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profiile头部的侧面(像): a) He drew a profile of the teacher. 他画了一张老师的侧面像。 2) 传略,人物简介: a) This book is a profile of a great statesman. 这本书是一位伟大的政治家的传略。 3) 轮廓,形象: a) The painter drew the profile of a distant hill. 画家勾画了远山的轮廓。 4) 姿态,引人注目的状态: a) As a whole, his work lacks a little in profile. 总的来说,他的作品不太鲜明。 2. vt. 1) 为描绘轮廓;写的传略(或概况): a) This book profiles the life of each president. 本书简要介绍了每位总统的生平。 pluck) 拔,采摘: a) Girls are prone to pluck flowers when they see many beautiful flowers in the mountain. 女孩子们在山上看见遍地的野花, 一般都会去采摘。 2) 弹,拨,弹奏: a) He told his little sister not to pluck the strings of his guitar. 他告诫小妹妹不要乱拨他吉他的弦。 3) 拔的毛: a) The chicken has been plucked. 鸡的毛已经被拔光了。 2. vi. 1) 拉;拔、扯: a) He plucked at his trouser knees and sat down. 他拉拉裤膝,坐了下去。 3. n. U 1) 勇气,胆量,决心: a) Few people have the pluck to participate in bungee jumping. 很少有人有胆量去参加蹦极运动。 rumor. n. C,U 1) 谣言;传闻: a) Can you believe that the article was based on rumour? 你能相信那文章是根据谣言写的吗? school gatesharpadj. 1) 锋利的,锐利的,尖的: a) It is a sharp sword. 这是把利剑。 2) 轮廓分明的,鲜明的: a) The view of the plane was sharp. 飞机轮廓分明。 3) 敏锐的,机警的: a) The safeguard kept sharp lookout. 卫兵机警地注视着。 4) 急剧的,猛烈的: a) We gave the enemy a sharp attack. 我们给敌人猛烈攻击。 5) 刺耳的,刺鼻的,刺眼的: a) A sharp voice came from the house. 刺耳的声音从房中传来。 2. adv. 1) 指时刻整,准: a) She arrived at 9 p.m. sharp. 她到的时候是晚上9点整。 2) 突然地;急剧地: a) The car turned sharp right. 那车向右来了个急转弯。 Associationcloud nine.tragedy n. C,U 1) 悲惨的事件 (或经历), 灾难: a) His fathers early death was a great tragedy for his family. 他父亲的早逝是他家的巨大的不幸。 2) 悲剧 (艺术): a) A play that has a very sad ending is a tragedy. 一部有悲惨结局的戏是悲剧。decentadj. 1) socially acceptable or good 得体的;正派的. Counselor 顾问 a big smileTwo friends were walking through the desert. During their journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other. Without saying anything, the injured friend wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the face. They kept on walking until they found a place with water and trees. They decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped ventured too far into the water and became stuck in the deep mud and was drowning, but his friend saved him. After he recovered from the incident, he carved into a stone: Today my best friend saved my life. The friend, who had both slapped and saved his best friend, asked him, After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone. Why? The friend replied: When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, where the wind can wipe it away, but when someone does something good for us, we must carve it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.Neutral1. adj. 1) 中立的;不偏不倚的;中性的: a) I am neutral in the conflict between my father and you. 在父亲和您的冲突中我保持中立。 Vapor1. n. C 1) a form like a gas which is made up of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air 蒸气: a) When you heat a liquid, it changes into a vapor. 液体加热时,会变成蒸汽。 b) A thin coat of vapor began to collect. 薄薄的一层蒸汽开始集聚起来。 Grill 1. v. 1) 烧烤: a) He grilled some sausages. 他烤了一些香肠。 2) 盘问,质问: a) He was grilled for three hours by the police. 他被警察盘问了3个小时。 2. n. C 1) 烤架: a) Put the bread under the grill to make toast. 把面包放在烤架下烤面包片。 2) 烧烤餐馆: a) They entered a grill. 他们进了一家烧烤餐馆。 3) 烤菜(尤指烤肉): a) He likes grills. 他爱吃烤肉。 4) 格板,格栅: a) radiation grill 散热器护栅 It”s rianing buckets .We will have to take a rain check on the picnic.=well postpone the picnic until later.You”re telling me =Im strongly agree with what youve said.Incredible.There are shooting a film .他们正在拍戏。Hailstorm Cloudy Snow flurries Rain Bundle up Summer redsDump 1. vt. 1) drop carelessly; throw away 倾倒;抛弃: a) No dumping here! 此处不准倒垃圾! b) She opened the bag and dumped the content on the desk. 她打开包,把里面的东西倒在桌上。 2. n. C 1) a place for dumping waste 垃圾场: a) Their rubbish was carried straight to the dump. 他们的垃圾被直接运往垃圾场。 b) The walled garden was used as a dump. 那个有围墙的院子曾被用作垃圾场。I like spring the most, too. Spring is so full of hope. The trees are in blossom, the days get longer, the skies turn so blue and the clouds become fluffy and white, and the sun starts to shine with warmth again. The weather is too nice for me to be inside. But without a doubt, winter is what I hate the most. Its too cold, too snowy, and sometimes too icy. It gets dark too early. I have to wear too much stuff to stay warmhat, gloves, scarf, coat, boots. They are all too bulky, and I cant move in them.Miserable1. adj. 1) 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的: a) Dont look so miserable! 别愁眉苦脸的! 2) 糟糕的;使人难受的: a) What miserable weather! 这糟糕的天气! 3) 卑劣的;可耻的: a) Walt got a miserable mark in the exam. 沃尔特考得一塌糊涂。