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绿色GDP森林核算的内容.方法和 发展趋势 The Contents, Methods and Development Tendency of Greened GDP for Forest Accounting 张颖 博士 副教授 北京林业大学经济管理学院 Dr. Zhang Ying College of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University 1 历史回顾 Review (1) Earliest accounting is dated 1950s to 1960s,the work was estimation the forest- reserved water benefits; (2) In the 1970s, studied on the currency of the benefits and cost of shelter-belt forests for farmland; (3) In the early 1980s, introduce and practice of foreign forest accounting research into China; In 1987, professor Li Jingchang translated some articles written by Dr. Repetto from the World Resource Research Institute; In 1988,the Development and Research Center of the State Council was funded by Ford Foundation, set up the panel with the resource accounting and how it will be brought into the national economic system,this research set up the theoretic framework. (4) After the 1990s, Chinese accounting research of forest resource focused on the environmental economic assessment; (5) ITTO PD 39/98 Rev.2(M) Research on value accounting of tropical forest environmental resources and bring of it in line with the national economic accounting system in China Case Study of greened GDP for forest accounting in Hainan proivince 2 绿色GDP森林核算内容 The Contents of Greened GDP for Forest Accounting 林地(Wooded land) 林木(Standing timber) 林产品(Forest products) 森林管理与保护活动支出 (Environmental protection and management activities) 其他(Others)。 林地(Wooded land) 有林地(Forested land) 用材林地(Forests available for wood supply) 天然林(Natural forests) 半天然林(Semi-natural forests) 人工林(plantations) 非用材林地(Forests not available for wood production) 严格保护的林地(Strictly protected) 经济限制下的林地(Under economic restrictions) 其他林地(Other wooded land) 林分蓄积 (Standing volume) 立木蓄积(Growing stock) 年总增长量(Gross annual increment) 年净增长量(Net annual increment) 自然损失(Natural losses) 年采伐量(Annual fellings) 年运输量(Annual removals) 林木(Standing timber) 林产品(Forest products) 食品 (Foods(game, berries, fruits,mushrooms,nuts,palm oil, honey,etc.) 医药(Medicines) 饲料(Fodder/forage for animal breeding) 工业提炼(Industrial extracts(cork, rubber, gum,tar,chemicals) 森林动物(Forest animals as agricultural products(wild board,reindeer,etc.) 森林管理与保护活动支出 (Expenditures on forest management and protection) 间伐(Forestry and logging) 造林(forest improvement and silviculture) 采运(logging) 健康的林业采运环境(environmentally sound forestry and logging) 森林保护(Forest protection) 森林防治(prevention) 森林恢复(restoration) 森林保存(Forest conservation) 其他(Others) 生态植物区(Ecofloristic zones) 固碳(Carbon binding) 林龄结构(Age structure of forests) 森林健康(Forest health) 多样性和生态系统(Biodiversity and ecosystems, and) 非木质服务(Non-wood services) 3 绿色GDP森林核算估价方法 The Evaluation Methods of Greened GDP for Forest Accounting 立木价值法 (the stumpage value method) 它是当木材被采伐后,运输到路边,并且被归楞后的原木价 格,减去采伐、运输、归楞的成本后的价格。 消费价值法(Consumption value method) 当木材按树种、林龄和径级分类并被采伐后,通过 立木换算表,换算成原木的材积,然后减去不同树种 、林龄和径级的原木的采伐成本,即可求得不同树种 、林龄和径级的立木蓄积的价值。 净现值法 (Present value method) 结构费用法(Structural adjustment costs) 消除成本法(Abatement costs) 恢复费用法(Restoration costs) 损害估计法(Estimating the damage done) Revealed-preference pricing techniques 市场价法(Market prices) 享乐价法(Hedonic pricing) 旅行费用法(Travel cost method) Stated preferences 条件价值法(Contingent valuation) 愿意消费者法(Willingness to pay and consumer surplus) 联合分析法(Conjoint analysis approaches) 其它方法(Others) 4 绿色GDP森林核算发展趋势 The Development Tendency of Greened GDP for Forest Accounting 处理好与环境统计的关系 更好的为林业政策制定和决策服务 人力资本和社会资本也要受到重视 5 绿色GDP森林核算海南案例研究 A Case Study of Greened GDP for Forest Accounting in Hainan Province 1森林固定资本折旧森 林资源的经济使用 2森林1森林森林资源生态建 设资本性支出 3森林2森林森林资源的其他 物量消耗(物) 4森林3森林森林生态环境质 量降级(物) 表4-1 海南省1997年绿色GDP森林核算基本情况表 金额(亿元) 占GDP的比重 % 199519972000199519972000 GDP364.18409.86518.481.00001.00001.0000 折旧57.4864.6983.490.15780.1578 0.1610 森林 培育资产市价产出12.6414.7218.


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