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山东省淄博市外国语实验学校2011届九年级英语下学期期末考试试题 外研版第一卷(选择题 共69分)(二)录音中有五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。6. Whats the weather like now? A. Cloudy.B. RainyC. Windy.7. What time is it now? A. 04:55.B. 05: 00.C. 05: 05.8. Who may be in hospital? A. Sally.B. Lucy.C. Maria.9. How does the woman like the music? A. Terrible.B. Boring.C. Wonderful.10. Where are the man and the woman? A. At a train station.B. At a bus station.C. At an airport.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。11. How many rooms does the man need? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.12. How long will the man stay here? A. One day.B. One night.C. One day and one night.13. Which room will the man live in? A. 218, on the first floor.B. 128, on the second floor. C. 218, on the second floor.14. How much will the man pay? A. 45 dollars.B. 55 dollars.C. 90 dollars.15. Whats the man? A. A bus driver.B. A taxi driver.C. A tourist.(四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。注意: 请同学们翻到第二卷,继续做第五大题听力填表。二、单项选择:(15分 )21. I havent seen the film Kung Fu Panda. _. A. So have I B. So I have C. Neither have I D. Neither I have22. She dreams_ becoming an artist. A. to B. for C. about D. as23.We know that we have held the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games_ . A. successful B. successfully C. success D. succeed24.I _a lot but I dont play very often now. A. use to play tennis B. was used to play tennisC. am used to play tennis D. used to play tennis25.Mr Li went to sleep _ the door open. A. in B. with C. to D. and32. _Tom_ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. A. Neither; nor B. Not only; but alsoC. Both; and D. Either; or33Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon, Jack?_, but I have a lot of work to do. A. Yes, lets go B. Id love toC. No, I wont D. It doesnt matter34. Which would you like, tea or milk?_A. Help yourself. B. What? I dont like tea at all. C. Milk, please. D. Thank you very much. 35-Where is the scientist _ gave us the talk yesterday?-He has gone back to Qinghua University. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which三、完形填空:(10分)Once a man lost his umbrella. He put an advertisement in the newspaper, but without 36 . So one day he came to one of his friends, a merchant(商人), for 37 . His friend asked him 38 he had written the advertisement. The man gave it to him, “Lost at the London Church a black umbrella. Whoever finds it and returns it will 39 ten pounds. ” His friend had put a great number of advertisements in newspapers because of his business. He thought the style of writing was of great 40 . So he helped him to write in another 41 .The next day, this advertisement appeared in the newspaper: “If the man who was seen to 42 an umbrella from the London Church doesnt want to get into trouble, he 43 return it to No. 20 Broad Street. ” The next morning, the man was very surprised to see in front of the door 44 twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. His umbrella was also among them. Many of them had notes, which said they had been taken by 45 and asked the man not to say anything about the umbrella. 四阅读理解 (24分) AAfter the successful 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, the whole world moved the sight into London. On 6 July, 2005, at the 117th International Olympic Committee(IOC)Session(会议) in Singapore, London(Great Britain)was elected to be the host city of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. London is the capital of the UK(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). It was first founded in the year of 50, which was in the times of the Roman Kingdom. It was once called Londinium. In 1801, London became the biggest city in the world. The mayor(市长)of London now is Boris Johnson. There are about 7. 5 million people living in London now, and Chinese take a 1. 4% part. BAbout ten men in every hundred have the trouble of color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected(感染) in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.There are different kinds of color blindness. For example, a man cannot see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades(阴影) of green. Sometimes a person cant tell the difference between blue and green. Only a few unlucky men may see everything in shades of greena strange world indeed.Color blindness in human beings is a difficult thing to explain. In only one eye there are millions of very small things called “cones(圆锥体)”. These help us to see in the bright light and to tell differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods(柱状体)”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes but not colors.Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes(蚊子) like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue light will. Human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the help of the cones in our eyes, we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the help of the rods we can see shapes at night.50. “Color blindness” means “_” in Chinese. A. 盲目 B. 无色 C. 色盲 D.讨厌颜色51. Some people say its safer to be driven by women because _. A. women drive more carefully B. women are better at driving than men C. women can see things more clearly D. there are fewer color-blind women52. With the help of the “cones”, we can _. A. tell different shapes B. kill insects C. see in the dark D. tell orange from yellow53. _ show us shape at night.A. Rods B. Insects C. Cones D. MosquitoesCMany Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. But American schools also have their rules. If the students break the rules, they will get punishment, too. On the first day of a new term, 128 students of Morton High School were sent home for not wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether 1,200 students in the school. Usually only 20 twenty students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she had ever seen. At Morton High School, students favorite clothing such as baggy(宽大的)trousers, low-necked shirts and tank tops(紧身短背心)are not allowed in classrooms. Some students think they have the right to choose what the clothes they want to wear, but the headmaster doesnt think so. “Id be supportive if half the school was sent home, because 99% will get the message that our school are for education.” “Freedom” does not mean “free of restrictions(约束)”. That is to say there is no total freedom in the world, no matter in the US or in China. DThousands of years ago, people only ate food that was grown near their homes. Some kinds of food were only grown in one place, so people from other places didnt know about them. When Europeans first traveled to Central and South America in the 1500s, they discovered strange kinds of food that they had never seen before. Today, these are grown in a lot of different countries and theyre sold in supermarkets all over the world. They dont seem strange any more!Potatoes were first grown in the Andes in South America. In 1586,they were taken to Europe by explorers(探险家).In 1719,they were taken to North America. Before 1719,nobody in North America had ever seen or eaten a potato. Today each American eats more than 60 kilos of potatoes a year.Tomatoes were also first grown by native(本地的)Americans. When European explorers visited the south of America in 1500, they took tomato seeds(种子)back to Europe. Soon, tomatoes were grown in Europe, but people in England didnt eat them. At that time, a lot of English people thought that tomatoes were poisonous!Chilies(辣椒)have been eaten in Central and South America for more than 8 ,000 years!In the 1500s, chilies were taken to Europe by explorers. Today, they are grown in hot countries all over the world.初三英语试题试卷第一卷第二卷总分题号一二三四五六七八九十得分第一卷(选择题 共69分)第一卷答案请写在下面相应位置上题号123456789101112131415答案题号161718192021222324252627282930答案题号313233343536373839404142434445答案题号464748495051525354555657585960答案第二卷(非选择题 共51分)五听力填空(5分)听短文两遍,根据短文内容填写下面的表格。(每空不多于三个词)WHITE SNOW RESTAURANTName61. .Tel.62. .Time63. Around pm.Table64. A table for personsNotes65. A table by the .考试分数:六根据句意及首字母完成单词(5分)66. The movie r _ me of my childhood. 66._67. S_ on the sea is an interesting thing. 67._68. Its too noisy here. Lets go s_ quiet. 68._69. My bike is broken. I want to have it r _ _ . 69._70. Our g_ pays much attention to the education of its young people. 70._八任务型阅读。(共10分)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。We will be able to have a robot do the housework before long .The robot will be 40cm tall . Cameras are fixed as its eyes ,and two wheels can be used as feet to make it movable .So it can help the housewife do the cleaning at home , and even the corner can be cleaned up . (84) Once you own it ,you will be free from the hard and boring housework . Is it a good way to improve your life ? Another kind of robot is more intelligent . It can help its owner to search information . For example , the owner asks ,“What is the weather like tomorrow ?”The robot will immediately seacher the weather report on the internet and reply .For example ,“It will be rainy tomorrow .Dont forget to take an umbrella with you when you go out . ”And scientist even designed some other kinds of robots ,like the musicplaying robots can store many pieces of music and paly them whenever you need .The footballkicking robots can play a wonderful football match .It is an amazing time .(85) Different robots with different kinds of functions will appear soon .We will have new family members robots some day .(一)根据短文内容简要回答问题。81.How many kinds of robots does the write


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