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今年以来我们在上级党组织的领导和区精神文明办的关心支持指导下坚持以邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想为指导认真落实科学发展观aa制英语演讲稿篇一:AA制英语怎么说AA制英语怎么说AA制英语怎么说go DutchDutch treat也可以用以下表达AA制separate checks 各付各的Lets split the bill 平摊费用go fifty-fifty 平摊go halves/halfers 平摊AA制英语句子示例Lisa, lets go Dutch on this.莉萨,这次咱们AA制。Lets go Dutch. Well both pay for half of the bill. 咱们AA制吧,一人付一半。Its a Dutch treat.各付己帐。Wed prefer separate checks.我们想分开结账。My partner refused to go fifty-fifty with me in the loss. 我的合伙人拒绝和我平摊损失。The office outing is always a Dutch treat.办公室的同事一起出去吃饭往往会采用AA制。原文来自 必克英语/studydetail_50799224.html篇二:关于“AA制”英语作文Nowadays,it is common to see that a lot of people prefer going Dutch when eating with friends.As we all know,going Dutch is not regarded a traditional practice in China.From old days to the present,in china,our tradition is Its my treat.The reason for it is complex.If you give the bill for people,you can show yourwealth and every one may feel that you are a well person because they take advantage of him.But for me,I love going Dutch.To begin with this opinion, we should know our money belongs to our parents,we have no qualification to waste money.We can usually see this phenomenon that actuallya man not wants to pay the bill,but he must do it for his face. A lot of girls think being a man; heis responsible to give money. As far as I am concerned, it is so funny and unacceptable. Going Dutch can show you quality and attitude .Pay the money for yourself,you will not own for anyone, at the same time ,your friends will feel fair and without burden.Every coin has two sides; sometimes,treating will be of good use. If your friends are troublesome or they have no abilitypay the bill ,it is unsuitable for you to choose going Dutch.From what has been discussed above, we may conclude that you should choose the appropriate occasion to going Dutch.In most cases,GoingDutch is a good way to pay the bill. Nowadays , it is common to see that a lot of people choose going Dutch when eating with friend .? 名词错误 with friend冠词缺失 好评报错? 低频警示 dutch when eating with friend在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评报错? 低频警示 eating with friend在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评报错? 学习提示 易混词汇: choose, select, elect, pick, prefer, opt 均含有“选择”之意。1.2As we all know , going Dutch is not regarded a traditional practice in China .? 学习提示 易混词汇: know, learn, comprehend, understand 都含“懂,知道,明了”之意。1.3From ancient times to the present , in china , our tradition is Its my treat .? 学习提示 易混词汇: ancient, old, antique 均含“古代的,古老的”之意。1.4The reason for it is complex .? 学习提示 易混词汇: complex, complicated, sophisticated, intricate 均含“复杂的”之意。 好评报错 1.5 If you pay the bill for people , you can show you wealth and every one may feel that you are a well person because they take advantage of him. ? 高分短语 take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 Monday was the first day that citizens in Florida take advantage of early voting , something many states now permit before Election Day.星期一是佛罗里达州的居民可以享受提前投票的第一天,这是很多州都目前都允许在选举日前提前投票。好评报错 ? 高分表达 because是普通表达,可以在某些语境中替换为in that 。好评报错? 低频警示 you can show you wealth在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语好评报错? 低频警示 every one may feel that在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语好评报错2.1But for me, I love going Dutch.? 高分词汇 but是普通词汇,可以在某些语境中替换为nonetheless或nevertheless。好评报错2.2To begin with this opinion, we should know our money belongs our parents at this moment, we have no qualification to waste money.好评报错? 低频警示 our parents at this moment在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语好评报错? 学习提示 易混词汇: moment, minute, instant 均含“瞬间,片刻”之意。 2.3 We can usually see this phenomenon that actually a man not wants to pay the bill, but he must do it for his face. 好评报错 ? 学习提示 易混词汇: indeed, really, truly, actually均有“确实地,真正地”之意。2.4A lot of girls think being a man; he has responsible to give money.? 低频警示 responsible to give money在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语好评报错? 学习提示 易混词汇: girl, maid, maiden, daughter 都含有“姑娘,女孩子”之意。2.5As far as I am concerned, it is so funny and unacceptable.? 学习提示 易混词汇: humorous, funny, comic, witty 均有“使人高兴的,令人发笑的”之意。篇三:AA制的地道英语表达“AA制”这个词来源于中国,但理念来源于西方。普遍认为,“AA”是“Algebraic Average”的缩写,意为“代数平均”。在香港地区也有认为“AA”是“All Apart”的缩写,意为“全部分开”。“AA制”的理念来源于海上贸易强国同时也是资本主义萌芽地的荷兰。当时的荷兰商人已经衍生出了“各付各帐”的习惯,因为海上贸易流动性强,一个人请客后,被请的人可能一辈子都见不到了,为了达到公平的目的,荷兰人就提出了“Lets go dutch!”的观点,意思是“让我们以荷兰人的方式来办吧”,即“各付各帐”。自此之后,“go dutch”就有了“平分”的意思,也就是“AA制”。还有一种说法认为,英语里用“Lets go dutch!”来表示“各付各帐”是英国人为了讽刺荷兰人的“抠门”而造出来的说法。17世纪时,英国和荷兰为了争夺商业和海上霸权连续三次开战,虽然荷兰人以失败告终,但英国人仍然挖空心思去嘲笑吃了败仗的荷兰人。英国人认为荷兰人商业气息浓重,没有绅士风度,好请客又要客人掏钱,所以造出了“go dutch”,表示“平分账单”的意思,以此来讽刺荷兰人。因此,“AA制”在英语里的表达就有以下几种:1.godutchEx:Lets go Dutch. Ill pay my own way. I insist.我们各付各的吧。


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