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2010冲刺 基础写作1.人物介绍 你的外国朋友Jack想了解玉树抗震救灾英雄黄福荣的情况,假如你是Jack的朋友李华,请根据以下提示内容告诉他黄福荣的情况。基本情况香港人,46岁,货车司机,热心公益。2008年汶川地震,到灾区做了两个月义工,为灾民运送物资。英雄事迹4月14日地震,孤儿院(orphanage)损毁,黄福荣为救3名孩子和3名老师不幸罹难。范文: Aged 46, Huang Furong, a truck driver in Hongkong, was enthusiastic about public welfare for many years and prevailed all over the country of China. After Wenchuan Earthquake, he worked as a volunteer in the disaster-hit areas for two months, delivering materials for the earthquake victims. After the April 14th earthquake, the orphanage where he worked was destroyed by the earthquake but he managed to run out of the collapsed houses. Knowing that three teachers and three children were still trapped, he returned to the scene and helped to save the victims but unfortunately he lost his precious life in one of the aftershocks. 2. 地点介绍 假如您是世博会期间某旅游团的导游,你带了一个外国旅游团,来到世博会澳门馆时你向他们介绍澳门馆的基本情况。写作内容1. 位置:中国国家馆西南向;2. 结构:占地面积637平方米,共7层,展出面积约800平方米左右;3. 主题:文化交融,和谐体现(the blending of culture and embodying of harmony);4. 核心概念:玉兔(Jade Rabbit)宫灯高度为19.99米,意为澳门于1999年回归;5.其它:澳门馆中有一高5层、名为“时光机”(Time Machine)的环幕影院,观众可以从中看到澳门的发展历程。 范文: Located to the southwest of the Chinese National Museum, the Macao Museum covers an area of 637 square metres. It is a seven-storeyed building with an exhibition area of 800 square metres. Its theme is the blending of culture and embodying of harmony. The Jade Rabbit Palace Lantern is 19.99 metres high, meaning Macao returned to China in 1999. Whats more, in the museum is a 5-storeyed circle cinema called Time Machine, where viewers can see the development of Macao. 3. 图表类说明文 下面的柱状图(bar chart)显示了不同年龄段孩子与父母谈心的情况。 (图略) Time spent in talking with parents 【写作内容】1简要描述图中信息;2说明原因(如忙于学习或工作、缺少共同话题);3谈谈你的看法。 【参考范文】 Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents As is shown in the bar chart, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow olderFor example, while the 7-9 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average, the 16-18 age group spends only half the time There are two major reasons for this: both parents and children are too busy working or studying, and there arent many topics of common interest for them to talk aboutIn my opinion, children should let their parents know more about what they are interested inAt the same time, parents should spend more time talking with their children and sharing opinions with them and only in this way can they better understand each other. 4. 过去、现在和未来对比请根据以下表格内容,写一篇介绍人们在衣食住行等方面发生的变化并想象未来的情况。 过去 现在 将来住木制房屋或草房 高楼大厦或小别墅 海底、其它星球行马车 摩托车、汽车、火车或飞机 宇宙飞船穿丝、布 尼龙、羊毛、棉织品等 不需要洗的衣服读书 卷轴、竹简 书、电脑 手机或电子刊物【写作要点】1. 过去、现在和将来的居住情况;2. 过去、现在和将来的交通工具的使用;3. 过去、现在和将来的穿着;4. 过去、现在和将来的读书手段。写作要求要求语言地道,句子连贯,只能使用5个句子表达全部内容,开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总句数。参考词汇:尼龙:nylon; 卷轴 :scroll范文: With the science and technology developing fast, life is new every day and the present is quite different from the past. And what will life be like in the future? Living in houses made of wood or grass in the past people now live in tall buildings or flats and maybe they will live underwater or in other planets in the future. Riding a horse was common in the past, which was too slow but today most people travel by motorbike, car, train or plane and will travel in spaceships in the future, which will enable them to go anywhere at any time they want. People used to wear clothes made of silk or cloth by hand, but now the clothes , which need washing every day, are made of wool, nylon and cotton and we can imagine that in the future people will not have to wash the clothes they wear. As to reading, people read only scrolls or paper made from bamboo in the past but now we can read not only books but from computers while in the future people will read electronic material or from cellphones . With a very small machine in hand, they can take out whenever they want to read. We live a happy life now and the future is wonderful. We should value what we have today and work hard for the bright future. 5. 介绍科技产品 你校举行科技节,有一项发明很吸引外来参观者的眼球,你作为发明者向参观者介绍你的发明(护理机器人),请按以下表格内容介绍。 名字RIBA机器人形状及原因一只友好的熊,样子像人的机器人,吓坏病人。设计背景由于老龄化,很难找护士,专家希望机器人能帮助解决此问题。功能1)帮病人从椅子上抬到床上 2)能回应简单口头指令 3) 能认出同事你的希望此发明能很快引进进医院。Ladies and gentlemen, _ Thank you.