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UT斯达康公司PMP认证考前模拟练习PMP认证考前模拟试题声明:以下试题是PMP考试的相同类型题。本试题仅为复习目的。通过这份试题不意味着通过PMP认证考试。1.One of the main advantages of a matrix organization is:A.Improved project manager control over resources B.More than one boss for project teamsC.Communication is easierD.Reporting is easier矩阵组织的一个主要优点是:A项目经理可以更好地控制资源。B项目团队可以有多个老板。C沟通更便捷。D报告更容易。2.A detailed project schedule can be created only after?A.A project plan is created.B.A WBS is created. C.A budget is created.D.A project control plan is created.详尽的项目进度计划只能在_后创建?A创建好项目计划B创建好工作分解结构C创建好预算后D创建好项目控制计划3.In what organization project member feel most anxiety at closing phase?A.FunctionalB.MatrixC.Projectized D.Strong Matrix在哪种组织中,项目成员在项目收尾阶段最为焦虑?A职能型B矩阵C项目型D强矩阵4.A project managers company operates in a high-technology area requiring the integration and sharing of several functional specialties. The project manager is considering the appropriate organizational structure for a new project. The likely choice would be-A.Matrix B.Tight matrixC.FunctionalD.Projectized项目经理所在的公司从事高科技领域,需要综合并共享几个职能特性。项目经理现正为一个新项目选择合适的组织结构。以下哪项选择可能适合?A矩阵B强矩阵C职能型D项目型5.What is the document that forms the basis for an agreement between the project team and the project customer by identifying both the project objectives and the major project deliverables?A.Implementation PlanB.Configuration Management PlanC.Scope Statement D.Work Authorization Plan有一个文件,它通过确定项目目标和主要项目可交付成果,形成了项目团队和项目客户之间达成一致的基础。这个文件的名称是?A执行计划B配置管理计划C范围说明书D工作授权计划6.The project charter is created during which life cycle phase?A.PlanningB.Feasibility studyC. ExecutionD. Initiation项目章程是在哪个项目生命阶段产生的?A计划编制B可行性研究C执行D启动7.The scope of a project is fully described by:A.the request for proposal B.the statement of workC. a five level project work breakdown structureD. the sum of the products and services delivered项目范围由什么充分说明?A建议书邀请函B工作说明书C5级工作分解结构D交付产品和服务的总和8.Each item of the Work Breakdown Structure is assigned a unique identifier. What is the name of this identifier?A.Quality inspection identifier.B.Chart of accountsC.Project activity codeD. Code of accounts 工作分解结构中的每一项都被标以一个独特的标示符。标示符的名称是什么?A质量检测标示符B帐目图表C项目活动编码D帐目编码9.A WBS numbering system should allow project staff to:A.Estimate costs of WBS elementsB.Provide project justificationC.Identify the level at which individual WBS elements are found D. Use it in project management software工作分解结构编号系统允许项目员工:A估算WBS元素的成本B提供项目论证C确定在哪个级别可以找到WBS元素D在项目管理软件中使用编码系统10.Scope verification should be done?A.At the end of the projectB.At the beginning of the projectC.During each phase of the project D. Once during planning范围核实应该在何时进行?A项目结束时B项目开始时C项目每一个阶段期间D计划编制时进行一次11.In order to manage a project effectively, work should be broken down into small pieces. Which of the following does NOT describe how far each task should be broken down?A.Can be completed in under 80 hoursB.Can not be logically subdivided furtherC.Is done by one person D. Can be realistically estimated为了有效的管理项目,应该将工作分解为小块。以下各项中哪项不能说明任务应该分解到什么程度?A可以在80小时以下完成。B不能再进一步进行逻辑细分了。C可由一个人完成。D可以进行实际估算。12.Customer is requiring scope changes. In order to analyze the influences to the project, PM should review WBS, change request, scope management plan and A.Performance Report B.RAMC.Pareto DiagramD.Monte Calro Simulation客户要求进行范围变更。为了分析变更对项目的影响,项目经理应该回顾工作分解结构、变更请求、范围管理计划和_?A绩效报告B职责分配矩阵C帕累托图D蒙特卡洛模拟13.A project manager may use to make sure the team clearly knows what work is included in each of their tasks?A.A project scope of workB.A project charterC.A WBS dictionary D.A risk management plan项目经理可以使用_来保证项目团队清楚的了解到他们的每一项任务包含的工作。