已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




北京师范大学网络教育大学英语期末考试考前辅导讲稿大学英语(二)英语期末考试项目:第一部分:交际英语(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)第二部分:阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)第三部分:词汇和结构 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第四部分:完型填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)第五部分:翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)第六部分:写作(一篇作文,满分15分)I交际英语答题技巧:做这类试题,要求同学们按照所给的情景,选择最佳问句或答句,完成题目。要做好这类题目,关键是平时要养成讲英语的良好习惯,努力提高口语水平,熟练掌握日常会话项目中常用的问答语。情景会话语言具有句子简短,常用省略并且表达方式灵活等特点。同样一句话,因使用的时间、场合、身份不同而有不同的含义和表达方式。日常交际用语的这类题注重在情景中理解题目,更突出了交际功能,把对话中一些关键的交际用语整句挖去,在对话后给出选项,同学们光靠死记硬背,照套语法规则是不能很好完成这一项目测试的。学生必须对整个对话所发生的情景进行判断,然后根据对话的上下文做出选择。因此,在复习、记忆日常交际用语时,不能孤立地去记忆,而应将它们放在不同的语境中去理解记忆。交际英语常考考点:询问信息、请求、打电话、祝愿与祝贺/希望与愿望,道歉与应答、感谢与应答、问候、邀请、问路、告别、提供帮助、购物、同意与反对、责备和抱怨、介绍、建议、预订、表扬与鼓励、安慰、赴宴就餐等在学习、使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的几个原则:A. 礼貌原则无论在任何场合、表达什么看法/情感,发话/发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳B. 利他原则在日常交际中,英语国家人民形成了一种习俗,即要尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便,对别人遇到的好事/成功要表示高兴,坏事要表示难过/惋惜,因此在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向C. 文化遵从原则在选择交际用语时,大家要有跨文化视角,也就是说,要克服本民族的习惯思维和应答模式,要使用得体的、符合对方习惯的方式来应答。要善于运用排除法解题我们发现,交际用语部分试题的选项中,错误选项不但错得比较明显,而且有一定规律可循,这为我们在解题时使用排除法提供了机会。错项的类型大体有:1.选项本身语法错误;2.选项议题与谈话主题无关;3.选项明显违反上述三原则;4.选项虽然与谈话主题有关,但不能提供发问者要求的信息、态度或观点 II阅读理解考题类型及解题技巧第一种:正误判断题正误判断题主要考察学生阅读分析、理解、应用和判断的能力,要求根据文章内容对所给句子即题干判断正误,此类题型往往依托短文内容进行发挥,或者给出意思相近或相反的几个句子要求辨别、判断,或者变换词语、句子结构来考查同一意思的不同表达。做此类题时,建议使用对照法,即使用扫读法在原文中找出与所给句子意思相近的句子或段落,两相对照,仔细辨别。正误判断题的解题技巧:(1)通读全文,把握文章大意和脉络,掌握作者意图。(2)阅读所给句子,回读原文,在文中找出对应的字句,对照辨别是否相符。注意在对句子进行判断时,一定要从文中找到依据,并进行比较、分析,不能凭印象想当然,胡乱猜测。只有完全符合文章意思的句子,才可判断为正确,那些基本意思相同,却仍有某一点不符合的应判断为错误。(3)重读原文,检查判断是否正确。第二种:有4个选项的选择题阅读理解考试常见题型1主旨题:主题思想题在考试中出现的频率较高,考查的内容主要包括主题思想、写作意图、文章的题目等。因为这类题可考查考生抓主要信息的能力,而能够抓住文章的主要信息又是阅读能力的一个极为重要的方面。这类题在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。常见的提问形式有以下几种:1)常见的提问方式有:(1)What is the general/main idea of the passage?(2)The main theme of the passage is_.(3)The passage is mainly about_.(4)The first paragraph tells us that_.(5)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?(6)Which of the following expresses the main idea?(7)What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?(8)What is the authors main point?2)解题技巧:主旨题要求考生跨越文字本身,从整体上把握文章的结构形式和作者的推理过程。阅读理解文章多是议论文和说明文,这就要求考生必须熟悉这两种文体的结构特点。这两种文体的结构特点可归纳为:提出问题论述问题得出结论或者阐明观点。掌握这一结构,就可以迅速掌握文章的主题,把握文章的脉络。要想确定文章的主题思想,最容易且行之有效的方法就是找出文章的主题句。主题句在文章中的位置主要有四种情况:(1)段首:大多数文章的主题句就是文章的首句,所以要认真阅读段首句。(2)段尾:有的文章主题句出现在结尾。文章以列举事实开头,通过论证得出结论。(3)段首段尾:更多的文章是开头提出问题,点明主旨,通过议论,最后重述文章的主旨,使得文章主题清楚、明确,更具说服力。(4)中间:有些文章为了引人入胜,开头部分常会有个轻松、诙谐的引子,然后在中间部分提出自己的观点,接着再议论,最后得出结论。 2. 细节题:细节题主要是测试考生对文章提供的细节与事实(如时间、地点、原因、结果、特征、方式、数字等)的理解程度。这类题目的共同特点是:答案一般都能在文章中找到。当然,答案并不一定是文章中的原句,考生需要根据文章提供的信息自己组织语句回答问题。1)常见的提问方式有:(1)According to the passage who(what, why, when, where) ?(2)What does the author say about?(3)What does the author think of?(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(5)In this passage, how many(how much, how often, how long)?2)解题技巧:(1)词定位法:命题人在设计问题时,往往会在题干中运用近义词语替代短文中的词语。因此,考生应通过分析题干部分所提供的信息,把握重点词语,并根据这些词语,迅速准确地找到问题在文章中的位置。(2)WH-信息定位法:该题型内容大多涉及到时间、地点、人物、事件、情景、数字、原因等,往往以who, where, when, what, why和how等提问。因此,考生要在迅速浏览全文时注意典型的WH-信息,并通过分析题干把握考查内容,从而确定问题的出处。3. 推断题:这类考题旨在测试考生的逻辑推理能力、语言分析能力和综合归纳能力。它要求考生根据文章内容做出合乎逻辑的推断,包括考生对作者观点的理解,态度的判断,对修辞、语气、隐含意思等的理解。这种题的难度很大,考生很容易出错。1)常见的提问方式有:(1)Which of the following statements is implied but NOT stated?(2)It can be inferred from the passage that_.(3)The author implies that_.