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Unit 3 Under the sea Learning about Language Using Language .单句语法填空1The sunlight was_reflected (reflect) from the water and it was really beautiful.2The dog scared the birds into fleeing.3The enemys missiles were targeted at the city.4Drivers should be made aware of the danger of driving after drinking.5Everything taken (take) into consideration, they ought to have another chance.6I couldnt do my homework with all that noise going (go) on.完成句子1你应该留出一些时间来反思你的成败。You should set aside some time to_reflect_on_your_successes_and_failures.2当她看到狮子朝她走来,她吓得要死。She was_scared_to_death when she saw the lion coming up to her.3在全世界鲸鱼已成为非法捕猎的目标。The whale has_been_targeted by the illegal hunt in the whole world.4重要的是要意识到这些危险,因为每个人都会接触到空气污染。It is important to_be_aware_of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution.5不要倒拿瓶子,以防水滴下来。Dont hold the bottle upside_down to keep the water from dripping.完形填空More than eight years ago, I did my Wildlife Field Project in Palawan, in the southwestern part of the Philippines. It was my first trip to the island so I didnt know what to _1_. I was really excited about the whole trip but a bit _2_, too, because I had to live in a tent the whole time. I wondered if I could survive._3_ me on the trip were four other students and our professor. After we reached the island, our professor told us to _4_ our families because it would not be possible once we rode the bus to the camping site.We spent our first week in Busuanga. We took a _5_ and washed our clothes in a small well in the nearby forest. Life was so simple but every day was a(n) _6_. Aside from tasting unfamiliar foods, we caught frogs and _7_ colorful birds. They were freed _8_ we took their measurements and names.On the first day of the second week, we rode a motorboat toward our next _9_. When we arrived, I was amazed at the sight of zebras, giraffes, horses and deer that _10_ wandered around the island. I had seen them in zoos and on TV but it was _11_ seeing them in person outside the big cages and _12_. They really looked great in the wild.We did the rest of our fieldwork that week. My partner and I _13_ data for our special problem _14_ beeeaters (食蜂鸟). Others had their own special problems, too. We needed to _15_ very early to do the activities and continued _16_ late in the afternoon. We then analyzed the data at night. It was physically tiring but _17_.It was so sad that we had to _18_ after eleven days. It would mean going back to reality school. However, the memories, the things that I _19_, and the friendships that were formed were things that I would _20_ for the rest of my life.1A.realizeBorganizeCdemand Dexpect解析:选D从前面的“It was my first trip to the island”可知作者对这个岛不熟悉,不知道自己会遇到什么。2A.anxious BcalmCbored Ddisappointed解析:选A从后面的“I wondered if I could survive.”可知作者在感到兴奋的同时也很担心。3A.As for BAhead ofCTogether with DFar from解析:选C从后面使用人称we可知作者不是自己去的,有人与其同行。4A.see BvisitCcall Dfind解析:选C作者与同学、教授来到一个陌生的岛上,应该通过电话才能与家人联系。5A.look BbathCrisk Dbreath解析:选B从后面的“in a small well”可知此处应该是指洗澡。6A.application BsolutionCperformance Dchallenge解析:选D从前面的“Life was so simple but .”可知此处应该填入与simple所表达的意思相反的词。7A.raised BboughtCkilled Dtrapped解析:选D从后面的“They were freed .”可知此处是先捉住这些动物,之后才能放生。8A.since BafterCuntil Dso解析:选B放生动物应该是在仔细记录它们的情况之后。9A.occasion BdestinationCcelebration Dfoundation解析:选B作者一行人在第一个地方进行了一周的研究后,转移到下一个目的地。10A.freely BrapidlyCbriefly Deventually解析:选A从后面的“seeing them in person outside the big cages . They really looked great in the wild.”可知这些动物没有被关起来,而是自由自在地到处走。11A.popular BseriousCfrightening Ddifferent解析:选D在野外看到动物和在动物园、电视里看到它们是不一样的。12A.fences BforestsCislands Dcamps解析:选A此处应该填入与cages并列的、能够限制动物的自由的词语。13A.created BexplainedCgathered Ddoubted解析:选C作者一行人来野外进行实地调查,目的是收集数据。14A.on BinCfor Dat解析:选Aon在此处表示“关于”。15A.give up Bwake upCpull up Dgo up解析:选B作者一行人有很多活动要进行,所以需要起早。16A.waiting BcomplainingCwatching Dworking解析:选D从后面的“It was physically tiring”可知下午作者一行人也应该在工作。17A.hopeful BclearCfun Dbeautiful解析:选C从转折词but可知此处应填入表示人精神愉快的词语。18A.regret BreportCleave Dmove解析:选C从后面的“It would mean going back to reality school.”可知作者他们要离开此地了。19A.read BlearnedCchecked Ddesigned解析:选B作者一行人来此处的目的是研究、学习。20A.compare BmeasureCchange Dvalue解析:选D从作者描述这次经历时所表现出的感情色彩可知作者想要珍藏这些东西。.阅读七选五 “You do not need to be a rocket scientist.” Americans hear these words often.People say them in schools,offices and factories. Broadcasters on radio and television often use them.How did the expression begin? No one seems to know it._1_“It grew,”he says,“Because rocket scientists probably are the most intelligent people around.”Not everyone would agree. Some people might be considered more intelligent than rocket scientists, for example, a person who speaks fifteen languages, or a medical doctor who operates on the brain. Still, many people would agree that there is something special about scientists who build rockets._2_Moving pictures from before World War showed a man named Buck Rogers landing on the planet Mars. He was a hero who could withdraw any enemy (敌军) from outer space. The rocket scientist is a different kind of hero._3_Rocket scientists, however, can have problems just like everyone else. A Washington rocket scientist told about a launch (发射) that was put off many times. Finally,everything seemed right. Mechanical failures had been repaired. The weather was good. The scientists had planned that part of the rocket would fall into the ocean after the launch. All the ships and boats within many kilometers of the danger area had been warned. But in the last few seconds a small boat entered the area._4_5_ One scientist said, “As a child I loved to build the rockets. Now I am a grownup.I still love to build rockets. And now I get paid for it.”AHe or she makes space travel possible.BIts dangerous for rocket scientists to build rockets.CMaybe it has something to do with the mystery of space travel.DWhen the work goes well, most rocket scientists enjoy their jobs.EHave you ever heard of the space travel?FBut an official of the American space agency, NASA, says the expression just grew.GOnce again, the launch was put off.答案:15FCAGD.短文改错I w


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