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,sofas,rug,cupboard,wardrobe,curtains,quilts,things in a flat,lamp,bed,we use them to paint pictures? what are they?,a guessing game,brushes and paint,we use them to stick(粘贴) things together. what are they?,glue and tape,we use them to cut(切,割) things. what are they?,scissors or knives,cut things,use.to do.,stick things together,paint things,use.for doing.,painting,cutting,sticking,think and match,what do we use these tools and materials for?,making the cupboards and wardrobes,matchboxes,making lamps,straws,making tables,cotton reels,painting the walls,paint,decorating the walls,wallpaper,making the model house,cardboard boxes,making curtains, rugs, sofas and quilts,cloth,use.for doing,decorate-decorating,make-making,stick-sticking,paint-painting,cut-cutting,同义句转换,1.我们用火柴盒做碗橱和衣橱。 we matchboxes make the cupboards and wardrobes. we matchboxes making the cupboards and wardrobes. we the cupboards and wardrobes matchboxes.,use,to,use,for,make,with,我们用棉线轴做桌子。,we tables cotton reels. we cotton reels make tables. we cotton reels making tables.,make,with,use,to,use,for,我们用硬纸板盒做模型房子。,we use cardboard boxes to make a model house. we use cardboard boxes for making a model house. we make a model house with cardboard boxes.,ask and answer,what do we usefor/ to do? we use it/them for/to,m1u4教学设计,第三课时 p38-39,对话复习制作模型房子所用材料工具 及他们的用途 use for doing 2.复习家具家居词汇(导入主题,如何制作模型房子。,we use it for cutting things.,what do we use this pair of scissors for ?,we use them for sticking things together.,what do we use these glue and tape for?,we use them for painting the walls of the model house.,what do we use these paint and brushes for?,we use them for making the model house.,what do we use these cardboard boxes for?,making a model house,listen and match: first, use some glue to stick the cardboard boxes together. next, make some windows, and paint the outside of your model house. then, stick wallpaper onto the walls of the rooms. finally, cut a piece of cardboard to make a roof for your model house.,fill in the blanks.,_, use some _ to _ the cardboard boxes _.,_, _ a piece of _to make a _ for your model house.,then make _ windows, _ paint the _ of your model house.,_, stick _ onto the walls _ the rooms.,first,glue,stick,together,next,cut,cardboard,roof,some,and,outside,finally,wallpaper,of,first, use to stick together.,next, cut to make for,then make ,finally, stick onto ,compare the old model house and the new model house, try to find out what are their differences:,what are the differences,complete the report on page 32: the new model house is bigger than the old one. however, the rooms in the new model house are smaller. there are four rooms in the new one. there are four rooms in the new model house. the outside of the old model house is blue. the outside of the new model house is brown.,they are going to make a new one. be going to “打算、计划做某事”, 后接动词原 形 im going to see a film on sunday. 周六我打算去看电影。,language points,this is kitty and bens model house. kitty and bens 指kitty和ben共同拥有的。 区别: kittys and bens 指kitty和ben各自拥有的。 johns and toms room(两间) john and toms room(一间),_ and _room looks nice.(john , mary),_and_rooms look different.(john ,mary),john,marys,johns,marys,lets start collecting things. start 开始 we must start early . 我们必须早些动身。 start + doing 开始/着手做某事 lets start working. 让我们开始工作吧。,we use them for making tables. use for 把用于 we use a knife for cutting fruits. 我们用刀切水果。 we use gas for cooking. 我们用煤气做饭。,make stick cut paint decorate,making,sticking,cutting,painting,decorating,taking,using,going,lying,travelling,给出下列动词的动名词,take use go,lie travel,译短语,1.把。粘到一起 2.一些纸版盒子 3.做个房子模型 4.用刷子涂墙 5.用。做 6.装饰房子 7.一片布 8.一个线轴 9.剪切东西 10.一些墙纸,stick.together,some cardboard boxes,make a model house,paint the walls with the brush,use.for doing,decorate the house,a piece of cloth,a cotton reel,cut things,some wallpaper,11.做台灯 12.开始收集东西 13.地毯,沙发和被子 14.做窗帘 15.在桌子上 16.通过吸管 17.仅一个火柴盒 18.碗橱和衣柜 19.胶水和胶带 20.一把剪刀,make a lamp,rugs,sofas and quilts,make curtains,on the table,through straws,only one matchbox,a cupboard and a wardrobe,glue and tape,a pair of scissors,start collecting things,根据汉语意思写单词。 1. children like drinking juice with _ (吸管). 2. _ (粘) these two boxes together. 