(4)The passage suggests that_.(5)What can we learn from the passage?(6)It can be concluded from paragraph 3 that_.(7)What is the authors attitude towards?(8)Which of the following best describes the authors tone in this passage?2)解题技巧:推断题在文章中是无法直接找到答案的,考生必须在正确理解文章字面意思的基础上,运用逻辑推理的方法,综合主旨句、主题句和上下文信息以及作者的措辞,做出总结性的判断。切忌主观臆断,但要果断排除明显不可能成为答案的干扰项。4词汇题:词汇题是询问文章中出现的某个词、某个词组甚至某个句子含义的题型。其中所询问的词、词组或句子,往往不为考生所熟悉,但又能在文中找到线索进行推测,所以这类考题是检查考生是否具备根据一个词、词组或句子所处的特定环境来判断其意义的能力。1)这类题常见的提问方式有以下几种:The word “” in line 5 refers to.The word “”(Line 6. para.2) most probably means _.By “”, the author means _.The word “” could best be replaced by which of the following?which of the following is nearest in meaning to “”?In para.2, the sentence “” probably means “”.2)解题技巧解答这类试题时,考生应首先明白,任何词或词语都不是孤立的,它或它们所在的上下文往往能提供重要的线索。(1) 标点符号是理解词义的一条重要线索,因为有些词的定义是通过标点符号,如破折号,括号,冒号等来完成的。如:Sometimes we work on night shift from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.从破折号后的解释说明,我们可以断定“night shift”是“夜班”的意思。(2) 有些词如is called,means,that is,is,or,define as,refer to 等通常引出某一词汇的定义、解释或说明。如:One sort of crimes which particularly worries people is juvenile delinquency,that is, crimes committed by young people.从that is的解释来看,我们可以断定“juvenile delinquency”即“青少年犯罪”。 (3) 举例可以帮助我们理解词义。对于有些重要的词汇和生僻词,作者常在此词后自带解释或例子。因此,根据例子可猜出词义。如:You may select any of these periodicals:Time Magazine, Newsweek, Readers Digest or The New Yorker. 从后边列举的时代周刊、新闻周刊等流行期刊,我们可以断定“periodical”即“期刊杂志”。 (4) 靠形成反差、对照的词或词组猜出词义。常见的这些词或词组while,whereas,unlike,but,yet,although,however,in contrast,on the other hand,rather than 等。例如: Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.文章的while作“而,却”解,由此我们可以断定“reticent”作“沉默寡言的”解。 (5) 凭借常识和经验猜测词义。如:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.只要你知道so that这个结构,凭借常识就应猜出“lintel”的意思是“过梁,上门梁”。(6) 根据构词法来猜测词义。熟悉英语词汇的构词法,特别是派生词的构成方法及词义,可以帮助我们在阅读过程中有效地猜测词义,提高阅读速度,准确答题。例如: friendfriendly-unfriendly5作者的意图、态度、目的题:作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及其修饰手段中体会出来。这种题型常见的提问形式有:The author seems _.The authors tone in this passage is _.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is _.The authors intention in writing the passage is to _.The writer probably feels that _.In the authors opinion, _.How does the author feel about? 作者认为怎么样?Whats the authors attitude towards? 作者对是什么看法或态度?Which of the following can best describe the authors attitude towards? 下面哪项最能描述作者对的态度?The tone of the author is _. 作者的语气或态度是 .这类询问语气态度的考题中,选择项里常出现以下一些重要的词:sympathetic 同情的;critical批评的;doubtful怀疑的;objective客观的;enthusiastic热情的,matter-of-fact实事求是的;hostile敌对的;satisfied满意的;friendly友好的;indifferent冷淡的;subjective主观的;optimistic乐观的;pessimistic悲观的;disappointed失望的;neutral中立的。III. 词汇与结构:语法考点:非谓语动词 状语从句动词时态定语从句倒装句主谓一致名词性从句强调句语态虚拟语气词汇考试形式:词汇主要涉及到名词、动词、动词短语、形容词、副词等的近义词、同义词、形近词之间的辨析、词的搭配及习惯用法等IV完型填空:样例:以下短文中共包含5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分,请从A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出正确选项,并把答案写在答题纸上。Do you know the story about the fox and the grapes? A fox is _21_ food. He is very hungry. Now, he stands near a wall. The wall is very _22_. The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes _23_ the wall. He smiles and says, How nice they are! I want to eat them. The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He _24_ get the grapes. The fox says, I must go now. I dont like those grapes. They are green. They are not _25_ to eat. 21. A. looking for B. good C. on D. high E. cant22. A. looking for B. good C. on D. high E. cant23. A. looking for B. good C. on D. high E. cant24. A. looking for B. good C. on D. high E. cant25. A. looking for B. good C. on D. high E. cant答案:ADCEBV. 