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Lesson 33Out of the darkness一、课文详注1Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. 几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。(1) 这句话有两个从句。before一直到结尾是句子的时间状语从句。在这个从句中,explain又有自己的宾语从句,what为这个从句的主语。(2) before在引导时间状语从句时, 表达“在之前”的意思, It will be months before he can come back.要过好几个月他才能回来。He ran off before his mother could stop him.他母亲还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。2One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。(1) set out表示“出发”:Alison will set out at eight oclock.艾利森船长将于8点钟启航。set out from表示“从出发”。(2) be caught in表示某人“(突然)遇到/上(风暴等)”:He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home.他在回家途中遇到了大雨。3Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。介词after的宾语是动名词spending及这个动名词的宾语、状语,这个结构在意义上等于 after she had spent the whole night in the water。4During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. 在那段时间里,她游了8英里。cover可以笼统地表示“行过(一段路程)”,根据上下文可具体译为“走过”、“飞过”、“游过”等:The bird covered the distance in three minutes.这只鸟用3分钟飞完了全程。表示具体的距离可以用“a distance of+ 具体长度”这个结构。5high up on the cliffs, 在高高的峭壁上。up为形容词, 表示“在上面的”、“高高的”、“在较高处的”,high为副词,修饰up。6On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. 到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去。“on+ 动名词”相当于 as soon as或 when 引导的时间状语从句,强调在那一时刻发生的:On reaching the airport, he was arrested by the police.他一到机场就被警察逮捕了。7That was all she remembered. 她所记得的就是这些。that指前面(从第2句话开始)描述的内容。she remembered为all 的定语从句,关系代词that(不能用which)被省略了。可写做:That was all that she remembered.8. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.My brother has never been abroad before, so he finds this trip very exciting.二、重点词汇1. explain 解释,说明【搭配】explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 He explained to me why he was late. 他向我解释了他为何迟到 The teacher explained a difficult problem to us.老师向我们解释了一道难题。2. towards prep. 向,朝着,【区别】 towards表示朝着某方向,但不一定到那里,而to表示到达。He walked towards the door.他向门口走去He walked to the door. 他走到了门口3. ahead adv.(空间上)在前面,在前头Look out! There is danger ahead.当心!前面有危险。Its wise to plan ahead. 实现计划好是明智的。4. struggle v&n 斗争,努力【搭配】strugle against/with 同作斗争 struggle for 为而斗争He struggled with great difficulties bravely. 他非常勇敢地同困难作斗争We all struggle for better life. 我们都为了更好的生活而奋斗。5. 【set系列】 set out 出发,动身 set up 建造,创建They built the longest bridge last year. 去年他们建造了世界上最长的大桥。He set up the new world record in 2008.他在2008年创造了信的世界纪录。 set off 出发,启程(航班)6.coast n. 海岸Eg:海滨城镇 a town on the coast辨析:coast,shore,beach,bank 范围渐渐变小 coast 邻近海的比较宽阔或狭长的地域 We live on the coast shore湖或者海的边缘或水边的狭长陆地,比coast范围小 She swam to the shore. beach(shore的倾斜部分)往往在涨潮时候被漫过 The little beach hotel has a pleasant environment. bank河岸 The trees on the bank of the river are very big.7.storm n. 暴风雨 Eg: 1)在暴风雨中横渡海峡 cross the Channel in a storm 2)一阵弹雨 a storm of bullets(子弹)联想: a rainstorm 暴风雨 a snowstorm 暴风雪 a duststorm 沙尘暴8.rock n.岩石,大石头山脉是由岩石组成的.Mountains are made of rock.9.light n. 光 白天太阳给我们光亮The sun gives us light during the day.10.cliff n.悬崖I stand on the edge of a cliff 。11. hospital n.医院Many children dont like hospital.12.darkness n. 黑暗Darkness has fallen. 夜幕已经降临。【比较】 dark adj.黑暗的 【构词】 adj+ness= n.:brightness 明亮 coldness 寒冷 happiness幸福 illness疾病kindness 亲切 sadness悲伤 weakness 柔弱 quickness迅捷politeness礼貌 loneliness孤单 sickness生病 friendliness友好shyness羞怯 laziness懒惰 carelessness粗心三、重点词汇比较和区分pass与past(1)动词 pass的过去式为 passed,过去分词为 passed或past。当它作及物动词用时,可以表示“经过”、“通过(考试)”或“超过”等,作不及物动词用时可以表示“(时间等)消逝”:You passed me without even noticing me!你从我身边经过时居然没注意到我!Your sister passed me in her new car, driving at great speed.你姐姐/妹妹开着她的新车从我身旁驶过,开得非常快。Ive passed/ past my French test.我法语考试通过了。A month has passed/ past since I left home.我离开家已一个月了。(2)past可以作形容词、介词、名词等。作形容词时表示“以前的”、“过去的”等:Many things happened in the post week.过去的这一周内发生了许多事。Frank is proud of his past experiences.弗兰克为自己以往的经历感到自豪。作介词时它表示“经过”或“超出(范围等)”:He has just walked past me.他刚从我身边走过去。His words are past my understanding.我不懂他的话。作名词时它表示“过去”、“昔时”或“往事”等:Can you tell me something about your past?您能给我讲讲您过去的一些事吗?In the past, we used to gather under the Town Hall clock to welcome the New Year.我们过去常聚集在市政厅的大钟下面迎新年。四重点语法 表示方位的介词from, to, into, out of, towards, at, for等1.from(表示方向)“从”,“由”He comes from Shanghai.他来自上海。It is two miles from our house to the station.我们家离车站两英里。2.to(表示方向)到,向She stood up and walked to the window. 她站起来,向窗户走去These people go from house to house selling goods.这些人挨家挨户地卖东西。3.into(表示动作的方向)到里The man walked into the house in the dark. 那人摸黑走进了屋内A lorry drove into a line of parked cars.一辆卡车撞上了一排停着的汽车。4.out of 从向外The boy often looks out of the window in class. 那个男孩上课时常向外看。The man threw the bag out of the car. 那个人把包扔出了车。5.towards 朝,向(等于to)I saw her walking to


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