范文Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to introduce you something about my recent invention-a robot, whose name is RIBA. I designed the robot to look like a friendly bear, since human-looking robot would scare the patients. Nowadays, many hospitals have been having trouble finding new nurses as the population grows old and I hope roots will help to solve the problem. RIBA helps carry the patients from the chair to the bed, is able to respond to simple spoken commands and can recognize co-workers. I hope my invention will be introduced to hospitals as soon as possible.Thank you. 6. 通知 你校将举办校报英语写作大赛,请以学生会的名义根据大赛内容拟写一份英文通知: 1. 大赛主题: 1)家书: 描述在学校生活、学习情况,并感谢父母; 2)我最喜爱的老师:描述其品质、独特之处等; 3) 以上两个主题任选其一; 4) 字数800左右。 2. 参赛办法和截止日期: 在2010年5月22日前通过电子邮件发至,递交自己的参赛作品。 3. 奖励办法: 1)获奖作者将获精美礼品一份; 2)其作品将在校报登载,并推荐到英语报刊上发表。范文: Notice If you are interested in English writing, please take part in the writing contest to be held by the school newspaper. You can choose either of the following themes, a letter home, telling your parents the life and studies in our school and showing your gratitude to them or a composition about your favorite teacher, describing his or her good quality and speciality. Please email your composition to before May 22nd, 2010. The winners will be given a pleasant gift and their compositions will be published on the school newspaper and recommended to English newspapers and magazines for publications.The Students Union 热点话题 1 低碳与我 假设你是某国际学校的校报记者,最近你校开展了为期一周的“低碳与我”(Low carbon living and I )的环保系列活动,请根据以下中文提纲,为本次活动写一篇通讯稿,介绍本次活动的情况。【写作内容】主题 低碳生活与我时间12月1日-7日参加者全体师生与部分社区人士目的关注低碳生活观念,倡导健康节能生活方式内容1.邀请环保专家介绍国际流行的低碳生活方式,了解减少碳排放的方法; 2.演讲比赛,分享个人节能心得;3.师生签名活动,承诺尽所能阻止全球变暖。效果意识到人类与自然和谐共存的重要性。 In order to draw our attention to the concept of low carbon living and promote a healthy energy-saving life, a series of activities with the theme “Low carbon living and I” were held from December 1st to 7th. All the students as well as the teachers and some people from our community took part. Some experts were invited to introduce low carbon living, an internationally popular way of life, and gave us advice on how to cut down the release of carbon in our daily life. A speech competition was held, in which we shared our personal ideas about saving the energy, and after that the students and the teachers signed and promised to make efforts to stop the global warming. These activities helped us recognize that its important for us human beings to get along well with nature harmoniously. 2 武广客运专线 武广客运专线,位于湖北、湖南和广东境内,于2005年6月23日在长沙首先开始动工。全长约1068.8公里,投资总额1166亿元。2009年12月9日试运行成功,于12月29日正式运营。列车最高时速可到394公里,全程票价分三等,在480元-700元之间。 请根据以上对武广高铁简介的信息和图表用英语写一篇短文。 参考词汇: 武广客运专线WuhanGuangzhou speed railway试运行:trial operation 高铁列车:MU train 参考范文: Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway, located in the province of Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong, has been constructed in Changsha since June 23rd, 2005. The total length of Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway is more than 1068 kilometre and the total investment is more than 116 billion yuan. Its trial operation was very successful on December 9th, 2009 and will be put into operation on 26th. With the average of speed of the MU train in other developed countries ranging from 232 kilometres per hour in Germany to 277 kilometres per hour in France, the speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou MU Train reaches about 350 kilometres per hour, the highest in the world, which may reduce the travel time of Wunan to Guangzhou to 3 hours. The ticket prices are quite reasonable, which are divided into three classes, from 480 yuan to 700 yuan each person. 热点话题3 网上偷菜 上周一,你班以“网络游戏偷菜值不值得我们玩”为题,对全班学生作调查。【写作内容】 请根据下表所示的调查结果,写一篇短文。 30%学生赞成70%学生反对1.丰富了单调生活,满足心理需求; 2.没心理压力、轻松快乐、成就感。1.混淆游戏和现实,逃避现实; 2.忽视现实中的朋友;3.降低处理问题能力、影响社交关系。 