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Words and phrases The captioned goods On the high (low) side make (send, give) sb. an offer/ counteroffer for sth. to offer/ counteroffer sb (a price) for sth. to effect payment/shipment/ insurance be subject to as per as requested =as per ones request =at ones request on the basis of Words and phrases conclude a transaction In view of Reduce the price by/to Take advantage of Benefit from Electronic Calculator 电子计算器 Refrigerator 电冰箱 Hand-embroidered Silk Scarf 手绣丝围巾 Medical Apparatus and Instruments 医疗器械 Unit 5 Orders, acceptance initial orders 首次 订单; outstanding orders 过多的,未完成订单; duplicate orders, repeat orders 重复订单,续订 单; amended orders 修改后的订单;trial orders试订单 2、book/place an order 下订单 3、accept an order 接受订单; confirm an order 确认订单; cancel/withdraw an order取消订单 4、carry out/execute/fulfill/work on an order 执行订单 5、decline an order, refuse an order, turn down an order 拒绝订单 Expressions (1) I Order 6、send/give sb. an order for sth. 向某人下 的订单 7、order sth. at a. (price) 以(价格)订购某 物 8、confirm acceptance of ones order 确认接受 某人的订单 9、in/out of stock 有/无存货 10、recommend sth. as a substitute 推荐某物作 为替代品 11、be unable/not in a position to accept / entertain ones order 无法接受某人的订单 Expressions (2) I Order 包装种类 1、carton 纸箱;wooden case木箱; tin-lined carton 衬锡纸箱;polybag 塑料袋; standard export case/ standard export cardboard carton 标准出口箱/纸箱 seaworthy cases/packing 适合于海运的箱子/包 装 包装条款(Packing) 1、Packing: to be packed Eg. Each piece is packed in a polybag then in a carton. 每件均先用塑料袋包装然后装一纸箱。 2、每打装一衬锡纸箱,每十衬锡纸箱 装一木箱 Per dozen in a tin-lined carton, with 10 dozens to a wooden case 3、For item A and B in/by standard export case of 24 cans each. A、B项用标准出口箱包装,每箱装24 罐。 I Order 支付方式 1、Letter of credit 信用证; 2、D/P: documents against payment at (after) sight即(远)期付款交单; 3、 D/A: documents against acceptance( 承兑交单); 4、T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇 5、Cash against Documents on arrival of goods(CAD)货到后凭单付款 I Order 支付方式 2、draw (a draft) on sb for开出向某人 索取的汇票 draw on us at 60 days sight 开出见 票60天付款的汇票向我们收款 支付条款(Payment) eg. Payment:100% by irrevocable documentary letter of credit opened through/with Bank of China and draw at sight. 由中国银行开立的不可 撤销跟单即期信用证。 Notes Letter 1 Letter 3 1. “further to ”相当于“referring to”:提及,关于 eg. Referring to your letter of 3 March ordering 500 MT of Groupnut.兹谈及你方3月3日订购500吨花生的来函。 2. “acknowledge” vt. 承认,确认。告知收到(函电、礼物等)在商业信 函中,常用于信的开端。e.g. We acknowledged your telegram of April 6. 你方4月6日来电收悉。 3. “acknowledgement” n.认收 e.g. We had acknowledgement of your telegram.(同上句) 3. Apply for L/C 申请开立信用证 1. As per 按照 2. Each sweater to be packed in a polybag, per dozen in a tin-lined carton, with 10 dozen to a wooden case. 每件羊毛衫装一塑料袋,每打装一衬锡纸箱,每10衬锡纸箱装一木箱。 2. Notes Letter 4 Sample 5 1. confirm vt. 证实,确认,确定 confirm acceptance of ones order 确认接受某人的订单 confirm n.证实,确认 Purchase (Sales) Confirmation购货(销售)确认书 2. “A-I Grade Powdered Milk of the following three specification” 甲级奶粉,规格如下 3. “CIF net Shanghai per can in U.S. dollars” 每罐CIF上海净价 4. shipping mark 运输标志,唛头 5. Stencil n.模板;vt.用模板印刷 6. Submit vt. 递呈,呈交 1. Order form/sheet 订单 2. Do ditto的缩写,“同上、同前”的意思 3. The goods are urgently required(needed), so prompt delivery will be most appreciated.由于此货急需,所以如若贵方能及时装运, 将不甚感激。 4. Attach a compliments slip 随附一封简短的问候信 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤骤 表达方式 (1)表明 向对对方订订 购货购货 物( 或信后随 附有订单订单 ) We are in receipt of your letter of October 4th and are pleased to place an order with you for the following goods. Please find enclosed our Order No.B5421 for(请请注意随附的我方 B5421号订单订单 。) (2) 确认认双方 达成的交易 条件(交 货货期、运 输输方式、 包装、付款 条件及折扣 等) We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit.