



Unit 10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课标依据能听懂有关熟悉话题的简单语段,获取主要信息。能听懂连续的指令并据此完成任务。能在教师的指导下参与角色表演等活动。能引出话题并进行几个话论的交谈。 一、教材分析本单元的话题是“派对”,集中呈现了有关假设的句型 if will。B部分是在A部分的基础上,围绕青少年生活中的问题,进一步谈论对事情结果的预测。本部分通过听说读写活动拓展相关语言表达,巩固if 引导的第一条件句,并引导学生正视困难,学会与人沟通,寻求帮助,解决问题。这节课从听说方面巩固if 句子和询问提供帮助,这问下节课也做了铺垫。1a 让学生思考生活中最重要的事情,学习6个短语,为下面的听说活动做铺垫。1b-1c听力活动分布设计,听力材料有关男孩Michael 加入足球俱乐部的问题,通过俱乐部经纪人和他的父母对各种选择的结果的预测,融入了if条件句的使用。1d 的口语活动让学生分别扮演他的朋友,从而进一步拓展快乐听力对话的内容。二、学情分析根据日常的课堂情况和作业的情况看,大部分学生已经掌握了if条件句的基本规律,但使用时候,出错在将来时结构的正确运用,写成will very happy. 但主句在前时就不会用了,这说明对这一结构的用法还不熟练。 三、教学目标知识与技能1.会认读和使用本课的新单词:travel. agent. (会认读)2.在小组合作中能模范范例使用表假设目标句型和表建议的句型if you join the Lion, you will become a great soccer player. A: What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?B: I think you should go to college. 3.根据听力内容if 表推测选出结果。过程与方法采取听前熟悉重点短语,听后模仿范例询问建议,使用目标句型小组口语输出的方式。情感态度与价值观引导学生学会与人沟通,寻求帮助。 四、教学重点难点教学重点1. 会认读和使用本课的新单词:travel. agent. (会认读)2.在小组合作中能模范范例使用表假设目标句型和表建议的句型ifyou join the Lion, you will become a great soccer player. A: What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?B: I think you should go to college. 3.根据听力内容if 表推测选出结果。教学难点能在真实的情景中熟练运用目标句型五、教法学法任务型教学法、听说法。 六、教学过程设计师生活动设计意图. Warming- up and revision1. Daily greeting. Check the homework. 2. 头脑风暴: Show a picture of “a lot of money”. S1: If I have a lot of money, Ill buy a big house for my parents. S2: If I have a lot of money, Ill build a new road for my village. S3: If I have a lot of money, Ill build a new school for our town. . Presentation1. Say, Money is very important! But money is not everything.be happy; travel around the world; go to college; be famous, get an education . Talking 1. What is the most important thing to you? be happy go to college be famous travel around the world make a lot of money get an education 2. Let Ss ask and answer in pairs. . Listening Work on 1b: Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write. Check the answers: Work on 1c: 1. 听力指导: 本题要求是补全if条件句后面的will主句,因此应将重点放在听含“will”的主句上。特别是要听清句子的前两个单词。2. Listen to the recording carefully and choose the right answers. 3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. 4. Show the tape scripts to the Ss on the big screen. . Work on 1c: 1. Work in pairs. Student A is Michael, Student B is his friend. Student B gives student A advice. 2. Ask two students to read the conversations to the class. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Work on 2a. 1.What kinds of things do you worry about? Who do you usuallyNow ask and answer the questions with a partner.2. Let some pairs ask and answer their questions. See what kind of worries they have. . Reading T: Read the three statements below and then skim the passage. Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage? 2. Read the p


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