Last Monday, we had a heated discussion on whether a game called “online vegetables” was worthy of being played or not参考范文: Last Monday, we had a heated discussion on whether a game called “online vegetables” was worthy of being played or not 30% of the students were for the idea that it is worthy of being played because it not only immensely enriches their relatively monotonous identity. Moreover, without mental pressure they enjoy it with happiness and a sense of achievement. On the contrary, 70% of them were against the idea that it is worth playing because they believed that once they are addicted to it they will mix the game and the reality together and they will even escape the reality on purpose. Additionally, once they pay all their attention to stealing online vegetables, they will tend to neglect their friends in reality. Worse still, playing the game will not only lower their abilities of dealing with realistic problems but also have an influence on their establishing a normal and harmonious social relationship in reality.热点话题 4 地球一小时 你校校报要编辑一期关于环保的特刊,向全校学生征稿,你是一名环保积极分子,因此你喜欢查阅关于环保的资料,你查了有关“地球一小时”的资料并整理后向你校校报投稿。【写作内容】请根据以下中文提纲,介绍“地球停电一小时”的情况和发表你的感想:背景世界自然基金会(the World Wildlife Fund)应对全球气候变化提出的一项倡议,号召个人(individual)、社区(community)、企业和政府在每年特定时间里熄灯一小时。目的提高公众意识,号召人们减少二氧化碳排放(carbon dioxide emissions)、节约能源和保护环境。07年澳大利亚悉尼大约有220万悉尼家庭和企业熄灯一小时08年全世界有35个不同的国家、370个不同的城镇、3700万人加入“地球停电一小时”活动09年中国第一次参加到地球一小时活动,3月28日星期六晚8:30 开始熄灯一小时你的感想 ?范文: Earth Hour, is an event promoted by the World Wildlife Fund as a call to action on the global climate change calling on individuals, communities, businesses and governments to switch off lights for one hour at a fixed time each year. The event aims to raise the publics awareness on climate change and call people to take various measures to reduce carbon dioxide emission, save energy resources and protect the environment. In 2007, 2.2 million households and businesses switched off their lights for Earth Hour and just one year later 50 million people in 370 cities and towns in more than 35 countries worldwide took part in the event. China participated for the first time in the World Earth Hour campaign at 8:30 on Saturday night March 28th by switching off all unnecessary lights. In my opinion, Earth Hour is just a symbolic act but its of great significance for the environmental protection. 热点话题5 广州亚运 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Mary 想在网上报名当2010年亚运会的志愿者,可她不了解具体的网上报名流程。【写作内容】 请你根据下面所提供的信息,写一个电子邮件告诉她怎样上网报名。 2010亚运会志愿者网上报名流程1.登录亚组委官方网站 2.阅读并签署志愿者注册协议书3.申请用户名4.阅读填表报名注意事项5.填写报名表6.提交报名表(如提交成功,网上会显示“报名成功”) 参考词汇:提交submitDear Mary, Im glad to know that you want to be a volunteer for the 2010 Asian Games. Now Im writing to tell you about the procedure for applying online. _ _ Im looking forward to seeing you in the 2010 Asian Games. Yours, Li Hua参考范文Dear Mary, Im glad to know that you want to be a volunteer for the 2010 Asian Games. Now Im writing to tell you about the procedure for applying online. First, log onto the official 2010 Asian Games website . Then read and agree to the conditions on the volunteer application form regarding your participation as a volunteer in the 2010 Asian Games. After that, apply for a username. Before you fill in the application form, do remember to read the application notice carefully. Then you can submit your application and if the submission is successful, a notice saying “Application Successful” will appear. Im looking forward to seeing you in the 2010 Asian Games. Yours, Li Hua (五)任务写作 读写任务 一 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Some post-80s graduates have given up the dream of working in a big city, and heading back home has become a part of future job consideration. Two of the more common ones are trying to avoid the intense competition and the pressure, and seeing unprecedented opportunities in the growing economies back home. Changping, a 22-year-old student from Hainan University, said that if he would decide on starting his business, hed certainly return to his hometown, Xiangfan, in Hubei province. That was because he had his own network of people who could help him in every way. Also, he could get some good business ideas like setting up advanced kindergartens in small cities. If no one was doing that, the chance of being successful seemed higher. But Chen Haihua, a college student from Guangzhou Medical College, said that she would plan to stick to a big city, Guangzhou, instead of going back to her hometown, Zhanjiang, in Guangdong Province. She wanted to struggle in the big city for a more exciting, better life . She explained that she could also be a role model, letting the kids in her hometown work hard to go to key universities. 