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2016-2017学年度第一学期期末考试七年级英语试题1、 听力测试,共三节(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)第1节 (共5个小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一个小题,每个问题仅读一遍。1. A. Thank you. B. That sounds good C. Yes, she does2. A. Yes, please B. Youre welcome C. Yes, you can3. A. Boring. B. Math. C. On Monday4. A. 12 years old B. In May C. Its Monday5. A. They are on the table B. There are eight C. They are interesting第二节(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。6.Whats Ginas favorite subject?A. English B. Music C. Chinese7. What is Mrs. Smith? A. A Chinese B. A math teacher C. A new English teacher8. Where are they talking? A. At home B. In a clothes store C. In a restaurant9. What does Tom think of Chinese? A. Easy B. Interesting C. Difficult10. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son B. Teacher and student C. Father and daughter第三节(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。请听下面一段对话,回答11至13题。11. Where are the two speakers? A. In a school B. In a store C. In a classroom12. What does the man want? A. Some apples. B. Some pens C. Some books13. How many kilos does he want? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3请听12段材料 ,回答14至16题。14. Where are they talking? A. In a clothes store B. In a book store C. In a fruit store15. What does the man want to buy for his daughter? A. A dress B. A skirt C. A T-shirt16. How much is the shirt? A. 50 dollars B. 20 dollars C. 15 dollars请听13段材料 ,回答17至19题。17. Who are talking? A. A teacher and a student B. A mother and a son C. A shopkeeper and a customer18. What does man have for breakfast? A. Milk and noodles B. Milk, noodles and gees C. Milk and cakes19. How much is the mans breakfast? A. Four dollars. B. Three dollars and fifty cents. C. Four dollars and fifty cents请听14段材料 ,回答20至22题。20. How many subjects does Jim have at school? A. Seven B. Nine C. Ten21. What does Jim think of history? A. Its boring B. Its relaxing C. Its a fun22. Whats Amys favorite subject? A. PE B. Art C. Music请听15段材料 ,回答23至25题。23. What does she have for breakfast? A. Some bread and milk B. Some cakes and milk C. Some ice cream and bread24. How does she go to work? A. By bike B. By bus C. on foot25. How many hours does the work on a weekday? A. Nine B. Eight C. Six二、单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)26. Ill bake two pairs. -_. A. Here you are B. I see C. Sounds good D. Im sorry27.-_ are these shoes? -Theyre 120 yuan. A. How old B. How many C. How long D. How much28.Can I help you? -_. I need a T-shirt. A. Yes, please B. No, you cant C. Yes, you can D. No, sorry29.-_? -My birthday is on May 2nd. A. What time is it B. When is your birthday C. How old are you D. Whats your phone number30.Hows your day? -_. A. Its Monday B. Its OK C. I like Sunday D. Have a nice day31.I want to join the art club, because I like to _. -Me too. Lets join now.A. dance B. sing C. run D. draw32.I want to join the _ club. I can play the drums. -You can have a try.A. sports B. chess C. music D. art33.What does Mary usually do _ Sunday evening? -She watches TV at home.A. at B. on C. for D. in34.What is your favorite month? -It is _. It comes before September and after July.A. August B. October C. June D. May35.Can you come to watch a ball game with me? I know your classes _ at 3:30 this afternoon. -But after that, I have an art lesson for two hours.三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She is a student in a middle school. She usually gets36 at six every 37 . School 38 at 8:00 am, and her her last class is at 4:00 pm. There aresix 39 in Grade 1, math, English, science, art, music and history, Art is her 40 , becauseshe can 41 pictures very well. After school, she often plays the 42 with her friends. At 7:00in the evening. Jane has 43 at home. She is very tired after class. Every night she does her44 at 8:00 and goes to 45 at 9:00.36. A. clown B. up C. on D. in37. A. morning B. afternoon. C. evening D. night38. A. finishes. B. goes. C. starts D. comes39. A. fruit. B. clothes. C. balls D. subjects40. A. welcome B. favorite. C. lesson D. healthy41. A. paint. B. read C. write D. speak42. A. basketball. B. volleyball. C. baseball. D. piano43. A. breakfast B. lunch. C. dinner D. food44. A. classes B. homework C. questions D. games45. A. table B. desk. C. bed D. chair四、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)A46. What day is August 25, 2015? A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday47. There are _ classes today. A. three B. four C. five D. six48. What time is it now? A. 8:50 a. m B. 9:30 a. m C. 11:30 a. m D. 2:00 p. m49. You can go to _ have a history class. A. A 1 B. A 3 C. A 4 D. A 550. Where can you see the schedule(课程表)? A. In the book B. On TV C. On iPad D. In a pictureBMy name is David and this is my house. Well, no, it isnt. Its my mother and fathers house,but, theyre dead(去世), So, its my house, but nobody knows that. Everybody here thinks that myparents are in Canada. My aunt knows that theyre dead, but shes not here. She lives in Canada.She gives me money. Its not a lot, but I can buy food for Socrates, my cat, and pizza for me.There are lots of books in my room . Books are my life. There are so many worlds in books. Inbooks. I can be anybody. Books are friends. I want to write a book . But I need a story and Idont have a story. Im going to get a pizza and then Im going to find a story.I like pizza . I eat it every day. I buy the cat food and then I go to a bookshop. They have lots ofold books and sometimes I buy one. Then I go to a caf in High Street. Im hungry and I want apizza . I see a girl outside the caf. I think shes sleeping. She looks cold and hungry. 