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英汉语基本句型变异与翻译1. 英汉语句子的 5种基本句型: 1. SV (主语 + 谓语)2. SVO (主语 + 谓动 + 宾语)3. SVOC (主语 + 谓动 + 宾语 + 宾语补语)4. SVOO(主语 + 谓动 + 宾语1 + 宾语2)5. SVC (主语 + 谓动 + 主语补语或表语)2. 英汉语基本句型的常式句对应。1. SV (主语+谓语) 该句型中,谓语动词是不及物动词,一般只有一个实意动词充当谓语。例如:1)a. 太阳升起来了。b. The sun is rising.2)a. Im going to sleep.b. 我要睡觉了。2. SVO (主语+谓动+宾语)该句型中,谓语动词是及物动词,及物动词后面需要接一个宾语,才能表达完整的意思。例如:1)a. 我们热爱和平。b. We love peace. 2)a. 我已经改变主意了。b. Ive changed my mind.3. SVOO (主语+谓动+宾语1+宾语2)该句型中,谓语动词是双重及物动词,及物动词后面需要接两个宾语,才能表达完整的意思。例如:1)a. 她给了他二本杂志。b. She gave him two magazines. 2)a. 约翰教我斟酒时不滴一滴的决窍。b. John taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any.4. SVOC (主语+谓动+宾语+宾语补语)该句型中,谓语动词是及物动词,宾语后面需要接一个补语才能表达完整的意思。例如:(1)a. 繁重的工作量迫使我取消去露营。b. The heavy workload forced me to cancel the camping trip.(2)a. 我们老师每天早晨教我们读英语。 b. Our teacher teaches us to read English every morning.5. SVC (主语+谓动+主语补语或表语)该句型中,谓语动词是连系动词,后面需要接一个补语(英语又叫表语)才能表达完整的意思。例如:(1)a. 童年是难忘的。b. Childhood days are unforgettable. (2)a. 鸽子是和平的象征。b. The dove is the symbol of peace.3. 这5种英汉语基本句型不对应的句型/或变异句型与翻译。1. 英语SV (主语+谓语)的变异 英语为VS(谓语+主语),主要是为了强调或是修辞的需要:汉语没有相对应的变异句型,汉译时一般被翻译成汉语的常式句,即(主语+谓语)。She will be sixteen come May.(条件状语从句的需要)到了5月她就16岁了。With the autumn ended comes the winter, which is the last season of the years.(强调状语,主语太长)秋天过去,冬天来临,冬季是一年的最后一个季节。Early in 1661 took place a general election.(强调状语)1661年早期举行了大选。汉语SV(主语+谓语)的变异汉语为VS(谓语+主语),是为了修辞的需要。英译时,基本上都移位SV,即(主语+谓语)。刚才又出来了一件事。Just now something else cropped up.七岁上就死了父亲。When he was seven, his father died.弹指又过了三四年。So three or four years quickly passed.2. SVO (主语+谓动+宾语)英语SVO可以转为:1)OSV。汉语为常式句,即SVO(主语+谓动+宾语)。What beautiful skirt she wears!(感叹句需要)她穿了件多么漂亮的裙子啊!A lot of help I get from you, Miss Brown!(强调宾语)我得到了你的很多帮助,勃朗小姐!英汉语一致,即OSV(宾语+主语+谓动)。Two weeks you shall have.(强调宾语)两周的时间,你们会有的。Books, he had treasured from the earliest period of his life.(宾语后,有逗号,特别强调宾语)书籍,他从生命的最早阶段就开始珍藏了。That Saturday he met an old friend and this old friend he has known for twenty years.(衔接需要)那个星期六他遇到了一个老朋友,这个老朋友他认识20年了。The novel I liked, but the musical I was disgusted with.(强调宾语,对比平衡句子)汉语为常式句,即SVO(主语+谓动+宾语)。This much we have achieved; but we are not complacent.(上下文衔接)我们取得了这么多的成就,但我们并不自满。英语SVO可以转为:2)OSV +(pron.)汉译为OSV(+ pron.)Gold and silver I have none.(文气的表达)金银,我没有。Friends I have none in the city.(同上)朋友,我在城里一个也没有。(没有一个)Charles Darwin, I have often heard about him.(口语)查尔斯 达尔文, 我经常听说他。The man who wrote the book, I know him very well.(宾语较长)比较* I know the man who wrote the book very well.(歧义)写书的那个人,我很熟悉他。She, who has help med, I will try to help her.(宾语较长,口语)她帮助过我的,我要尽力帮助她。英语SVO可以转为:3)Prep + OSV +(pron.)汉译为Prep + OSV +(pron.)As for me, Ive little to tell.关于新闻,我没有生命可说的。As to the conditions, he said nothing.关于条件,他没有说什么。英语SVO可以转为:4)VSO汉译为SVO Had I the time, I would go.(条件句)如果我有时间,我就去。Im going back to Washington to fight for it, believe you me.(强调谓语)我要回到华盛顿去为此而奋斗,你相信我吧。Said he: “We confront great evils and we need great solutions.”(新闻媒体直接引语)他说道:“我们面对着重大的邪恶,我们需要重大的决策。”英语SVO可以转为:5)OVS汉译为OSV “Yes,” said the youth shortly.(强调直接宾语)“是的,”那个小伙子简短地说道。汉译为SVO “Head injuries generally occur not because of the vehicles speed, but because of vertical distancehow far your head travels to hit the pavement,” explains Harry, director of the University of Southern Californias Head Protection Research Laboratory and principal investigator in studies involving 2000 motorcycle and 800 bicycle accidents.