写作内容1以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2然后以约120个词谈谈你对就业方向的看法,内容包括: (1) 在大城市还是回乡就业,你更赞成哪种选择; (2) 如果你大学毕业了,你会选择在哪里就业? 参考答案: Post-80s graduates hold different views towards job choices. Some, like Changping, will head back home to avoid competition and pressure in big cities, while others, like Chen haihua, would prefer to stay in big cities to seek a better job. As we all know , whether working in big cities or hometown depends on ones experience and values . As for me , a girl from a remote village , I would rather struggle in a big city like Shenzhen to make a living than go back to my hometown. But it doesnt mean that I will leave my hometown behind . On the contrary, after gaining enough experience of doing business , I will definitely return home and play an active role in developing my local economies. Therefore , after graduation, I will choose a big city as my start of career. Thanks to the intensive competition, I can grow into an experienced and competitive person, which does good to my later development. 读写任务 (二) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 As people are the major source of greenhouse gas emissions, changing human behavior is key to dealing with climate change. In China, taking up a low-carbon way of living, or reducing ones carbon footprint, is a growing trend among young people. Zheng Xiyu works in Beijings Central Business District. Everyday, it takes her roughly 40 minutes to reach her office by bus. But shes thinking of switching to a different mode of transportation - a bicycle. Zheng said, Riding a bicycle takes roughly the same amount of time as using public transportation. But its more convenient, and environmentally friendly. Its also good exercise for me. Zheng works for a website devoted to low carbon economy issues. This gives her better insight into environmental concerns. She also reducing the amount of carbon needed to power her daily life.写作内容哥本哈根会议(the Copenhagen Conference)后,很多人都在谈论和体验低碳生活(low-carbon life),你们班准备召开关于低碳生活的主题班会,请你写一份发言稿,题目是“My Low Carbon Life”,内容要点包括:1. 以约30个词概括上文;2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你对低碳生活的看法,内容包括: (1) 对低碳生活的认识; (2) 你和家人如何体验低碳生活的; (3) 号召你的同学该如何实践低碳生活。参考答案: Living a low-carbon life has become a trend among young people like Zheng Xiyu, who chooses to ride a bike to office, reducing the amount of carbon as much as possible in order to be environmentally friendly. As we all know , after the Copenhagen Conference, living a low-carbon life seems to draw more attention for the reason that it is considered a better way to slow down the process of global warming. Being aware of the significance of low-carbon life , my family and I also try to do something for it . We prefer to ride bikes when going out for a picnic instead of driving a car. We wont turn on the air-conditioning unless it is too hot. Our daily garbage is sorted into different systems for the purpose of recycling to the fullest. In addition, wed rather buy some materials which will not do harm to our environment. Thus, every little thing we do will pay off eventually, as it is beneficial to our living environment. When studying at school, we students should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom and use less air-conditioning. Only in this way can we lead a better life. 读写任务(三) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The morning was a bit cold, but Li Yanbo quickly got out of his warm bed when his cellphone alarm rang at 7:30. He picked up two plastic buckets and rushed to the center of the village, where a fire engine arrives once a day to provide water for villagers. Li, a 24-year-old farmer, lives in Liguan village, Songming county about 60km away from Kunming. For the last three months, he has risen early to meet the fire truck because the villages only reservoir(水库) has dried up. Rain hasnt fallen for six months. Like most people in his village, growing tobacco provides the familys meal ticket. Normally, Lis three mu of tobacco earns him near 10,000 yuan. But now, with no water for seeding, their only source of income has dried up. Local governments are trying to help families like Lis by hunting for new water res


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