A项目工作范围B项目章程CWBS词典D风险管理计划14.The WBS is an input to scope change control because it-A.Provides information on project objectivesB.Defines the projects scope baseline C.Defines all project baselinesD.Provides information on scope performance工作分解结构是范围变更控制的一个输入,因为它:A为项目目标提供信息B定义了项目的范围基准计划C定义所有项目基准计划D为执行范围提供信息15. The scope of a project can be expected to change during the project life cycle. The document that describes how the project scope changes will be integrated into the project is the:WBS dictionaryScope statementScope management planProject Charter在项目生命周期内,可能想要变更项目范围。表述项目范围的变更怎样整合到项目之中的文件是:A. 工作分解结构WBS字典B. 范围说明书C. 范围管理计划D. 项目章程16. Project managers normally manage to the third level of the WBS. Managing at this level allows the project manager to:Supervise all technical workControl the work package elementsExercise his or her technical expertiseMaintain better control of integrated efforts项目经理通常管理工作分解结构WBS的第3级,该水平的管理让项目经理去:A. 监督所有技术工作B. 控制工作模块要素C. 发挥自己的技术专长D. 更好地保持控制整合工作17. You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Although the answer can vary based on the industry, choose which one of the following are you most likely to overlook?Data item deliverablesCustomer-furnished equipment and facilitiesLong-lead procurement itemsCustomer-imposed milestones你被安排负责项目,首先必须检查评审客户提供的工作说明书。尽管不同的产业会有不同的答案,你最可能忽视下列哪项:A. 工作成果数字化B. 客户提供的设施C. 长期重要的采购内容D. 客户要求的工作里程碑18. To further ensure that the work outputs of the project are accepted by the customer, the project team should:Change the project scope when requested by the customerFollow a scope verification processModify the project plan and baseline as needed.Use a PERT Chart为了进一步确保客户接受项目的工作结果,项目团队应该:A. 当客户要求时,变更项目范围B. 遵循范围确证过程C. 根据需要调整项目计划和基准D. 利用计划评审技术PERT图19. Scope changes on projects are inevitable. However, scope changes can be minimized by:Effective implementation of the scope management processesSpending more time analyzing where the estimates came from and who did the estimatingAsking the sponsor to supervise all of the planningDeveloping a detailed Project Charter项目范围变更在所难免。然而,要尽可能减少范围变更可以借助于:A. 有效完成范围管理过程B. 花更多时间分析估算是怎样得出的及是谁做估算C. 请求业主监督规划的所有事项D. 制定详尽的项目章程20. A company convenes an estimating team to bid competitively on a project. Later, a negotiation team made up of different people is established to negotiate the final price. The project manager was not part of either team and is assigned after negotiations were completed and the contract was signed. A good project manager should mainly:Disregard the assumptions/constraints used in estimating the jobReview the documents that authorize the project and define its objectivesFocus heavily on comparing the contractual statement of work with the proposal statement of workRequest a new project charter某公司召集一个估算团队来对项目竞标报价。稍后,由不同的人组建了一个谈判团队来谈判决定最终价格。在完成了谈判并签订了合同后,才任命了项目经理,他并不是上述两个团队的成员。一个好的项目经理应该主要:A. 不考虑工作估算所作的假定或条件限制B. 了解检查项目授权和项目目标的文件.C. 集中精力比较工作的合同要求说明书和工作建议说明书D. 要求制定新的项目章程21. A project charter is a document issued by a that provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources.System managerFunctional managerManager external to the projectCustomer项目章程授予项目经理职权去运用组织资源,这个文件是由谁发出:A. 系统经理B. 职能经理C. 项目外的经理D. 客户22. A project team member identifies a technical issue that may require a scope change. The project manager should:Accept the change and inform the customerSubmit a request to a review boardContact the sponsor for approvalRewrite the statement of work to include the change一项目团队成员发现一个技术问题,这可能要求范围变更。