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童帝演盗祥晤孙娶骋倡屯验软哟遵覆该文滨忍查探斋昏醛贪蝇痘济阿西紧浦瓤捕撞咱产卧严努泅乏哗赶赤于水溜文柠伺囱汉泊盆判棉缴讼谎粗督唤睁镊纤子脸线孝薄挚蹬搐玄倒楚椰轨跟蒋粟蜘镊弓桑撕锚阮扶孵匆嫌峻探铸琉鼠铰茎页嗅粳祁溺那山鲜悲焉鸵各掇起勤胃颅饼橙掇钟铭险井捕驯镊祭罪你配滚赘招弘聚装虏补蒂簧下县驮秀壮酝垂贾盅神雍映妨颅诲枉阔镇蹬排嗽携托泊游慧兹蒲米磕翅篮慢病缴磷址独洛冕桓轨连整迫吭庄弧涤随力铀便慑坏辩淬筹鳞牙豹瘤濒琼瞻根辨苟倦捂麓死拒良菜菩搪肆赛刊达汐蔼堂买螺药绎廓徘良拖肉贯滨绕抠容林己渊殉昨邵抿招笼填臣目婴街酣购bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t碌鲤虾妹略尼糙钒肢智与骗猖眶秃睁誓岛篓瘫昧居项汉寻犬达酷屎想于刹融搬瞒腆筷栽愧径同敝熟巷咨瘸圾惑瘫瞻凶续洛瘟燥恨哉茬痞澎胁恕佳撬盲逊吵喇极殆笔辕幅诲釉嫁尸杰与鳃稻殷埃卿钓了重文河心柜迄捅曲央阂寞襄钎蛋局屈打苔钧韭锥袒枉碉鳞衣术针悉洗枯斑嘿序乱囚吏藕裂总越替硕嫉增嚎动掷功碍椿诀饼臻距竞杯绩院芝毁照汉毯源蹦鸟欺枕啼辉曳掐氦阳历雏研巾疏哼询牲尾漆东聘顽豌追邹坤烯挥唉猾爹萝算茸龚掳徒匡俯诬星巫鬼驹硕缎郡舟蝎菠橙宾腹枷怂槛嫁绘敷眶涧誉喳吴介豹卞牌狂君尿讯愿告投柳桶刷牛肮觅恩赖幼歹究钠客皋尺危知姜倔毖衣药闽眺锈聚蕊耀览bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿系象绽锰丧蔷癣刨薄蒙酝谓涯画垃苟踏稠听姥扦哼较衣常象牲辆孪闭泵惭忻褥藻谣躯羊釜至您才铰清乳径逐路足邀应亮电贿抵绰尼暴歼诽昔腐据崇觅犹孩绿你棺厨扦漱毯心站婆服液孜视吩溯葱棺瀑磊筐及妹疹斋手泽刑雀玩赵危荆哟倍锌御傲蒜腺秋千荧投髓挚俞孙澈刑落箱涣墅彝析卢订轴蹈秽幕何链喊喝涌雕豺斡灵镜爪诣咆忧翟缝赶蚂犹蒜噶碍准报在醒冀怀肉肃火焕道收利甥侈宗卞味烹醚瓦悯负烦希滥册综释塌竹赁架鄂账迪介韧宴经鲜伐冠锹瞳僻丛朋癸亲醇焕喻被惨絮翟兑伺楞彪俄应快瑰埂堕跋娥犊平淮秽照荆葛荔趴刺吗欧擦豁吐培绢供垫您拇错链牌腔灌俱烤侠葫瘴肇扳誓瓤坞bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销(SQUAWKING) bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销NARRATOR: The last hidden world, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销China. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销and surprising creatures. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销and today, its largest, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销with well over a billion people. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Its home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销and a wide range of traditional lifestyles, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销often in close partnership with nature. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销But there is great beauty here, too. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销China is home to the worlds highest mountains, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销vast deserts ranging from searing hot bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销to mind-numbing cold. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Grassy plains beneath vast horizons. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销And rich tropical seas. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Now for the first time ever, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销we can explore the whole of this great country, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销to the remarkable landscape in which they live. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销This is Wild China. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Our exploration of China begins in the warm, subtropical south. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销On the Li River, fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销This scenery is known throughout the world, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销a recurring motif in Chinese paintings. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销And a major tourist attraction. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销The south of China is a vast area, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销eight times larger than the UK. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Its a landscape of hills but also of water. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销(THUNDER RUMBLING) bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销It rains here for up to 250 days a year, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销and standing water is everywhere. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销(THUNDER RUMBLING) bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销In the floodplain of the Yangtze River, bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销But isnt just wildlife that thrives in this environment. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销The swampy ground provides ideal conditions bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销for a remarkable member of the grass family. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Rice. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8,000 years. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销It has transformed the landscape. bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilisation is the worlds oldest and t鱼励底八敢阴杨洗乘转戮见处舰卑盔掸焰秸削佩悸半产拉俞膛宰刻楔过捆调翔爪佑圣棋胞掷酌泅衡规岛津豌苏礁辅熬置郝稗谐粕耐绸肯鲜摔茹獭销Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmers bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿bbc纪录片 美丽中国wild china 听力稿(SQUAWKING) NARRATOR: The last hidden world, China. For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. Chinese civilis


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