(我们们确 认认以不可撤销销信用证证付款。) We would like to thank you for the 30% discount you allowed us.(非常 感谢谢你方给给予我方30%的商业业折扣。) (3)表达 进进一步合 作的愿望 We will submit further orders, if this one is completed to our satisfaction. (如果本次订货订货 令我方满满意,我方将继继 续续向你方订货订货 。) Acknowledgment Letter 1 1、We accept your order for 2000 sets of full-automatic washing machine and will arrange shipment accordingly. 我方接受贵方2000台全自动洗衣 机的订单,将按要求安排装运。 Acknowledgment Letter 2 1、We are working on your order and will keep you informed in time of the progress. work on=fulfill=execute=carry out 我方已着手执行贵方订单,我方会 将进展情况及时告知贵方。 Acknowledgment Letter 3 1、terms and conditions 交易条件,合同条款 2、set forth 规定 Acknowledgment Letter 4 1、Because our supply of raw materials has been committed to other orders for months in advance, we are unable to accept your order at this time. 由于我方原材料已在上月提供了其 他订单,目前暂不能接受贵方订单 。 Commit vt. 犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把. 交托给, 提交, 答应负责 Acceptance of Orders Letter 1-2 1、be aware of 了解 Eg. As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in 也许贵方并不了解我方经营的商品范 围非常广泛 2、handling n.执行、履行,相当于 fulfillment 3、first order 第一次订单 Acceptance of Orders Letter 1-2 3 duplicate n. 完全一样的东西;复制品;副本 e.g. keep a duplicate of the letter 保存一份信的副本 adj. 完全一样的;复制的;副本的 e.g. He opened the door with a duplicate key. 他用一把复制的钥匙开了门 in duplicate/triplicate/quadruplicate 一式两/三/四份 四份以上就可以用 In + NO.+COPIES(fold) 4、for ones file/record 以便某方存档 5、accordingly adv. 按照 In accordance with 相一致, 相统一 6、turn out 结果是 接受订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤骤 表达方式 (1)对对收 到订单订单 表 示高兴兴, 并同意订订 单单的条件 We are pleased to confirm your order which we have accepted on the terms. We are in receipt of your favor of the 10th May, with your order for five printing machines, which I herewith acknowledge with best thanks.(贵贵公司5月10日来函及五部印刷机 器的定单单均已收到,在此表示谢谢。) We acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us. (2)对对所订订 货货物加以赞许赞许 Our products are selling well in many areas.(我们们的产产品在许许多地区销销路很好。) (3)保证对证对 订单订单 迅速、认认 真地处处理 We appreciate the business you have been able to give us and assure you that your order will receive our most careful attention.(感谢谢你公司照顾顾我们这们这 笔交易, 我们们保证证一定慎重办办理贵贵方订单订单 。) We are pleased to say that we have already made up your order No.9901, and you may expect delivery within the next three days. (我们们高兴兴地通知你方9901号订单货订单货 已备备妥 ,有望在三日内交货货。) (4)提醒对对方注意其 他可能感兴兴趣的商品 Besides serges we supply a wide rage of other manufactured clothes and enclose a copy of our current price list.(除了哔叽哔叽 布之外,我们还们还 供应应一系列 机织织布,现现随信附上一份最新的价目表。) (5)希望今后收到更 多订单订单 We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to receiving your further orders.(感谢谢你方的合作,希望 继续继续 收到你方订单订单 。) Offering Substitute Letter 1-2 1、recommend sth. as a substitute 推荐某物作为替代品 substitute n. 代替品,代用品 2、sample cutting n.剪样 3、comply with ones request to the full 完全满足某人的要求 Offering Substitute Letter 1-2 4、the remainder can be replaced by 其余部分可以用代替 5、 for your consideration 供你方参考 Letter of regret 返回 letter 1 1. Refer/reference to 谈及、关于;查阅,参考 2. Bid price 递价,投标价格 3. The price for foodstuffs have gone up sharply 食品价格已经急剧上升 4. At economic prices 经济的价格,较低价 5. With an upward/ a downward tendency 有上涨(下降)趋势 3. eg. As the market is firm with an upward 4. tendency, we advise you to accept 5. our price without delay Letter of regret 返回 Letter 2 Letter 3 1. stock n. 存货 a large stock of大批存货 2. Revert to 回复,回转 3. We will revert to this matter as soon as our new supplies come up. 我方愿意在有了新货之后重新考虑此订单。 1. Since you make delivery before Christmas a firm condition, we deeply regret that we cannot supply you at present.由于贵方坚持 要在圣诞节前交货,所以我方目前无法供货,对此深表歉意。 Their stock is exhausted but consecutive new orders are


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