英译汉的技巧英汉翻译一般需经过三个阶段:理解阶段、表达阶段和校对阶段。理解是表达的前提,没有正确的理解就谈不上确切的表达;而在表达时候,可以进一步加深了对文字的理解;校对则是为了保证译文能准确无误地表达出对原文的理解。三个阶段互为补充,任何一个阶段都不可忽视。直译是指在翻译时尽量保持原文的语言表现形式,包括用词、句子结构和比喻手段等,译文要求忠实于原意,语言流畅易懂意译指把原文的大意翻译出来即可,可以不注重细节,包括不注重原文的用词、句子结构和比喻,但译文要求准确并自然流畅。做翻译题最基本的方法:1.分析原文句子的结构,确定它是简单句后,找出句子中的“主-谓(-宾)S-V-O”结构;找出了句子的框架后,再寻找其他修饰语的意思。 2.根据句子中带有的连接词,确定它是复杂句或并列句,并找出两个分句之间的逻辑关系;3. 如果是复杂句或并列句,一定要找出链接两个分句的连接词,两个分句就是两个简单句,用上面介绍的翻译方法翻译分句,然后再由连接词和其他方面确定两个分句之间的逻辑关系,选择适当的句式翻译整个句子。 VI写作总体要求:切题 意义连贯 没有重大语言错误注意:1. 一定要留出30分钟的时间来写作文2注意要正确使用标点符号。3有效地利用起承转合等连接词。4要尽量使用现成的句型和成语,避免生造硬套(多背范文)5使用通俗易懂简单明了的句子。6写完应修改错误。7把语言错误降到最低程度8结构层次要清楚并有条理9强化写作中的包装概念(字数要够,书写工整) 10完稿检查,避免画蛇添足常用关联词:举例说明:for example; Take . . . for example.列举例证或观点:First; Second; Third; Last One is . . .; another ; still another Firstly; secondly; thirdly; finally On the one hand ,on the other hand递进:moreover; whats more; furthermore逆转:however; on the contrary; although对比:as . . . as; more than; similarly; likewise因果:because (of); result from; therefore; accordingly; result in分类:. . . can be classified into . . .; . . . fall into several classes/categories表达意见:I think; in my opinion; as far as Im concerned 开头句:Its generally believed that . . . Various views exist as to . . . There is much discussion about . . .结尾句:To conclude; to sum up; all in all重点复习试题(此资料适用于正考和重修的学生)课程文件夹内的另一个辅导资料也一定要看第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。1. - How much is this necklace? - _A. Its very nice. B. Its a birthday present from my parents.C. It costs fifty pounds. D. Its a bargain.2. -You havent been to Beijing, have you? -_. How I wish to go there.A. No, I havent B. Yes, I haveC. No, I have D. Yes, I havent3. - Its nearly ten oclock. Its time for you to go to bed, Kate! -OK. _, Dad.A. you later B. Good-byeC. Good evening D. Good night4. - Do you like to play basketball? - _A. Perhaps. B. No. Xiaowang does not like it.C. I am crazy about it. D. I am pleased about it. 5. -What can I do for you? -_A. I want a kilo of pears. B. You can do in your own way.C. Thanks. D. Excuse me. Im busy.6. -Which sweater do you like better? - _.A. Good idea B. Yes, its nice C. Yes, please D. I cant decide第二部分:阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。Passage 1Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday, Mrs. White said to her husband,The children dont have any lessons today, and youre free too. Theres a new funfair(游乐场)in the park. Lets all go there to play. Her husband said, I want to finish some work today. oh, forget it. Go there and make our children happy. Thats the most important work Mrs. White said. So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair. Mr. White was forty-five years old. But he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of the children said to her mother, Dad is just like a small child, isnt he, Mom? Mrs. White didnt want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered, He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.1. There were five children in the White family.A. T B. F2. One Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to a shop with their children.A. T B. F3. Mr. White liked the place so much that he bought lots of sweets.A. T B. F4. From the story we know Mrs. White was a little angry with Mr. White.A. T B. F5. Of all the family members, Mr. White enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.A. T B. FPassage 2When weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean. When you are near a lake or an ocean, you feel cool. Why? The sun makes the earth hot, but it cannot