



专题限时检测(十八)阅读理解之教育类(共3篇,限时23分钟)A(2014重庆南川中学第二次诊断)You put a great deal of effort into reaching the college of your choice. Its time to get started. But whats next? Beginning college can be an exciting but awkward time. Follow these tips to adjust to your new life rapidly and make the most of your college experience.To save time and money, use the colleges bus system. Taking the bus to school is quick, easy and free in most college towns. You wont have to locate or afford a place to park either. Its also a good way to be environmentally aware.Save pennies on books by waiting until class starts. You might not even need all of the recommended books. New textbooks cost an arm and a leg. Try buying used textbooks its a surefire way to save money and serve the purpose as well.Do never look at college life as an endless series of parties and social activities. But there is a whole lot more to college if youre serious about graduating. Having a good college experience is all about balancing work and fun.Be aware that your living environment can largely affect your academic success. If the dorm doesnt suit you, consider living at home with your family or renting your own apartment. The best location for your studies isnt always your dorm. Find a quiet area, like the library, to do your work. Alternatively, buy some headphones that block out noise.Be mindful of your diet. Make healthy food choices and watch what you eat. Avoid foods that are processed or high in sugar. The “freshman 15” is real. Many college students gain at least 15 pounds during their freshman year.While electives (选修课) can be helpful when figuring out your major, you shouldnt entirely rely on them. Clubs and other organizations exist around. Get involved. Make sure, though, that you still have time to study. Having_too_much_on_your_plate can hurt your grades.1Which of the following ideas can be financially wise?ADriving your own car.BBuying used books.CRenting an apartment.DTaking part in activities.2In the text, freshmen are repeatedly warned against_.Aacademic failuresBphysical problemsCtraffic accidents Dsocial activities3The “freshman 15” tells the fact that some freshmen_.Atake part in limited activities on campusBhave little regular physical exerciseCfocus less on their academic workDtake relaxed attitudes to their diets4The underlined phrase “having too much on your plate” probably refers to_.Ausing too much money for mealsBeating too many unhealthy foodsCtaking part in too many afterclass activitiesDtaking an elective that has too many studentsB(2014四川绵阳第三次诊断)I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval (准允), he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way. Several weeks ago, I was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines. I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he should concentrate better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didnt even notice he was doing it, he got up again. I was getting frustrated (挫败的), but then it hit me. I started noticing his answers were much quicker and more accurate when he stood up. Could he be more absorbed while standing up ?This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet, calm child was a sure way to lead to success. This child would have the willpower to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life.Now those same people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA and personality qualities, and all you can do is loving and accepting them. As parents, throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to be our kids best cheerleaders, guiding them and helping them find their ways.I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Obviously, he is concentrating just in his own way and not mine. We need to learn to accept our kids ways of doing things. Some way may have worked for me but doesnt mean we need to carry it through generations. There is nothing sweeter than being personal and unique (独特的). It makes us free and happy and thats just the way I want my kids to live their own life.5Time and again the author got his son seated in order to make him_.Awork fast Bgo politeCstay relaxed Dkeep attentive6The underlined word “it” (in the first paragraph) probably refers to_.Ahis sons doing better while standing upBhis failure in keeping his son under controlChis own experience as a school boy Dhis disappointment with his active child 7By this passage, the author attempts to tell other parents to_.Acorrect their kids manners from the early agesBrespect and trust their kids ways of behaviorsCdevelop a good relationship with their childrenDguarantee their childrens freedom at home8Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?AParental help with teens studyBAdult influence on teens growthCKids success in their own stylesDFriendship between generationsC(2014重庆主城八区第二次调研)Many kids help out around the house with chores (家庭杂务) such as emptying the dishwasher, putting laundry away, and taking out the trash. In exchange, some kids get allowances (补贴) or other rewards such as extra computer time.But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. Susie Walton, a parenting educator and family coach, believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isnt worth doing unless you get something in return. “Running any kind of household is a team effort,” Susie said. “A home is a living space for everyone in the family. Its important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house, and that families decide together how they want their home to look, and how they are going to keep it looking like everyone wants it to look.”Other people believe that getting a cash allowance or other rewards motivates kids to do chores, and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to earn money. There are also new applications that give kids points and digital gifts that can be redeemed (兑取) either online or in the real world. With the ChoreMonster app, kids earn digital points by completing chores that they can turn in for reallife rewards such as extra Xbox time or a trip to the mall. “Our goal is to encourage kids to earn rewards,” says Chris Bergman, founder of ChoreMonster. “Kids need positive reinforcement (强化) to help motivate them.”What do you think? Should kids be rewarded for doing chores? Or should kids help out around their homes without getting anything in return?Write a 200word response. Send it to tfkasks4you timeforkids. com. Your response may be published in a future issue of Time For Kids. Please include your grade and contact information of your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline for responding is February 18.9How does the author start the passage?ABy presenting some facts.BBy listing some evidence.CBy comparing different views.DBy stating his own experiences.10According to Susie Walton,_.Akids should be rewarded for doing choresBparents decide what kids can do for the familyCkids have the responsibility to share houseworkDkids can get extra computer time for doing chores11Paragraph 3 is mainly about_.AChris Bergmans opinion on raising kidsBmain reasons why kids need encouragementChow to motivate kids to try new applicationsDthe advantage of rewarding kids for doing chores12The purpose of writing the text is to_.Ainvite readers to express their opinionsBinform readers of two different opinionsCcall on readers to reflect on their behaviorDpresent the authors viewpoint about parenting答 案语篇解读:这是一篇说明文。文章给即将开始大学生活的高中毕业生一些建议如何能迅速适应大学生活。1选B细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,买用过的书无疑是一种节省钱的方法,故B项正确。2选A推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Having a good college experience is all about balancing work and fun”;第五段第一句“Be aware that your living environment can largely affect your academic success”和最后一段的最后一句“Having_too_much_on_your_plate can hurt your grades”可知,作者不时地提醒,对大学新生而言,任何时候都要把学业成绩放在首位,故答案为A。3选D推理判断题。根据第六段中的“Avoid foods . 15 pounds during their freshman year”可知,很多大学生在大一期间,长胖了至少15磅,即很多大学新生不注重饮食,对饮食持放松随意的态度,故D项正确。4选C句意理解题。最后一段中的“Make sure, though, that you still have time to study”表明了作者的态度,即可以参加俱乐部和其他的组织,但是要确保有时间学习,故可推断此处表示如果课外活动太


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