) vFlour,shallot Make it! vToufu cut into lump,wripped(裹) by flour, fry in shollow oil vScald the shallot and green vegetable vPut all into the pan vGorgon euryale(勾芡) vSour and sweet vTenderness vSmoothness vNutritious (full of protein) 冬瓜肉圆汤 White gourd and burger soup vYou need: vMeat,caraway(香菜),agaric(木耳) vFlour,black pepper,wine Follow me! vMeat cut into meat paste(肉泥) and stir with all condiments vCrush it into burger(肉丸) vPut them in the boiling water vScatter(撒) the caraway and others when they rise Thats all ! v Freshness v Softness v Lightness 李鸿章杂烩 Mixed Stew of Lihongzhang vSea slug(海参), v Fish maw(鱼肚), v Sleeve fish(鱿鱼), v Yulan piece, ham, v Pig-maw, vChicken, vCampoys(干贝) Just do it vMake the fish into burger; vBraising and steaming; vGorgon euryale original soup; vIrrigate(浇) on the Mixed Stew 冬笋炒肉丝 asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots Make preparations vBamboo shoot; vMeat vMushroom vChinese chives vToufu dry vHot pickled mustard tuber(榨菜) Process vScald the bamboo shoot; vCut all metarials into strips vStew the meat then out the pan vStir-fry all things with condiments vOver vCrispness vPliable but strong vFragranceful 小链接:哪些人适宜吃笋干? v笋干,是新鲜竹笋经蒸煮、烘烤制成的。其香气馥郁袭人,冬笋制成的 笋片又称“玉兰片”。笋干营养丰富,内含蛋白质、脂肪、糖、钙、铁和 维生素B1、B2、维生素C等,具有低脂肪、低糖、多膳食纤维的特点, 且有助食、开胃之功效。因为它能增进食欲、治疗便秘、清凉败毒,人 称“保健蔬菜”,更是减肥佳品。 v 由于笋干含有多种维生素和膳食纤维,具有防癌、抗癌作用。一般人皆 可食,肥胖者尤其适合,但一次进食不可过量,特别是肠胃不好的人更 应注意,否则容易腹泻。严重胃溃疡、胃出血、肾炎、尿结石、肝硬化 、慢性肠炎、哮喘、过敏性体质者慎食。手脚冰冷、低血压者、安胎的 孕妇、女性经期、产后、流产后忌食。 v Dessert 蜜糖地瓜 swee


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