make the weather very hot. Although the air over the earth becomes hot, the air over the water stays cool. The hot air over the earth rises. Then the cool air over the water moves in and takes the place of the hot air. When you are near a lake or an ocean, you feel the cool air when it moves in. You feel the wind, and the wind makes you feel cool. Of course, scientists cannot answer all of our questions. If we ask, Why is the ocean full of salt? scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock gets very hot or very cold, it cracks. Rain falls into the cracks. The rain then carries the salt into the earth and into the rivers. The rivers carry the salt into the ocean. But then we ask, What happens to the salt in the ocean? The ocean does not get more salty every year. Scientists are not sure about the answer to this question. We know a lot about our world. But there are still many answers that we do not have, and we are curious. 6. The main idea of the passage is _.A. people feel cool when they are near a lake or an oceanB. scientists can explain everything we want to knowC. scientists can explain many things except one thingD. the salt in the ocean comes from rocks7. You feel cool when you are near a lake or an ocean because _.A. the water is not so hot as the earthB. the earth is hotC. the water is colder than the earthD. cool air from the water moves towards the land8. Now scientists know _.A. what makes people feel cool near a lake or an ocean in summerB. everything about the oceanC. why the ocean does not get more and more saltyD. what happens to the salt in the ocean9. A rock cracks when _.A. rain falls B. it gets very hot C. it gets very cold D. either B or C10. People are always curious about the world around them because _.A. they know nothing about it B. they know little about itC. there are answers they do not have D. there are a lot of interesting stories about it第三部分:词汇和结构 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 此部分共有20个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确答案,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。1. The reason I want to take the class is _ the professor is supposed to be eloquent.A. that B. why C. because D. how 2. He prefers to type a letter _.A. to sit idle B. that sit idle C. to sitting idle D. rather than sit idle3. It is not “terrible” at all. It is _ “terrible”.A. something but B. nothing but C. anything but D. everything but 4. Mr. Wilson is _ friend.A. my uncles and my aunts B. my uncles and aunties C. my uncles and auntie D. my uncle and aunties5. _ did you say we should ask to build the new museum?A. Who B. Whoever C. Whom D. What6. Agriculture is one of _ occupations because everyone depends upon plants for food.A. the important worlds most B. the most worlds important C. the worlds most important D. the important most worlds 7. Who could have advised you to do _? A. such a foolish thing B. a so foolish thing C. so a foolish thing D. a such foolish thing8. “ You finally made it, didnt you?”“ Yes, _ my brothers help, I would not have finished the work.” A. as a result of B. as for C. but for D. for the sake of 9. I certainly appreciate _ about the delay in delivering the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow.A. him tell B. he tells C. his telling D. him to tell10. They thought the novel was _.A. worthy publishing B. worth publicationC. worth of publication D. worthy to publish it 第五部分:翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)请把下列5句英文翻译成中文,并把译文工整地写在答题纸上。1.


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