3. what _ (颜色) is your quilt? 4. i buy a lot of things to _ (装饰) my room. 5. i have got a new flat, and i need a lot of new _ (家具).,straws,stick,colour,decorate,furniture,根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 我们用眼睛做什么? _ do we _ our eyes _? 我们用它们看东西。 we _ them _ _ things. 2. 今天下午你们打算做什么? _ _ _ _ _ _ this afternoon? 3. 凯利将来可能成为一名歌手。 kelly _ _ _ a singer in the future. 4. 我打算周六去拜访我朋友。 i _ _ _ visit my friend on saturday. 5. 你知道如何使用这个相机吗? do you know _ _ _ this camera?,what use for,use for seeing,what are you going to do,will possibly be,am going to,how to use,module 1 unit 5,in the future,what may happen in the future?,教学目标,用一般现在时表达想法:i think/hope that 用一般将来时谈论未来发展,教学重、难点,一般将来时will结构的用法 i think so./ i dont think so. i hope so./ i hope not. be able to 的用法,与can的区别 初步接触宾语从句i hope/ think that,课时安排 (2课时),p40 第一课时(重点讲授新结构) p41-42 第二课时 (操练重点结构),教学设计 m1u5第一课时 (p40) 温故知新:复习what will he/she be like ? what will travelling in our city be like ?由此导入新课内容。 提问what may happen in the future?让学生开展想象。(熟练运用will将来时) what may happen in the future?借此问题,与学生一起探讨新课内容,讲授操练。(掌握本课重难点) 回归课文:练习听力,朗读。 口语应用:用本课所学探讨未来。,what will he be in 13 years?,what will she be in 13 years?,what will travelling in our city be like in 10 years time ?,perhaps more people will travel by _. there will be more / fewer_. we wont travel by_ any longer.,what may happen in the future?,what may happen in the future,?,what may happen in the future?,i think there will be .,i dont think so .,no air pollution,do you think there will be no air pollution?,i think so.,what may happen in the future?,do you think there will be more carparks?,i think so.,what may happen in the future?,space,craft,do you think people will travel by spacecraft?,i hope so.,i hope not.,what may happen in the future?,s1:perhaps there will be _ s2:_, but_.,more people think hope,more people,i hope not.,i think so,what may happen in the future?,space stations,perhaps people will be able to live in_ on the moon.,be able to = can,i _ _ _ swim.,now,in 10 years time,can / be able to,be able to,be able to,i am able to write poems now.,i will be able to play the piano in the future.,listen,what may happen in the future?,people,room,be,able,to,vegetables,different,same,read,true or false kitty thinks there will be more people, but there wont be enough food in the future. 2. kally thinks there will be enough room for everybody on earth in the future. 3. danny thinks people will be able to live on the moon. 4. peter thinks people will be able to grow vegetables on the moon.,t,t,f,f,what may happen in the future?,do you think will? perhaps they will/wont i think so. / i dont think so. i hope so./ i hope not.,小组4人做对话练习。,教学设计 m1u5第二课时 (p41-42) 复习重点句型,问答形式:do you think will?perhaps there will/ wont 2.继续让学生畅想未来生活,运用将来时,及重点结构。,do you think people will still travel by cars?,i think so. i dont think so,spacecraft,perhaps people will travel by,do you think there will be more pollution on the earth?,air pollution,water pollution,solid pollution,noise pollution,think hope,more people, not enough food. think hope,s1:perhaps there will be _and there may not be _. s2:_, but_.,more people,enough food,i hope not.,i think so,i think there will be more people. if so ,where will people live?,perhaps people will be able to,talk about what you think may happen in the future.,talk about what you think may happen in the future.,talk about what you think may happen in the future.,talk about what you think may happen in the future.,talk about what you think may happen in the future.,enough,everybody,space stations,able,vegetables,perhaps,not,petrol,not,pollution,perhaps,different,speak,same,able,free talk,?,leta make a time box.well seal it.in twenty years, the new students will open it.,that s fine.,languages,译短语,1.足够的空间 2.没地方住 3.这样想 4.能够,有能力 5.空间站 6.在将来 7.不同国家的人 8.互相理解 9.海底城市 10.只吃药丸,enough room have no place to live think so be able to a space station in the future people in different countries understand each other cities under the sea take pills only,11. 20年后 12.地球上的每个人 13.没有空气污染 14.有足够的食物吃 15.在月球上 16.在地球上 17.种菜 18.说相同的语言 19.做一本大书 20.乘太空船出行,in 20 years everyone on the earth have no air pollution have enough food to eat on the moon


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