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unit 1 breaking records hedong no.1 middle school,1. read the new words 2.warming up 1). enjoy pictures of events.,step i. pre-reading,hurdling,swimming,weight lifting,boxing,gymnastics,archery,2).whats their feeling after they won the competition?,hula hooping,pogo stick jumping,doing jumping jacks,somersaulting,standing on a swiss ball,doing lunges,3). get to know ashrita furman and his records.,read the passage loudly and then discuss the reading comprehension exercises in your group.,step ii. while-reading,try to find whether the following statements are ture (t) or false (f). 1).ashrita furman still holds all the guinness that he ever broke, including the records for having the most records. _ 2).compared with other sports like swimming or soccer, those activities that ashrita took part in require less strength and fitness. _ 3).although he was not unfit as a child, ashrita furman was fascinated with sports. _ 4).ashrita has been one of sir chinmoys students since 1970. _ 5).ashrita is always grateful for his teacher in his record-breaking attempts. _,task 1,f,f,f,f,t,do the following exercises,1).which kind of activity that ashrita took part in is most likely to make a person dizzy? _ a. standing on top of a 75cm swiss ball b. somersaulting c. doing gymnastically correct lunges d. jumping jacks 2. which one is not the reason why ashrita became a successful sportsman? _ a. he was very weak as a child, so he had to take more exercise. b. he studied eastern religions and luckily became one of sir chinmoys students. c. ashrita entered the marathon and won much confidence. d. he refused to accept any physical limitation.,task 2,b,a,3).from the passage we can conclude that_ a. ashrita likes swimming and soccer b. ashrita dreamed of breaking a record in all seven continents and his dream will soon come true. c. those activities that ashrita took part in might seem childish and cause laughter because theyre quite easy. d. standing on top of 75cm swiss ball is not so easy as it looks. 4).the passage mainly tells us _ a. ashrita and his teacher b. how ashrita became a sportsman c. ashrita enjoys the challenge of breaking guinness records d. why ashrita got crazy about sports.,d,c,interested in sports,fascinated by,as a teenager,called,has been one,in 1978,third,27,000 jumping jacks,25 years,93 guinness records,task 3,1). discussion: what made him succeed?,good physical abilities, cofidence, hard training, concentration, perseverance(坚持不懈),step iii. post-reading,2).learn to write a profile(人物简介),summary: generally speaking, a good profile should include who, when, where, what 请根据michael fred phelps的个人事迹,写一篇人物简介。题目为:“flying fish” michael fred phelps,1.菲尔普斯,1985年6月30日出生于美国,绰 号“飞鱼”。 2.他小时候酷爱游泳,是罕见的游泳天才;他训练非常刻苦而且在比赛中从不紧张。 3.在2004年雅典奥运会上,一人拿下游泳项目的6枚金牌2枚银牌;在2008年北京奥运会上,一举夺得8枚金牌。 4.他总共夺得16枚奖牌,成为当今奥运史上的奇迹。 参考词汇:1.绰号 nickname 2.奖牌 medal 3.奇迹 miracle,1.ask a student to write the short passage on the blackboard in 10 minutes. 2.check it together with students. try to find some good expressions or sentences and correct the mistakes. 3.students exchange their notebooks and discuss their passages in their groups. 4.appreciate possible version.,michael fred phelps, greatest american swimmer with a nickname “flying fish”, was born on june 30, 1985. phelpss international title has resulted from his great gift for swimming and his hard work. in all, he has won 16 olympic medals:six gold medals and two silver in athens in 2004, and eight gold in beijing in 2008. he holds the record


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