(强调直接引语)南加州大学头部防护实验室主任哈利 霍特,对包括2,000其摩托车事故和800起自行车事故负责过调查研究,他解释说:“头部伤一般不是由交通工具的速度导致的,而是由垂直距离造成的即你的头部经过多处距离撞到了地上。”Someone once said Australia is a country born to alcoholism. A man would pay $5 to get drunk and $8 to get home, goes the jest.有人说过,澳大利亚是一个生性嗜酒的国家。有个笑话说,那里的人会花5块钱喝酒,然后再花8块钱回家。英语SVO可以转为:6)V1 S V2 O(V1是情态动词,V2是实意动词)汉语基本上都译为常式句。How did you work out that problem?(特殊疑问句)你们是怎样解决那个问题的?Could/Might I but see my native land, I would die a happy man.(条件句长)我只有能够/可以看到故土,死也高兴了。Should they attack us, well wipe them out completely.(条件句)假如他们进攻我们,就把他们彻底消灭。Only in this way can we learn English.(only前置)只有这样我们才能学会英语。Often had she intended to speak of this.(often 前置)她常说起这事。Many a time as a boy have I climbed that hill.(名词短语前置)我童年时期曾多次爬过那座山。Not only did they present a musical performance, but they also gave a brief introduction to the history of Western brass instruments.(并列连词前置)他们不但做了音乐表演,而且也简短地介绍了铜管乐器的历史。英语SVO可以转为:7)V2 S V1 O汉语基本上都译为OSV或常式句。Change your mind as you will, you will gain no additional support.(让步状语从句)你怎么改变主意,也不会得到更多的援助。Break his neck, I will.(强调动宾结构)扭断他的脖子,我会的。Write a poem I cannot, let me write an essay instead.(强调动宾和对比)写诗我不会,让我写诗吧。They have promised to finish the work, and finish it they will.(强调动宾及上下文衔接)他们保证完成这项工作, 完成这项工作,他们是一定会的。英语SVO可以转为:8)O V1 S V2汉译为SVO.What do you want?你要想什么?Which do you prefer?你愿意要哪个?Whose are you going to borrow?你打算借谁的?英语SVO可以转为:9)O V1 S V2汉译为SV(O)If you can do it, so can I.如果你能做这件事,我也会。I enjoyed the book and so did my wife.我喜欢这本书,我太太也喜欢。汉语SVO可以转为:1)SOV(很少见)英译为SVO两个公子听了,轿也等不得,忙走去看。(强调宾语)Without waiting for their sedan-chairs, the brothers hurried across.但热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。But the liveliness is theirs, I have nothing.汉语SVO可以转为:2)OSV(最常见)英译为SVO罢了,过去的事,凤哥儿也不必提了。(强调宾语)Never mind, His-feng, lets forget about the past.“比方说,现在大家正讨论P 诗人的朦胧诗,您老是什么看法。”“对不起,没读过,也读不懂,落后了;报刊少看,讨论也没关心过。”(强调宾语与对比)“For example, these days people are discussing Poet Ps mystic poetry. What do you think of it?” “Im sorry I havent read any of his poetry and I dont think I can understand it. I have yet to catch up. I seldom read newspaper and magazines and never concern myself with the discussion of his poetry.”汉语SVO可以转为:3)OSV + pron.英译为SVO, 被动式但只是那拣的人你就不谢他么?But how are you going to thank the man who found it?(强调宾语)一切危害人民群众的黑暗势力(我们)必须暴露之,一切人民群众的革命斗争(我们)必须歌颂之,这就是革命文艺家的基本任务。(强调宾语)All the dark forces harming the mass of the people must be exposed and all the revolutionary struggles of the mass of the people must be extolled; this is the fundamental task of revolutionary writers and artists.汉语SVO可以转为:4)S + prep. + O + V (普遍)英译为, SVO, VO把腰一趁,将那株绿杨树带根拔起。then gave a tremendous wrenchand pulled the tree from the ground, roots and all.迎春是个有气的人,连他自己尚未照管齐全,如何能照管到他身上。As Ying-chun was too feeble even to take care of herself, lt alone look after her cousin.母亲则搬了纺车来,给弦上涂了腊,给锭子抹了油,便盘腿吱咛咛地纺起线来。Having brought out the spinning wheel, waxed the string and oiled the spindle, my mother would sit there with her legs crossed and begin spinning.我虽爱书,而对于书却不甚爱惜。Much as I love books, I take little care of them.我们还没有对革命实践的一切问题,或重大问题,加以考察,使之上升到理论的阶段。