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英语文体学基础 语篇结构与功能 什么是语篇呢? “它可以是一个词它可以是一个词组或短语它可 以是一个小句它可以是一幅对联、一首小诗、一篇散 文、一则日记、一部小说(三部曲或其中的章节); 它也可以是一句口号、一支歌曲、一次对话、一场口角、 一次长达两三个小时的讲演” Roughly speaking, it refers to attempts to study the organization of language above the sentence or above the clause, and therefore to study larger linguistic units, such as conversational exchanges or written texts. Linguistic communication always appears in textual form. 英语语篇的模式研究英语语篇的模式研究 语篇的组织模式(textual pattern)可以定 义为“构成语篇的关系的组合”。 英语中有多种语篇模式,常见的模式是: 问题解决 一般特殊 主张反应 提问回答 问题解决模式的宏观结构一般由情景(situation)、问题(problem) 、反应(response)、评价(evaluation)或结果(result)四部分组成。 Situation (optional) Aspect of situation requiring a response (i.e. Problem) Response Positive Evaluation Positive result Positive Result/ evaluation combined in a single statement Basis (optional) positive Evaluation (optional) Most people like to take a camera with them when they travel abroad. But all airports nowadays have X-ray security screening and X rays can damage film. One solution to this problem is to purchase a specially designed lead-lined pouch. These are cheap and can protect film from all but the strongest X rays. 问题解决模式是英语中极为常见的语篇模式,经常用于 说明文、广告、科技文章、实验报告、新闻报道以及故事、 小说等文学作品中。 一般特殊模式又可称作概括具体模式,其宏观结构由三个成分组成 :概括陈述、具体陈述和总结陈述。其表现形式有两种:先概括再举例 ;先整体后细节。 General statement Specific statement 1 Specific statement 2 Specific statement 3 General statement General statement Specific statement Even more specific Even more specific General statement Knowledge often results only after persistent investigation. Albert Einstein, after a lengthy examination of the characteristics of matter and energy, formulated his famous Theory of Relativity, which now acts as a basis for further research in nuclear physics. Using plaster casts of footprints, fingerprints, and stray stands of hair, a detective pertinaciously pursues the criminal. After years of work, Annie Jump Cannon perfected the classification of the spectra 0f some 350,000 stars. Investigations into the causes of polio have provided us with the means for prevention and cure of this dreaded disease only after many years of research. As students, we too are determined in our investigation to find, retain, and contribute to the store of human knowledge. 这一模式在宣传材料、自然科学、社会科学的论说文 中,在文学作品、百科全书中很常见。 主张反应模式也叫做主张反 主张模式(claim response/counterclaim pattern) 。其宏观结构包括“情景”,“主张 ”, “反应”三部分。 Situation Claim Reason for claim Denial or negative evaluation of claim Correction Reason for correction Affirm Reason for affirm Reason for denial I have in my possession a copy of a press release from Sir Aaron Klug, the president of the Royal Society dated April 1996a month after it was officially admitted that BSE was probably the cause of the new variant CJD. In it he stated that “the sheep from the disease, called Scrapie, is known not to infect humans.” we know no such thing. What we know is that we do not know whether Scrapie can infect humans and cause CJD, a very different matter. 这一模式的词汇标志包括:提出主张的词汇有:assertion, assumption, Belief, claim, conclusion, expect, guess, illustration, speculation, Suggestion, theory, think等;在反应部分,标志词汇有:affirm, agree, Confirm, concur, evidence, fact, know, real; contradict, challenge, Correct, deny, dismiss, disagree, mistake, object to, not true等。 提问回答模式一般是在语篇的开头提出一个问题,然后语篇的展开主 要是寻求对所提问题的令人满意的回答。其宏观结构是情景、提问、回 答与肯定或否定评价。情景可有可无,若对回答是否定评价,则预示着 模式的循环,直到令人满意的回答。 (Situation) Question Answer Positive evaluation Rejection 与问题解决模式不同的地方在于:提问-回答模式通常在 语篇开头有显性的带有疑问号的疑问句;二是这种模式的动 机是寻求一个令人满意的回答;三是提问回答模式是匹配 -比较型,而不是序列型,模式主要是通过重复法获得信号 标志,提问与回答之间没有逻辑顺序关系。 提问回答模式经常出现在演说、政论、说教、报道等语篇中。 Hartwell 4) 原因结果型:其常用语篇指示 词有:as a result, consequently, thus, because, according to, therefore, since, for, so, hence等 。 几种思维模式的图式几种思维模式的图式 Example the covenant to make available, with utmost speed, those new and splendid drugsfrom the same pharmaceutical companieswhich lengthened life or shortened pain. 指示功能 指示功能就是发出指令或诱导性信息,产 生明显言外效果(perlocutionary force)的功 能。据有指示功能的语篇都是以读者为中 心的,因为这一功能的实现必须以语篇在 读者身上产生的效果和读者的反应为准绳 。 以功能的标准对文章进行分类,大概可以分为如以功能的标准对文章进行分类,大概可以分为如 下五类文体:下五类文体: 1 1)公文事务文体:法律文体;外交文体;军事文)公文事务文体:法律文体;外交文体;军事文 体;经济文体;一般事务文体体;经济文体;一般事务文体 2 2)科学技术文体:科学论文文体;学术报告文体)科学技术文体:科学论文文体;学术报告文体 ;生产技术文体;生产技术文体 3 3)新闻论说文体:报道(简讯、新闻消息);社)新闻论说文体:报道(简讯、新闻消息);社 论;通讯;评论论;通讯;评论 4 4)文学艺术文体:小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧、报)文学艺术文体:小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧、报 告文学、电影剧本告文学、电影剧本 5 5)日常应用文体:书信;日记;通知;启事)日常应用文体:书信;日记;通知;启事 The text can only be understood and analyzed within and in relation to the framework of the communicative act-in-situation. - -C. Nord From a translators point of view, I think the main descriptive units are a hierarchy: text, paragra


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