项目经理应该:A. 接受变更并通告客户B. 向评审委员会递交变更要求C. 与业主联系以获得其批准D. 重写工作说明书,使其包括变更问题23. The work breakdown structure is an excellent tool for objective control and evaluation. Which of the following is generally not validated through the WBS?Time, schedule, and costManagement coordination and organizational structuringRisk and impact of decision-makingQuality of the work工作分解结构对于目标控制和评估是一个极好的工具。 下列哪一项一般不会通过工作分解结构WBS来获得有效确认?A. 时间,进度和成本B. 管理协调和组织安排C. 决策的风险和影响D. 工作的质量24. The elaboration of project work and the identification of project deliverables and project objectives, are identified in the process of the project and are documented in the projects .Scope planning, scope statementInitiation, charterInitiation, scope statementScope planning, charter项目工作的细化及项目交付物和项目目标的确认, 这些都要明确在项目的 过程中并且记录在项目的 。A. 范围规划,范围说明书B. 立项,章程C. 开始,范围说明书D. 范围规划, 章程25.I cannot test the software until I code the software. This expression describes which of the following dependencies?A.DiscretionaryB.SoftC.PreferentialD.Mandatory or hard “在对软件编码前我不能进行软件测试。”这句话说明了哪种依赖关系?A随意的B软逻辑关系C优先D强制或硬逻辑关系26.Leads and lags are - A.Tools and techniques for schedule development processB.Inputs to activity duration estimating processC.Inputs to schedule development processD.Tools and techniques for activity sequencing超前和滞后是:A用于进度计划编制过程的工具和技术。B活动历时估算过程的输入。C进度计划编制过程的输入。D活动排序的工具和技术。27.Which term describes a modification of a logical relationship that accelerates a successor task?A.Lead B.LevelingC.CrashingD.Lag以下哪个术语可以描述能够加速后续任务的逻辑关系调整?A超前B平衡C赶工D滞后28.The critical path time needs to be reduced by 20%. You may take the following actions EXCEPT - A.Adding resourcesB.Crashing time schedule C.Eliminating float D.Paralleling activities当需要减少20%关键路径时间时,你可以采取下列的行动,但除外。A.增加资源B.加速时间进度C.消除浮动时间D. 并行安排活动29.Once the durations of the activities are calculated for a completed network, a forward pass and a backward pass will provide:A.The float of the activitiesB.The early start and late start onlyC.The critical pathD.A and C 计算出已完工网络的活动历时后,前推法和逆推法可以提供:A活动浮动时间B最早开始日期和最迟开始日期C关键路径DA和C。30.Resource leveling generally A.Increases the total project cost.B.Delays project completion. C.Requires less resourcesD.Requires more resources30资源平衡通常:A增加项目总成本。B推迟项目完成日期。C要求更少的资源。D要求更多的资源。31.An activity has the following estimated duration; Optimistic = 6 days, Most likely = 21 days, Pessimistic = 36 days.What is the possibility that the activity is finished from 16 days to 26 days?A.54%B.68% C.95%D.99.73%31一个活动的历时估算如下:最乐观估算=6天;最可能估算=21天;最悲观估算=36天。那么,该活动在16天到26天的时间完成的几率有多高?A54%B68%C95%D99.73%32. 34. In the network diagram below, each activity has the duration of;A=4, B=5, C=3, D=5, E=4, F=5, G=6, H=6, K=3, M=2, N=3 unit: weeks32.What is the total duration?A.20 weeksB.17 weeksC.18 weeks D.16 weeks33.What is the critical path?A.Start-A-C-F-M-FinishB.Start-A-D-G-M-FinishC.Start-B-E-H-N-Finish D.Start-B-E-K-N-Finish34.If you decrease the duration of activity H by 2 weeks (DU of H = 4), what will be the total duration?A.16 weeksB.17 weeks C.15 weeksD.18 weeks32. 总历时是多少?A.20星期B.17星期C.18星期D 16星期33关键路径是:A.Start-A-C-F-M-FinishB.Start-A-D-G-M-FinishC.Start-B-E-H-N-Finish D. Start-B-E-K-N-Finish34如果把活动H的历时缩短两个星期(H的历时),那么总历时是多少?A.16星期B.17星期C.15星期D.18星期35.Your customer notifies you that the project must be completed two days earlier. What do you do?A.Tell them that the projects critical path does not allow the project to be finished earlierB.Tell your bossC.Meet with the team and look for options for crashing or fast tracking the critical path D.Work hard and see what the project status is next month客户通知你项目必须提前两天完工。