



定语从句A(2018山东济宁一模)Around three in five people in the UK will find _1_necessary to care for an elderly or a disabled loved one at some point. This can be made much _2_(easy)by bearing in mind a few simple principles and pieces of advice._3_(care) for an elderly loved one, most likely a parent,is never easy. It can cause great pain emotionally and _4_(physical) and the financial challenges can sometimes seem difficult to deal with,too.Often one of the hardest things is striking a balance between your parents desire _5_ (feel) independent and the need to ensure that they are safe and their health needs are being attended to. Sometimes this can create tensions and _6_ (argue), only adding to the stress of an already difficult situation. It is important here to make them feel that they are being listened to and _7_ you only have their best interests at heart.The same applies _8_ financial issues. In order to cover the costs of their parents careincluding bills and medicinemany people will investigate options such as selling the family home.The most important thing here is communicationit is vital to make sure that everyone involved, including other brothers and sisters, _9_(be)aware of whats being proposed and cooperates to find a solution _10_ satisfies everybody.答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了在照顾年迈的亲人时应该注意的事项。1it解析:句意:大约有五分之三的英国人都认为有必要在某种情况下照顾年迈的或有残疾的亲人。本题考查代词。设空处用it作形式宾语,to care for an elderly or a disabled loved one at some point为真正的宾语。2easier解析:句意:通过牢记一些简单的原则和建议就可以使这件事变得容易得多。根据设空处前的much可知设空处用形容词比较级形式。修饰形容词比较级的副词有much,rather,even,still等。3Caring解析:句意:照顾年迈的亲人,最可能是自己的父亲或母亲,从来就不容易。本题考查非谓语动词作主语。设空处泛指某种行为而非具体某一次的行为,故填动名词形式Caring。4physically解析:句意:那可能会给人们的身心造成很大的痛苦,并且经济困难有时也似乎很难处理。根据设空处前的emotionally可推知设空处需用副词physically与emotionally并列作状语。5to feel解析:句意:一方面,你父母有独立生活的愿望;另一方面,需要确保他们的安全和健康需求。通常在这两方面达到平衡是最困难的事情之一。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。名词desire后需用不定式作定语,故填to feel。6arguments解析:句意:有时这可能会造成紧张和争执,argument(争执)为可数名词,根据设空处前的tensions(复数形式)可推知设空处需填名词复数形式,故填arguments。7that解析:句意:让他们感到他们在被倾听并且你只把他们的最大利益一直挂在心上是很重要的。“7 you only have their best interests at heart”和“that they are being listened to”并列作feel的宾语;设空处所在的宾语从句不缺任何成分,故用that引导,且不能省略。8to解析:句意:金融问题也是一样。apply to为固定短语,意为“适用于”。9is解析:本题考查主谓一致。设空处为谓语,主语是everyone,属于单数第三人称,故填is。10that/which解析:本题考查定语从句。先行词为a solution,将先行词代入定语从句后可知关系词在定语从句中作主语,且指“物”,故填that/which。B(2018福建厦门一次质检)“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.”“Nothing is softer or _1_ (flexible) than water, yet nothing can resist it.”These are the food for thought _2_(serve) to tube passengers at Oval station in south London. Its been 14 years since customer services manager Anthony Gentles _3_(inspire) to brighten up the “blank faces” of travelers with daily _4_ (wise) from his favorite book, Tao Te Ching. Every day he wrote one quote on the board _5_(him). Mr. Gentles said offering quotes from ancient China was his way of _6_(try) to make people feel more welcome as they braved the Underground.Thousands of quotes later, Mr. Gentles favorite message remains the first one he wrote:“A journey of a thousand miles must begin _7_ a single step.”“Because its _8_ (fundamental) true,” he said. “No matter _9_ you live your life, regardless of your situation, you have to take the first step.”Since 2007, the baton(接力棒) has been taken on by his colleague Glen Sutherland, _10_ quotes on the station information board have set off a wave of enthusiasm to copy the practice across the capital.答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。英国伦敦南部的欧维尔地铁站站口的信息板上每天都会更新一条名言,这一传统已经坚持了14年。1more flexible解析:句意:天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,以其无以易之。根据设空处后的than及设空处前的softer可推知设空处填形容词flexible的比较级形式,flexible为多音节词,故填more flexible。2served解析:句意:这些是为在伦敦南部欧维尔地铁站的乘客准备的心灵鸡汤。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。serve作“端上(饭菜等)”讲为及物动词,被修饰词“the food for thought”与serve为逻辑上的被动关系,故填过去分词served。3was inspired解析:本题考查时态和语态。“It is/has been一段时间since从句”中,since从句的谓语动词要用一般过去时;设空处前的主语customer services manager Anthony Gentles与inspire为被动关系,故设空处需填被动语态形式。综上所述设空处填was inspired。4wisdom解析:设空处作介词with的宾语,意为“智慧(语录)”,故填名词wisdom。5himself解析:句意:每天他会亲自在白板上写一条名言。设空处表示“亲自”,作状语,故填him的反身代词himself。6trying解析:设空处作介词of的宾语,提示词为动词原形,由此可推知设空处需用动名词作of的宾语,故填trying。7with解析:句意:摘抄了几千条名言之后,詹托斯先生最喜欢的名言仍然是他写下的第一条,即“千里之行始于足下”。本题考查动词短语。begin with意为“以开始”。8fundamentally解析:句意:他说:“因为这句话从根本上就是正确的。”设空处作状语,故填副词fundamentally。9how解析:句意:无论你如何生活,无论你的现状如何,你都得迈出第一步。No matter how引导让步状语从句,意为“无论如何”。10whose解析:句意:自2007年,该接力棒被传给了他的同事格伦萨瑟兰德,他在车站信息板上的名言激起了所有首都市民竞相模仿的热情。设空处前为完整的句子且没有并列连词或从属连词连接,由此可推出设空处引导定语从句。先行词为Glen Sutherland,将先行词代入定语从句后为:Glen Sutherlands quotes on the station information board have set off a wave of enthusiasm to copy the practice across the capital.,由此可知先行词在定语从句中作定语,先行词指人,故填whose。CThere was a time _1_ I was tired of learning English and disliked speaking English. And this was the reason _2_ my father forced me to join in a 30day training in an English club before I went to senior high school. When I first came to the club, _3_ I met many strangers, I missed my parents very much. So I packed up my things and wanted to go home. Fortunately, my guide, _4_ teacher was Yu Minhong, communicated with me facetoface, from _5_ I gained some useful instructions. He also introduced a good partner to me, and we got along well with each other. Gradually I adapted to the life there.Every day I would talk to other teenagers and set down a series of activities _6_ we did. I should be grateful to my father and the guide, _7_ encouraged me to fall in love with English. Now I feel it interesting to learn English, into _8_ I put my entire energy. Every day I read my words and passages aloud. In class I join in English discussions. Before I go to sleep, I recall the passages, through _9_ I can memorize a large number of new words. _10_ our English teacher says,“As long as you form the habit of learning English every day and have perseverance, you will master English sooner or later.”答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,叙述了作者参加英语俱乐部的训练的难忘经历。在那里作者遇到了一位好老师,那位老师使作者对学习英语产生了兴趣,还养


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