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Section Learning about Language一、用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空 damagerepairtelldancehold1My old car by my father at present.答案is being repaired2The Olympic Games every four years.答案are held3The girls in the hall now.答案are dancing4The bridge in a traffic accident yesterday.答案was damaged5The students keep laughing because some funny jokes by the teacher.答案are being told二、单句改错1Our school library building is built now.答案is后加being2She is now being examining by her doctor.答案examiningexamined3Jack may be being punish by his father at the very moment.答案punishpunished4There is a lot of noise outside as repair work is being doing to the house.答案doingdone5The little girl was bited by a fierce dog.答案bitedbitten三、将下列句子改为被动语态1He is drawing a picture in the office.答案A picture is being drawn by him in the office.2The girl is repairing the window.答案The window is being repaired by the girl.3Many people are watching the man performing.答案The man is being watched performing by many people.4The dog is running after the beggar.答案The beggar is being run after by the dog.5The manager is punishing the worker for his fault.答案The worker is being punished for his fault by the manager.四、完成句子1孩子们正被他们的老师照顾着。The children by their teacher.答案are being looked after2汤姆的自行车正在被修理。Toms bicycle .答案is being repaired3我们现在没有讨论那件事情。That matter by us now.答案isnt being discussed4这儿正在建造一座新房子。A new househere.答案is being built5一些学生正在擦桌子。The desks by some students.答案are being cleaned五、七选五(导学号57140026)Richards father died when he was five.Later on he lost his mother.An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him.Of course he had no money to go to school.He had to work for a rich farmer.The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.1. He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.2. It connected the village and the town.One morning people found there was a big stone on it.It stopped them from going to town.They had to move it away,or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town.But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldnt do that.3.Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said,“I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him.4. Night fell and people went home.Only the boy stayed there.To their surprise,the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning.They didnt know which spirit had moved it away.5.“How could he?” the rich farmer called out.“Hes only fifteen!He couldnt move it at all!”“He dug a big hole beside the stone”,said the old woman,“And then he could easily push it into the hole!”Looking at each other,the farmers couldnt say a word.A.There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.B.The old woman said Richard had done it all.C.There was a narrow path between two mountains.D.But the boy didnt lose heart.E.Some farmers even laughed at the boy.F.The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.G.They discussed for a long time,but nobody knew what to do.答案15 DCGEB六、完形填空 (导学号57140027)On my last day in Nairobi,I decided to visit the game reserve(野生动物保护区).1 my hotel,I bought a map and hired a 2.On the way I stopped to take photos of many interesting 3.A little later,I was very pleased when I saw the notice 4“Be careful:Lions.Stay in your car.” I didnt mean to 5 and drove across a shallow stream.I was halfway 6 when my wheels began to 7 round and round without 8 a bit;the car had stuck in the mud.Full of 9,I looked round carefully.There was not a lion in the distance.I was soon in the stream and my clothes got into a terrible state,but there was 10 I could do.The car wouldnt move though I pushed it hard.11 there was a forest quite near,I didnt dare to go there.When I got back into the car,I felt very 12.I wondered how long it would be 13 I was discovered by wild beasts.The lions would quite 14 a tasty meal of 15 human being!I was wild with 16 when,several hours later,a keeper drove up in a jeep and 17 my car on to dry land.It took me some time to 18 what had happened to me when I returned to the 19,but I do not think that anyone really 20 me!1A.Leaving B.ReachingC.Getting toD.Seeing答案A解析由上文的“我决定去参观野生动物保护区”可知,应是“离开”宾馆。leave表示“离开”;reach与get to表示“到达”;see表示“看见”。2A.bikeB.carC.horseD.boat答案B解析由第4空后的“Stay in your car.”可知,此处应选择car。3A.childrenB.animalsC.gamesD.things答案B解析由第一句可知作者是参观野生动物保护区,因此他是给动物拍照,而不是给孩子们、游戏和事物拍照。4A.writtenB.readC.put onD.saying答案D解析由空前的notice可知,应选择say或read的适当形式;由notice与say或read之间是主动关系可以排除read,应用saying。5A.eatB.go backC.get outD.give up答案C解析由上一句的“in your car”可知此处应用get out,表示从车中出来。eat表示“吃”;go back表示“回去”;get out表示“出来”;give up表示“放弃”。6A.acrossB.insideC.backD.ahead答案A解析由上一句的“a shallow stream”可知,这条小溪很浅,因此此处表示作者横渡小溪。across表示“横穿”;inside表示“在里面”;back表示“后面”;ahead 表示“前面”。7A.turnB.runC.goD.return答案A解析由前面的wheels可知,此处指车轮转动,应用turn round。而run,go和return与wheels搭配不当。8A.stoppingB.drivingC.movingD.leading答案C解析由下文的“the car had stuck in the mud”可知,汽车陷在泥中,因此此处表示“车轮只转动,但不前行”。stop表示“停止”;drive表示“开车”;move表示“向前走,移动”;lead表示“带头,带路”。9A.fearB.angerC.surpriseD.pleasure答案A解析由上文的警告牌,以及下文的作者仔细查看四周可知,作者很是害怕,而不是生气、吃惊或高兴。10A.one choiceB.one wayC.somethingD.nothing答案D解析由上面的“自己在小溪里”和“衣服上满是泥”以及but可知,此处表示作者对此无能为力。11A.IfB.WhereC.AlthoughD.Even答案C解析由下面的“我不敢去那儿”可知此处用although 引导让步状语从句。即虽然附近有片森林,但“我”不敢去那儿。12A.anxiousB.surprisedC.happyD.brave答案A解析因为车子出了故障,又无处可去,所以作者的心情是焦虑的(anxious),而不是惊奇的、快乐的或勇敢的。13A.beforeB.whenC.afterD.whether答案A解析此处表示“我不知道还要多久会有野生动物发现我”。句式“It is/was +一段时间+before+句子”表示“还有一段时间会发生”。14A.hateB.appreciateC.thankD.refuse答案B解析appreciate表示“喜欢”,能够吃到一顿人肉大餐,狮子应该会很高兴。而hate表示“不喜欢”;thank表示“谢谢”;refuse表示“拒绝”。15A.deadB.rottenC.freshD.good答案C解析狮子吃到新鲜的肉会高兴。此处表示“新鲜的”人肉。而dead表示“死的”;rotten表示“腐烂的”;good表示“好的”,均不如fresh与human being搭配更符合情境。16A.angerB.tearC.sadnessD.joy答案D解析由下文可知有人来了,因此作者大喜过望。17A.pulledB.pushedC.sentD.carried答案A解析既然帮助作者,a keeper应该用吉普车把作者的车从小溪里拉到干地之上。表示“拉”应用pull;push表示“推”;send表示“派,送”;carry表示“携带”。18A.writeB.explainC.talkD.announce答案B解析作者向他人解释自己的遭遇。talk是不及物动词,不能直接接宾语从句;announce表示“宣布”。19A.carB.countryC.hotelD.city答案C解析由短文第一段第二句的“离开宾馆”可知,此处表示“回到宾馆”。car表示“汽车”;country表示“国家,乡村”;hotel表示“旅馆”;city表示“城市”。20A.likedB.askedC.believedD.heard答案C解析由but一词可以推知“没有人会相信我的话”。like表示“喜欢”;ask表示“询问”;believe表示“相信”;hear表示“听见”。七、语篇填空(导学号57140028)Dear Tom,How are you doing?You 1(ask) me in your last letter about my plan for the coming summer vacation.I am sorry that I didnt reply 2 delay.How I wish I 3(read) and reply your email as soon as I received it.4,I was busy preparing for my f


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