We have not yet examined all the problems of revolutionary practiceor even the important onesand raise them to a theoretical plane. 我们对于艰苦创业,要有清楚的认识。We must have a clear understanding of the need to work hard.汉语SVO可以转为:5)prep. + O S V (普遍)英译为prep + O S V + pron., SVO, 被动句至于实在的情形,我心里自然记得的。As for the true facts, of course, I can remember them.至于对人民群众,对于人民的劳动和斗争,对人民的军队,人民的政党,我们应当赞扬。As for the mass of people, their toil and struggle, their army and their Party, we should certainly praise them.至于私下拿去的东西,送来我收下,不送来我也不要了。If they bring back the tiara, Ill take it, if not I wont demand it.对这次大会的精神,对大会作出的各项决定,必须坚决贯彻执行。We must firmly implement the guidelines and decisions adopted by this meeting.对于中国和外国过去时代做遗留下来的丰富的文学艺术遗产和优秀的文学艺术传统,我们是要继承的。We should take over the rich legacy and the good tradition in literature and arts that have been handed down from past ages in China and foreign countries.对于优秀的教育工作者,应该大张旗鼓地予以表扬和奖励。Outstanding educational workers should be commended, rewarded and widely acclaimed.关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect.就知识分子的世界观改造方面来说,应该怎样估计呢?And how should we assess the transformation of the intellectuals world outlook?3. SVoO (主语+谓动+间接宾语+直接宾语)英语SVoO可以转为:1)SVo + prep + O汉译为SVoOHe presented her with a bunch of flowers.他献给她一束花。Mary provide him with funds.玛丽提供他资金。或玛丽向他提供资金。He has not informed me of his plans for the holidays.他还没有告诉我他的度假计划。或他还没有把他的度假计划告诉我。The robbers stripped him of all the possessed/stripped the house of all valuable articles.强盗抢去了他所有的财务/劫走了房子里所有的贵重物品。This hotel reminded me of the one we stayed in last year.这家旅馆使我想起我们去年住的那一个家。2)SV O + prep +o汉译为I explained my difficulty to him.(语法要求)我向他解释了我的难处。(S + prep +o V O)Newspapers exert a great influence upon public opinion. (语法要求)报纸对于公众舆论有极大影响。(S + prep +o V O)报纸给予公众舆论以极大影响。(SVo + prep + O)报纸给予极大影响于公众舆论。(SVO + prep + o)I put several questions to him. (语法要求)我给他提了几个问题。(S + prep +o V O)我提了几个问题给他。(SVO + prep + o)我提了他好几个问题。(SVoO)I gave my address to him.(强调间接宾语)我把我的地址给了他。(S + prep + O +V o)我给了他我的地址。(SVoO)He threw the ball to me, not to John.(强调两个间接宾语)他将球扔给了我,没有扔给约翰。(S + prep + O +V o)他扔给了我球,没有扔给约翰。(SVoO)I found a place for Tom, who is my brother.(宾语较长)我找了一个职位给汤姆,他是我的兄弟。(SVO + prep + o)我找给了汤姆一个职位,他是我的兄弟。(SVoO)You should give a good example to your younger brothers and sisters.(间接宾语较长)你应该给你的弟弟妹妹们树立一个好榜样。(S + prep +o V O)你应该树立一个好榜样给你的弟弟妹妹们。(SVO + prep + o)你应该树立给你的弟弟妹妹们一个好榜样。(SV + prep +oO)She made a scarf for her son.(强调间接宾语)她给她儿子做了一条围巾。(S + prep +o V O)她做了一条围巾给她儿子。(SVO + prep + o)她做给她儿子一条围巾。(SV + prep +oO)3)SV + prep +oO汉译为I suggested to him that he had better work harder.(语法要求)我向他建议他最后努力工作。(S + prep +o V O)He explained to me why he was late.(语法要求,直接宾语较长)他向我解释了他为什么迟到。(S + prep +o V O)John expressed to her that he must go. (语法要求,直接宾语较长)约翰向她表示他该走了。(S + prep +o V O)The doctor prescribed to me some pills.医生给我开了一些药。(S + prep +o V O)Her affectionate devotion gave to her husband a haven of rest after his long wandering.(强调间接宾语)在她丈夫经过长期流浪之后,她的钟爱之情给他提供了一个避难所。(S + prep +o V O)在她丈夫经过长期流浪之后,她的钟爱之情提供给他一个避难所。(S + prep +o V O)You should pay to the waiter 2 pounds. (强调间接宾语)你应该付给服务员2镑。(S + prep +o V O)4)prep + oSVO汉译为prep + oSVOTo me he owns nothing.于我,他不欠什么。5)prep + oSVoO汉译为prep + o + VoOAs to me, give me liberty.至于我,给我自由。6)prep + OSVoO汉译为prep + OSVoOAs for my past, Ill tell you something more next time.