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引出不同的观点的万能句1) When asked about people usually respond differently. Some people prefer to ; others, however, prefer to . 当问及 时,人们通常有各种答案。有些人喜欢 ;然而,另一些人却喜欢 2) Peoples views on vary from person to person. Some hold that . However, others believe that 人们对 的观点因人而异。有些人认为 。然而其他人却认为 3) People may have different opinions on 人们对 可能会有不同的见解。4) When asked about , many people think that . But other people believe differently. 当问及 时, 许多人认为 , 但其他人却持完全不同的观点。5) When it comes to , some people believe that . Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some reason in both statements, but 当论及 时,一些人认为 ,另一些人却认为其反面是正确的。或许这两种见解都有一些道理,但 6) When faced with , quite a few people claim that , but other people think of as 当面对 时,有相当一部分人声称 ,但另一些人却把 认为是 7) Attitude towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待(毒品)的态度因人而异。8) There are different opinions among people as to 关于 人们的观点大不相同。9) Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对失败人们的态度各不相同。用引言开始:也就是写作文时,用一位名家之言或者经典的话作文作文的开篇,引用他人的话时可用的7个万能句式。1) One of the great scientists once remarked 最伟大的科学家之一曾经说过,2) “Genius is two percent inspiration and ninety-eight percent perspiration” is the opinion held by Edison. This remark has been confirmed time and again by more and more people. “天才是百分之二的灵感,百分之九十八的汗水”是爱迪生的观点,而且反复被越来越多的人所证实。3) Many years ago, a great philosopher said that 许多年以前,一位伟大的哲学家说过4) There is an English proverb which says that “Easily come easily go”. 有一个英语谚语说“来得容易,去得也容易。”5) There is an old saying, “Practice makes progress.” It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. 古语道:“熟能生巧”。这是前辈的经验,而在今天许多情况下也适用。6) As a popular saying goes 正像一句流行话所说的那样7) One of the great write陈述两种对立观点的常用句型,1000个人眼中有1000个哈姆雷特,观点虽然不同,但是总的看法可以归结于两类,肯定的一类叫好,否定的一类反对。在写作文时如何陈述两种对立或不同的观点。Some people suggestmaintainhold the opinion that. . . But However While Yet, other people hold a different point of view. . . 有些人认为,但是另外一些人却持有不同的观点。Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that. . . Nevertheless, there are still some people of the opinion that. . . 虽然如今绝大多数人认为,但是还是有些人认为。Now it is commonlygenerallywidelyuniversally thoughtheld that. . . But I wonderdoubt whether. . . 现在大家普遍认为,我却对此持怀疑态度。When asked about, most people say But many other people regardas I personally think当被问及对有什么看法时,大多数人认为但是,还有很多人认为我个人认为借助普遍的观点开始1) It is commonly believed that … 人们一般认为 ……2) It is a c 0借助普遍的观点开始1) It is commonly believed that 人们一般认为 2) It is a common belief that if 人们一般认为如果 3) It is held by some people that 一些人认为 4) It is universally acknowledged that 人们普遍认为 5) When it comes to , most people believe that 当论及 ,大多数人认为 6) There is often an assumption that 经常有一个假设,认为 7) It is increasingly recognized by the general public that 公众日益认识到 8) It has been accepted without question for a long time that 很长时间以来,人们毫不怀疑地接受这样一个观点,即 9) It has been taken for granted that 人们想当然地认为 10) Many people insist that (should) do 很多人坚持认为 11) A commonly accepted rule of doing something is that 人们普遍接受的做某事的惯例是 12) With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为 13) In a world thats growing more and more (competitive) , the ability to do has never been more important. 在一个竞争越来越激烈的世界,做 的能力从来没有像现在这样重要。14) It has often been remarked that 常常有人论及 15) A lot of people seem to think that 许多人似乎认为 16) It is believed that 人们认为 17) Although it is commonly held that , it is quite unlikely that 虽然人们一般认为 ,但 不大可能。18) Although it is generally agreed that , it is unlikely to be true that 虽然大家普遍认同 ,但 不大可能是正确的。19) Although the (common) (belief) is that . A recent (discovery) (shows) that 虽然一般的观点认为 , 但最近的发现表明 20) Although people all agree that , it should be noted that 虽然人们都一致认为 ,但应指出的是 21) For years (hard working) has been regarded as , but things are quite different nowadays. 多少年来,刻苦被认为是 ,但近来情况却起了变化。22) For years had been viewed as . But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 许多年来, 一直被认为是 。但人们现在正以崭新的视角重新审视。23) Most of us have taken it for granted that , but a recent survey reveals a surprising discovery. 我们大多数人对 习以为常,但最近的一项调查却揭示出一个令人吃惊的发现。24) We are often told that . But is this really true? 我们常被告知 。但事情真是这样吗?25) Many people like the idea of . But it is not beneficial to 许多人喜欢这样的想法,认为 。 但这对 是没有好处的。26) Its well understood that always requires but 人们很好理解 总是需要 ,但是 27) People use to think that in the old days. But things are quite different now. 人们过去认为 。但事情现在并非如此。提出建议,指明方向:在英语四级作文及其它英语考试作文中可用的就某事提出建议,指明方向的万能句。1) Even if y 0提出建议,指明方向:在英语四级作文及其它英语考试作文中可用的就某事提出建议,指明方向的万能句。1) Even if you feel you have little , there is still much you can do for somebody. 即使你觉得你几乎没有,你仍然可为某人做许多。2) The time is long overdue for us to abandon something and turn to something that really works. 早就是我们摒弃某事,转向真正起作用的事情上面的时候了。3) Only then will people do something. 只有那时人们才会做某事。(注意倒装)4) It is high time we shattered the myth about 该是我们戳穿的神话的时候了。(从句用虚拟,即谓语动词用一般过去时。5&7句同理)5) It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。6) It is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of 该是采纳的建议,并对的进展给予特殊重视的时候了。7) It is time that we urged an immediate end to the unhealthy phenomenon of 是我们敦促立即停止的不健康的现象的时候了。8) It is necessary that proper steps should be taken to correct the tendency that 很有必要采取适当措施纠正这一倾向,即 (从句用虚拟,即谓语动词用(should)+动词原形)9) There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of 毫无疑问,对问题应予以足够的重视。10) Obviously, if we want to do something , it is essential that 显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是 (that从句用虚拟,即谓语动词用(should)+动词原形)11) It is expected that great efforts should be


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