Its pretty miserable, wet and cold in Emmas home town. My home town is in South China. The summer months are June, July and August. June is hot and humid, almost to the point of being unbearable. Its like a sauna. July is even worse. Sweating is ineffective at cooling the skin. The midday sun high overhead bakes the ground. My sandals actually melt on the blacktop road! In August, its hot and humid outside and therere thunderstorms and occasional typhoons along the coast.We live in a rural bay area. Most of what we see is beauty and nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows as they are driving on the rural roads. One of the few drawbacks to living in the rural area is that public services such as litter collection are less available than they are closer to the city. But a helping ritual that I practice regularly with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding area. Weve become so used to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in excited voices, Theres some litter, Mommy, stop the car! And if we have time, we will often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, but we actually enjoy it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, I saw you doing it, and it seems like a good idea. Picking up litter is only one of the possible helping rituals. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. Its fun, personally rewarding, and sets a good example. Everyone wins.For further information, please _contact _ 54362163, extension 205One method of weather forecasting is _simply to use_ your eyes and your brain.Hey, Jane! Does everyone know _in which _ time to meet us tomorrow for the picnic?You may not believe that our mental abilities _vary from season to season_.What is the complete number the man should dial to _reach_ his friend in Miami? splash 泼溅(声) breeze 微风 gutter 排水沟 . gutter 排水沟 thunder 雷 drizzle 细雨;毛毛雨 puddle 水坑 flash flood 大雨过后出现的短暂洪水;暴洪 hail 冰雹 sleet 冻雨;夹带冰雪的雨 rain or shine 不管天气如何;在任何情况下extension: 电话分机 (an additional telephone connected to a main line) hurricane: 飓风 (a storm with a very strong and fast wind) Miami: 迈阿密 (the largest city of Florida, U.S.A.) forecast: 预报 (predict or estimate in advance) rainbow: 彩虹 (an arch of different colors formed in the sky after a rain) vapor: 水汽 (a liquid in the form of a gas such as mist or steam) sharp: (指时间)正;准点地 (exactly at the stated time) grill: 栅状烤架 (a set of bars which can be put over a fire to cook food on) ozone layer: 臭氧层 (a layer of ozone in the Earths atmosphere that protects the Earth from the heat of the sun) glacier: 冰川 (a mass of ice moving slowly down a mountain valley) threat: 威胁;潜在的危险 (a possible danger) bundle up: 穿暖和 ( dress warmly) flurry: 一阵(风、雨、雪等) (a sudden rush of wind, rain, snow, etc.) breeze: 微风 (a light gentle wind) muggy: 闷热而潮(unpleasantly warm and not dry) concentrate: 集中(思想、注意力等) (focus all ones thoughts, efforts, attention, etc.) weather forecaster: 天气预报播音员 (a person on a TV or radio program who gives a weather forecast) outfit: 一套服装 (a set of clothes that are worn together) whereabouts: 哪里 (where) personality: 个性;性格 (the whole nature and character of a particular person) tempergloomy: 忧愁的 (sad and depressed) organism: 生物体 (a living thing) the Caribbean: 加勒比海地区 (the region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands, and the surrounding coasts) allergy: 过敏症 (condition of reacting adversely to certain substances) mental: 精神的;智力的 (of or relating to the mind) favorable: 有利的 (advantageous or helpful) sharp: 灵敏的 (quick and sensitive) intelligent: 聪明的;理解力强 (having high capabilities of reasoning and understanding) Language and Culture Tips the States the informal term for the United States global warming The problem of the gradual rise in the earths temperature is referred to as global warming. It happens because the heat that is absorbed from the sun cannot leave the atmosphere due to the high level of carbon dioxide and other gases. weather forecasting In Western countries, people like talking about weather and trying to make forecasts because it is often so changeable that even the weatherman sometimes makes mistakes. Weather becomes a common topic also because it is neutral and does not concern any private issues. Therefore, if you want to strike up a conversation with a westerner, one sure way is to talk about the weather and make your own weather forecast. greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases are responsible for what we call the greenhouse effect, a condition where the gases form a blanket over the earth and keep the heat from the ground that would otherwise disappear. The main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide ( 二氧化碳 ). Gone with the Wind a very famous American novel by Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) published in 1936 Its raining cats and dogs! a humorous way to say Its raining heavily! When there is a heavy rain one says its raining cats and dogs or even cows. the winter blues feelings of sadness or depression one tends to have in the wintertime youre down in the dumps an informal way to say youre feeling depressed the summer reds feelings of embarrassment, anger, etc. one tends to have in the summertime and stuff and the like. Its an expression used in vague reference to additional things of a similar nature to those specifiedmuggy weather 闷热的天气 mudslide泥石流 tidal wave 海啸 bizzard暴风雨whirlwind旋风 tornador龙卷风 volcanic eruption 火山爆发 Obesity diabetes pack on steak bacon toast fruits strawberries mushroom sausages formula 配方 hamburger spicy media drunken Double Cheeseburger favorite McDonalds foods cheese puffs doughnuts cuisine regionalCylindrical earnest . fruit stand 水果摊 durian 榴莲 kiwi 猕猴桃 persimmon 柿子 . bell fruit/wax apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 . papaya 木瓜 apple pear水梨 grapefruit 葡萄柚 passion fruit 百香果 . pomelo 柚子 mango 芒果 second-hand smoke enjoy customsSince you know so much about Chinese food, you _do the ordering _.American eating habits really get a lot of criticism, but it depends on _where_ in America you look. In big cities people have become especially health-consciousI mean there are KFC, Pizza Hut, and A&W, just _to name_ a fewI might eat an apple _once in a while_.In big cities restaurants offer new and healthy food to _stay_ ahead of the competition.This peach is rotten. 这颗水蜜桃烂掉了。 There are lots of fruit flies flying around those rotten bananas. 有很多果蝇在那堆烂香蕉四周飞来飞去。I bought my grandmother a fruit gift basket for her birthday. 我买了一篮水果给祖母当生日礼物。I like to eat grapes as a healthy after-school snack. 我喜欢在放学后把葡萄当健康点心吃。 Peel the skin off those apples. I want to make an apple pie. 把那些苹果削皮,我要做个苹果派。 There is a bad spot in this persimmon. 这颗柿子有一处坏掉了。 This persimmon has a bad spot. 这颗柿子有一处坏掉了。 These cherries cost a dollar forty-five per pound. 这些樱桃一磅1.45美元。 I love to eat pomegranates, but they are difficult to peel. 我喜欢吃石榴,不过石榴皮很难剥。 Cut that nectarine into four pieces and then take out the pit. 把那颗油桃切成四片,再取出果核。 This plum tastes so sweet and juicy! 这颗李子真是香甜多汁!bear fruit 有了成果 bear 在此为动词,表示“产生;结(果实)”的意思,因此 bear fruit 便是“结成果实”,可引申指“事情的进展有了成果”。 The womans many years of work did not bear fruit until after she died. 一直到去世之后,她多年的努力才有了成果。 cheeseburger: 奶酪汉堡包 (a hamburger made with melted cheese on top) McChicken: 麦肯鸡 (a type of chicken served at McDonalds) hike: 徒步旅行;远足 (go on a long walk, especially in the country) vegetarian: 素食的;素菜的 (consisting primarily or wholly of vegetable products) spaghetti: 意大利面条 (an Italian food consisting of long strings made from a paste of flour and water) survey: 调查 (a general examination or study of conditions, opinions, etc.) nutrition: 营养 (something that gives what is needed for living, growing, and staying healthy) leaflet: 传单 (a small printed piece of paper, often advertising something, usually given free to the public) lettuce: 生菜 (a plant with large pale green leaves, which are eaten raw) Oriental: 东方的 (from or connected with eastern Asia) pop: 口(汽水等)含气的饮料 (a sweet drink containing a harmless gas) conservative : 保守的 (not liking rapid changes) GM: 转基因的 (= genetically modified) Argentina: 阿根廷 (a country in the southern part of South America, whose capital is Buenos Aires) ethic: 伦理 (a set of moral principles) inevitable: 不可避免的 (unable to be avoided) course: 一道菜 (one of the separate parts of a meal) steak: 牛排 (meat, especially from cattle, usually sold as a thick slice, which can be cooked quite quickly) yogurt: 酸奶 (a food made from milk that has become thick and slightly sour) bacon: 熏咸肉;腊肉 (salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig) dessert: (正餐末道)甜点 (a sweet course served after the main course) mushroom: 蘑菇 (a type of plant with a round top and a short stem) billion: 十亿 (one thousand million) hamburger: 汉堡包 (small pieces of meat made into a flat circular shape, cooked and eaten between pieces of bread) commodity: 商品 (a thing of use or value) teens: 青少年时期 (years of a persons age from 13 to 19) outlet: 经销店 (a store that sells goods made by a particular company) chicken McNugget : 麦肯鸡块 (a small rough lump of chicken served at McDonalds) milkshake: 奶昔 (a sweet made by mixing milk and ice cream, etc.) formula: 配方 (a list of ingredients and procedure for preparing dish, etc.) diversity: 多样性 (variety) spicy: 香辣的 (having a pleasantly strong hot taste and smell) competitive: 有竞争力的 (having the ability to compete with others) contrast: 形成对照 (show a difference w


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