



表3-1主题单元设计模板主题单元标题Book1modle 1My Fist Day at Senior High作者姓名郑成英所属单位叩官中学联系地址叩官中学联系电话5521010电子邮箱 邮政编码262305学科领域 (在内打 表示主属学科,打+ 表示相关学科) 思想品德 音乐 化学 信息技术 劳动与技术 语文 美术 生物 科学 数学外语 历史 社区服务 体育 物理 地理 社会实践 其他(请列出):适用年级高一所需时间4课时主题学习概述(简述单元在课程中的地位和作用、单元的组成情况,解释专题的划分和专题之间的关系,主要的学习方式和预期的学习成果,字数300-500)作为高中英语的起始,第一模块的学习将对学生今后英语学习的走向产生影响。所以本单元的教学对学生英语兴趣的培养和成绩的好坏有很大作用。本单元多侧重于对文章结构的把握,对文章内容的理解。本单元围绕 My Fist Day at Senior High 这一主题,首先让学生掌握各领域单词,如amazing bored embarrassing,然后再理解课文内容,掌握本单元的语法知识。学生能熟练地和同学讨论本模块布置的话题,熟练地介绍学校或班级情况,流利说出含有本模块生词、短语和含有-ing,-ed的句子和段落。主题学习目标(描述该主题学习所要达到的主要目标)知识与技能:1、 词汇和短语 amazed amazing behavior brilliant comprehension fluency enthusiastic 2.重点理解句:(1)I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. .(2)The teacher is a veryenthusiastic woman called Ms shen. (3)Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my school. 3能力目标:(1)、to understand the text and the structure of the text (2). to retell the text according to some key words from the text.(3) to understand the details about the text and to choose the correct answers according to the text.过程与方法:整体阅读教学法、讨论教学法、任务教学法情感态度与价值观:热爱新学校、新班级和新同学,参与各种英语活动,激发学生学习动机,树立正确的人生观、价值观,帮助他们树立远大的理想。专题划分第一课时:Introduction,reading and vocabulary 第二课时:listening and vocabulary,speaking第三课时:reading and writing, cultural corner 第四课时:grammar ,function,task专题一Introduction,reading and vocabulary所需课时1专题一概述 (介绍本专题在整个单元中的作用,以及本专题的主要学习内容、学习活动和学习成果) 本课是外研版必修1modle1 My Fist Day at Senior High 的第一篇课文My Fist Day at Senior High 。本文一共分为6段。Self-introduction my new shool the English class is very interesting 从本专题学习目标 (描述该学习所要达到的主要目标)(1) to learn some words ,phrases and patterns.(2)to understand the text and the structure of the text. (3) to retell the text according to some key words from the text.(4) to understand the details about the text and to choose the correct answers according to the text.本专题问题设计What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school?Does she think reading is important?所需教学材料和资源(在此列出学习过程中所需的各种支持资源)信息化资源百度图片,音频,视频常规资源学案,课本教学支撑环境多媒体教室学习活动设计(针对该专题所选择的活动形式及过程)Step 1.leading in (1)Work in pairs, discuss the questions Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than at Junior High school? Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?导入Leading in Answer the questions about the words in the box then work in pairs.Step 2. Fast Reading: Look through the passage and find out the main idea for each paragraph.Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Paragraph5 Paragraph6 . Step 3.Careful Reading: Read the passage carefully and learn more about the text.1. something about this school which is different from LiKanggs Junior high school.2. two things that the english teacher thinks are important to do in class.3. two things that the english teacher wants to improve. step 4 langua


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