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Unit 3 Life in the fUtUre.单句语法填空1For miles around me there was nothing but a desert,without a single plant or tree _ sight.2Obviously,students are terrible at _ (adjust) their sleep cycles to their daily schedule.(2014四川,阅读D)3After a week,the two groups switched _ participants.4Reviewing the video monitor afterwards,they noticed two armed men with their faces covered by masks step out of a carriage and slide _ the bank through the backdoor.5The university wants its undergraduates to take _ a regional language,if time permits.6When _ (ask)for his views about his teaching job,Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.7_(raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.(2015重庆,6)8He showed us around the factory,where all these used materials would _ (recycle)9Physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful _(tolerate)10In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank _(fasten) on his back,Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.答案1.o5.up 6asked7.Raised8.be recycled9.to be tolerated10.fastened.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1She was left to sweeping up after the party.2He was under the impression which I was coming the next day.3As a result of eat some bad fish,he had a stomachache the next morning.4The film reminded me what I had seen in the United States.5Worrying about her daughter,the mother came to see her yesterday.6She took up the piano during she was five.答案1.sweepingsweep2.whichthat3.eateating4.me后加of5.WorryingWorried6.duringwhen.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1我对将来的生活很乐观。(optimistic)_2到那时,我们生存的环境会更舒适、漂亮。(surroundings)_3因为太阳能及风能的充分利用,人们将不再担心缺乏能源。(lack of)_4家家都有机器人,机器人可以帮助人们打扫卫生、做饭、照看孩子等。(sweep up)_5只需按一下开关,你的汽车就可以飞往四面八方。(press,in all directions,“only状语”引导的倒装句)_6这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Im optimistic about life in the future.2By that time the surroundings where we live will be more comfortable and beautiful.3People will not worry about lack of energy any longer because solar energy and wind energy will have been made full use of.4There will be robots in every family,which can help people sweep up the houses,cook meals,look after the babies and so on.5Only by pressing a switch can your car run in all directions.6This is what our life will be like in the future.(二)【参考范文】Im optimistic about life in the future.By that time the surroundings where we live will be more comfortable and beautiful.People will not worry about lack of energy any longer because solar energy and wind energy will have been made full use of.There will be robots in every family,which can help people sweep up the houses,cook meals,look after the babies and so on.Only by pressing a switch can your car run in all directions.This is what our life will be like in the future.阅读理解The words of Bob Dylans song The Times They Are A-Changin was so true then and remains true today.Many changes we see,especially about technology,happen at lightning speed.Many of us remember the suitcase-size cell phones and heavy computers.Yet in several years,we carry mini computers in our bags and use smart phones every day.Who would have thought that?If you are in business or in a profession,you are likely to experience changes.What I have found is that you must be flexible and adaptable if you want to succeed during the changing times.Most of us who have entrepreneurial (企业家的) mindset have learned to be flexible through failures.I know I have.I think of many varied business endeavors (努力) I have made.When they didnt go the way I wanted,I got upset.Everyone gets upset.The problem comes if you keep upset.You must adapt to the new reality.The mindset to move on may make a difference in your success or failure.On a sunny day my business partner walked into the room and announced she no longer wanted to work with me.I got upset,really upset.I took it personally.I was angry and hurt.I got coached.It took some time and several conversations,but eventually I saw this change as a good thing.I saw it as a chance.When a chance was before me,I was the most creative and excited one.I adapted to the new reality and created my next business.That for me is truly an expression of who I am and what I am passionate (充满激情的) abouthaving people get what they want in life!【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文,题材为人物故事类。作者通过自己的故事告诉我们,要积极应对变化,适应新情况,才能取得成功。1Why does the author mention Bob Dylans song?ATo show his love for music.BTo introduce the topic of the text.CTo introduce a famous singer to readers.DTo show the development of technology.