51. Where are Davids parents? A. They are in the house B. They are dead. C. They are in Canada D. Nobody knows that52. Who lives in Canada? A. David B. Socrates C. Davids aunt D. The girl53. What are there in Davids room? A. A cat B. Some money C. Many worlds D. lost books54. What does David like to eat? A. Pizza B. Hamburger C. Sandwich D. Cat food55. Where is the girl?A. In Davids house B. Outside the caf C. In a story D. In a book shopCWhen were you born? Why do people do different jobs (工作) ? After looking into the birthmonths of people in 19 jobs. research(研究员) find that a babys birth month can affect(影响) hisor her job later in life. For example, if you were born in February, you may have a chance to be an artist. A March birthIs good for plays and musician. American pop singer Lady cage was born in this month. However. If your birth month was in summer, you have a lower chance of becoming a footballpayer, doctor or dentist. If it was in August, you are more likely to become a bricklayer(泥瓦匠)or American president(总统), like Barack Obama. September babies may be good at sports or physics,while a person born in December may become a dentist in the future.Why are there so many differences? The link(联系) between birth months and peoples choices(选择) of jobs is difficult to explain now.56. Which month was Lady Gaga born in? A. February B. March C. August D. December57. What may people do if they were born in August? A. Doctors B. Dentists C. pilots D. Presidents58. What are September babies good at? A. Art B. Music C. Physics D. English59. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “difficult”? A. Hard B. Interesting C. Easy D. Useful60. Who knows the link between birth months and peoples choices of jobs? A. Researcher B. Lady Gaga C. Barack Obama D. Nobody五、任务型阅读 请将短文内容转换成表格信息。(共10分,每小题2分)What is the life of a Japanese junior high school student like?6:30 8:30 a. m . Getting to schoolTo catch the buses of trains, Japanese students get up early as 6:30 a. m. They have to follow(遵守) their school rules on the way. For example, chewing gum and eating snacks is banned inpublic. Students are often required to stand on buses and trains to leave seats for other passengers,8:30 a . m 3: 30 p. m . At school As the class begins, the teacher makes a roll call and daily announcements. Students studyliterature, English, math and other subjects. Cleanup is also part of their education. They sweep theclassrooms and hallways, empty trash cans and clean restrooms3:30 5: 00 p. m Clubs Club activities are not mandatory (强制). But almost all students take part in an activity of theirChoice. Baseball clubs are popular among boys. Judo clubs attract many boys and girls.5:00 6: 30 p. m -Cram schoolsMany students also attend juku( 补习班), or cram schools. These schools help them prepare forexams.The Daily Life of Japanese Students6:30-30 a. m Japanese students get up at about 6:30 a. m . in order to 61 he buses ortrains to school. They have to 62 their school rules on the way8:303:30 p. mStudents study literature, English, math and other subjects. They also learn 63 at school.3;305:00 p. mAlmost all students take part in an activity of their choice. 64 clubs areboys favorite.5:006:30 p. mCram schools help students to get ready for their 65.六、完成句子(共10分,每空1分)66. Does Jane have a baseball? (否定回答) _, she _.67. I can sing. (一般疑问句) _ you _ ?68. I need a pair of black shoes for school.(划线部分提问) _ _ you need for school?69. My brothers birthday is in July .(划线部分提问) _ is your _ birthday?70. Bob likes Monday because he has P. E. and history.(划线部分提问) _ does Bob _ Monday?七、句子翻译(共10分, 每空1分)71. 祝你在学校活动日玩得开心!_ a good _ on School Day!72. 周五我很忙。Im very _ on _.73. 早餐你喜欢吃什么?What do you like _ _?74. 我最喜欢的科目是地理。My _ _ is geography.75. 他需要你的帮助。He _ your _.八、选词填空 请从方框中选择适合的单词并用其正确词形填写到横线上,有一个词是多余的。 (共5分,每空1分)instrument / follow / activity / rest / schedule / feelStudents are always very busy. School work takes up (占用) a lot of time. But doing homeworkand studying for exams arent the only 76 that take up time.Many students also do other activities. They may play sports or play a musical 77 . Inaddition, there are chores (家务) to do at home.How can get all these things done without 78 to worried? One way to do this is to writea 79 . Then you can set an amount of time for each activity. If you 80 it, you will haveenough time for every thing. Lets do it!九、书面表达(本大题10分) Alice 最近认识了个新朋友 Lily,她想请Lily来参加她的生日聚会。Alice的妈妈想了解Lily的有关情况,请以Alice 的名义向妈妈介绍Lily 的有关情况。要点如下:1、Lilly今年13岁,在5班;2、喜欢 英语和篮球;3、会跳舞,歌唱得也不错;4、喜欢看动作片,觉得很刺激。提示词:exciting, 刺激; action movie, 动作片。要求:字数


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