至于我的过去,我下次再给你说吧。汉语SVoO可以转为:英译为SVoO1)SVO + prep + o母亲走进来叫他吃饭,他跟了走进厨房,替嫂子作揖。嫂子倒茶与他吃。His mother came in to call him to a meal, and he followed her to the kitchen where he bowed his sister-in-law who offered him tea.(SVoO)忙了一早晨。交了钱与牛浦出去买东西。This kept them busy all morning, after which the old man gave Niu Pu money to do shopping. (SVoO)2)S + prep + o VO 假如你焦他没有房屋,何不替他娶上一个媳妇?If you are worrying because he hasnt founded a family, why dont you find him a wife? (SVoO)动身访美之前,一位旧时同窗写来封航空信,再三托付我为他带几颗生红枣。Before I set out for the US, a former school-mate of mine wrote me by airmail, asking me in all earnest to bring him some raw date stones. (SVoO)朴实无华的土布,为我遮体御寒,伴我长成大人,给了我温热,给了我母性的力量。The simple and unadorned hand-woven cloth would protect me from cold and accompanied me when I grew up, giving me both warmth and a maternal force.(SVo+ prep +O)他给我留下了许多造屋的材料。He gave me a lot of building materials. (SVoO)那鲜红艳丽给大地倾注了青春和轰响的生命的火球,使冻结的江河,在山野丛林的摇篮中醒来。The red and brilliant fireball of life, which has been giving the earth its youth and rumbling sound, awakens the frozen rivers in the cradle of fields and woods. (SVoO)我应该对她奉献我的悲哀与尊敬。I should present to her my sorrow and respect. (SV+ prep +oO)他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or praising their shortcomings. (SVO+ prep +o)有人从故乡来,或是有朋友新近到福建去过,我都向他们问起福建的近况。Whenever I meet somebody hailing from Fujiang or a friend who has recently been there, I always inquired of them about the present conditions in Fujian. (SV o + prep + O)3)SVo + prep + O在战斗中给战士指路的“未来”, “未来”给人以希望和鼓舞。In the course of struggle, it is the “future” that serves as the beacon light to him; the “future” gives people hope and inspiration. (SVoO)后来忽然有人发明了应该方法,就是把一些植物的种子放在要剖析的头盖骨里,给它以温度与湿度,使它发芽。Then someone invented a method. He put some seeds of a plant into a skull which was to be dissected, and provided it with the necessary temperature and moisture so as to make the seeds germinate. (SV o + prep + O)4)S + prep + O + V o诗人感谓曰:“鸟!你连这一个快乐的夜晚都不给我!”(强调长宾语)The poet sighed: “Bird, even the only happy night you would spoil!”(OSV)是的,这天早晨有什么使人感动的都向充溢在他胸口,他想赶紧回去把他发现的中国音乐学生和她的故事告诉每一个人。Yes, his bosom swelling with a thrill that morning, he wanted to hurry back to let everybody know of this musical student he had discovered and the whole story about her. (SVOC)6)S + prep + O + pron + o把我的龙井茶给二爷沏一碗。Brew a cup of my Lungching tea for the Second Master. (SVO+prep+o)4. SVOC (主语+谓动+宾语+补语)汉语SVOC可以转为:1)CSVOI knew you were carless, but dishonest I never thought you.我知道你是粗心,但不诚实,我从没有想过你。(CSVO)As the main eating implement, the Chinese use chopsticks every day.中国人每天都用筷子作为主要的吃饭用具。(SVOC)2)SVCOHe pushed open the door, went into the hall.我还带回家一个英国圣诞布丁。(SVCO)He has proved wrong the forecasts made by the countys leading economic experts.他已证实由国家主要经济学专家做出的预测是错误的。(SVOC)3)SV+pron+COWe must leave it to you to decide what must be done.我们由你去决定该做什么。(SVOC)Franks erratic character makes it hard for me to conduct a coherent conversation with him.富兰克乖僻的性格使得我很难与他进行连贯的谈话。(SVCO)4)OSV+pron+CTo do the same thing every day he finds it unbearable.每天做同样的事情,他觉得这很难忍受。(OSV + pron + C)他觉得这很难忍受,每天做同样的事情。(SV + pron + CO)These scientists in charge of the work, I find th


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