答案B推理判断题。作者在第一段提及歌手鲍勃迪伦的歌是为了引出本文的话题,说明社会变化很快,我们要积极应对。2The text is mainly intended for_Abusinessmen or employees Bcollege studentsCusers of smart phones Dtechnicians答案A细节理解题。根据文章第二段If you are in business or in a profession,you are likely to experience changes可知,本文主要写给商业人士或者上班族。3After his business partner stopped working with him,the author_Aacted positively Bgot a better chanceCturned to others for help Dgave up his dream答案A细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,在合作伙伴和作者终止合作关系后,他曾一度很难过,但最终积极应对,获得了成功。4The author writes the text to_Adescribe the changing world Btell a personal storyCanalyze a problem Dgive advice答案D推理判断题。综合分析全文,本文主要是给商业人士或者上班族提出建议,告诉他们要适应新情况,才能取得成功。.完形填空Henry and Edward were walking along a road that led through a field.Then they noticed a farmer working in the fields,with his _1_ put aside.Henry said,“Lets put them out of his_2_ to see what will happen when he cant find them.” Edward thought for a moment and _3_ to do so,adding,“The man looks so _4_See his shabby clothes? We shouldnt play tricks on him.He will be anxious to find his shoes _5_Instead of that,we can do something _6_Lets place a coin in each shoe and then well hide to see how he _7_to that.” Henry hesitated for a while but agreed to the _8_ and hid behind the bushes.It wasnt long _9_ the farmer came to the side to take a rest.He sat down and put on one shoe,_10_ feeling something under his foot.The man was puzzled to find the money,_11_ who could have put it in his shoe.He_12_,but no one was there.He stared at it in_13_Soon the man put on the other shoe.This time,the man was more puzzled when he_14_the second coin,thinking that someone might _15_his situation and want to help._16_,he dropped to his knees and offered a verbal (口头的) prayer to express his _17_He was grateful for this unexpected money from _18_hands.At this moment,Henry looked at Edward with a(n) _19_on his face.They both felt warm inside for they had done something_20_to a poor man in need.【语篇解读】本文为夹叙夹议文,题材为人物故事类。Henry和Edward在路上看到一个正在田里干活的农夫,他们在农夫的两只鞋里分别放了一枚硬币,想看看农夫发现钱后的反应;然而,让他们没有想到的是他们无意中帮助了一个需要帮助的人。1A.tools Bshoes Ctrousers Drings答案B第5空前的shoes有提示。农夫在田里干活,将鞋子(shoes)放在一边。2A.sight Bfield Croad Dbag答案A由本空后的to see what will happen when he cant find them可知,Henry想把农夫的鞋子放在他的视线(sight)之外的地方。3A.preferred Bintended Cstruggled Drefused答案D由第4空后的We shouldnt play tricks on him可知,Edward拒绝(refused)那样做。4A.weak Btired Cpoor Dbored答案C由本空后的See his shabby clothes可知,这里是说农夫衣衫褴褛,看起来很穷(poor)。5A.mended Bwashed Cburning Dmissing答案D由第2空和4空前后的内容可知,当农夫发现他的鞋子不见(missing)后会焦急。6A.childish Bstrange Cdifferent Dridiculous答案C由本空后的Lets place a coin in each shoe.可知,Edward建议做些不同的(different)事情。7A.turns Breacts Cadmits Dsees答案B由第2空后的to see what will happen可知,这里仍是看农夫发现钱后有何反应(reacts)。8A.trade Baward Cplan Dgoal答案C由第6空后的Lets place a coin.和下文内容可知,Henry同意了Edward的计划(plan)。9A.before Buntil Cafter Dwhen答案A由本空后的内容可知,不久,农夫停下来休息。not long before表示“不久”。10A.pleasantly Bimmediately Cunfortunately Dcomfortably答案B由本空前后的内容可知,农夫立刻(immediately)感觉到鞋子里边有东西。11A.forgetting Bremembering Crealizing Dwondering答案D由本空前后的内容可知,农夫想知道(wondering)是谁把钱放在了自己的鞋里。12A.moved off Blooked out Cmoved over Dlooked around答案D由本空后的but no one was there可知,农夫环顾(looked around)周围,却发现没有人。13A.disagreement Bpeace Cdisbelief Dpain答案C由第14空前的more puzzled可知,农夫难以置信地(in disbelief)盯着那枚硬币。14A.provided Bthrew Cfound Dcreated答案C由本空后的the second coin可知,农夫从另一只鞋里又发现了(found)一枚硬币。15. Aaccept Bknow Cchange Ddescribe答案B由本空后的his situation and want to help可知,农夫想可能是有人知道(know)他的处境并且想给予帮助,因此(Therefore),他双膝跪地,表达自己的感激之情(thanks)。16. ATherefore BHowever COtherwise DMoreover答案A参考上题解析。17. Awishes Bthanks Ckindness Dsadness 答案B参考第15题解析。另外,由下文的He was grateful for.有提示。18A.undamaged Bunwilling Cunreliable Dunknown答案D由第12空后的but no one was there可知,农夫没有发现周围有人,因此他感激从不知名的(unknown)人那里得到的意想不到的钱。19A.smile Bangry look Cworried look Dregret答案A由上文农夫表示感激和本空后的felt warm inside可知。Henry面带微笑(smile)地看着Edward。20A.annoying Bgood Cconfusing Dfamiliar答案B由上文内容可知,Henry和Edward为农夫做了件好(good)事。.语法填空Although Im still young to be thinking about college,I _1_(have) my eye on the University of Washington-Seattle for a while now.Since I am a competitive gymnast,my college search began at the end of eighth grade,in hopes _2_earning a scholarship.Seattle is 3,000 miles from New Jersey and my parents originally laughed at the idea of me _3_(go) to school so far away.I eventually convinced them _4_(take) me for a visit.Ranked 14th _5_(global) by US.News & World Report,the University of Washington is a public institution._6_is clear that


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