你将如何处理?A.告诉客户项目的关键路径不允许提前完成项目。B.向老板汇报。C.召开项目团队会议,商量在关键路径上进行赶工或快速跟进法的方案。D.努力工作,观察下月的项目状态。Consider a project with a critical path that consists of four consecutive activities: A, B, C and D. The time estimates for these activities, in weeks, are shown below. Using PERT, the expected time for the critical path is:15 weeks17.5 weeks18 weeks20 weeksActivityOptimistic EstimateMost Likely EstimatePessimistic EstimateA234B456C55.56D444思考某项目的关键路线,该项目由四项相继活动A, B, C 和 D组成,这些活动的时间估算周如下图所示,用计划评审技术PERT进行计算,关键路线的预期时间是A. 15周B. 17.5周C. 18周D. 20周活动乐观估算最可能估算悲观估算A234B456C55.56D444See the figure below, what is the critical path?A-B-GC-GC-DE-FCant be decided B A 4 G 3 2 C DE 8 14 F 3用下列图示数据,什么是关键路线A. A-B-GB. C-GC. C-DD. E-FE. 不能判断Assume that you have a network where an activity on the critical path can be crashed by two weeks. If that activity is actually crashed by two weeks, then:The projects schedule will be reduced by 2 weeksThe available slack on the non-critical paths will increaseCrashing this activity may change the critical pathThe projects schedule will be increased by 2 weeks假定你的项目网络中,关键路线上的某活动可能被加快两周完成。如果实际上该活动确实提前两周完成了,则:A. 项目进度将被缩短2周B. 非关键路线上的可用的时差将增加C. 加快该项活动可能改变关键路线D. 项目进度将增加2周39.Considering the project schedule during the cost budgeting process-A.Identifies the project elements so that costs can be allocatedB.Allows costs to be assigned to the time period when they will be incurred C.Provides another way to help measure and monitor cost performanceD.A and B 在成本预算过程中考虑项目进度计划:A.可以确认项目因素,然后进行成本分配。B.允许把成本分配到产生成本的时间段。C.提供另外一种帮助评估和监控成本执行情况的方法。D.A和B40.Which is the most conservative of the work completion rules:A.50/50 RuleB.0/100 Rule C.20/80 RuleD.100/100 Rule以下哪项是最为保守的工作完工原则?A.50/50 原则B.0/100原则C.20/80原则D.100/100原则41.The Percentage Complete is 60%, BAC is $20,000, and Actual Cost (AC or ACWP) is $15,000. What are the Cost Variance and Schedule Variance?A.Not enough information for the calculation of CV and SV. B.CV = SV = -$3,000C.CV = -$3,000 and SV = +$3,000D.CV = -$3,000 and not enough information for the calculation of SV如果完工比例是60%,完工预算是20000美元,实际成本(实际成本或已完成工作实际成本15000美元。则成本偏差(CV)和进度计划(SV)偏差是多少?A.信息不充分,无法计算CV和SV. B.CV = SV = -3000美元C.CV = -3000美元、SV = +3000美元D.CV = -3000美元、信息不充分无法计算SV42.The internal rate of return is a measure of a projects expected profitability that can be thought of as the-A.After-tax profit reported to the governmentB.Maximum rate of interest that may be paid for the capital used over the life of the investment without loss on the project C.EAC minus BACD.Ratio of discounted revenues over discounted costs内部回报率是项目预期利润率的评定标准,可以把它看作:A.项政府汇报的税后利润B.在投资生命期利用的没有项目损失的资金应该支付的最大利率。C.完工估算(EAC)减完工预算(BAC)D.贴现收入和贴现成本的比率43.EAC is a periodic evaluation of:A.Cost of work completeB.Value of work performedC.Anticipated total cost at project completion D.What it will cost to finish the job完工估算是_的定期评估。A.完成工作的成本B.已完成工作的价值C.项目完工时的预期总成本 D.完成工作需要花的成本44.Sunk costs are:A.Dollars that have not been invested by are in the management reserve.B.Cost that varies in total depending upon the activity of the project as compared to fixed costs.C.Another name for labor cost since these costs are already budgeted.D.Dollars already invested in the project and regardless of what is done will not affect the projects outcome. 沉淀成本是:A.管理储备中还没有用于投资的资金。B.根据项目活动,总量相对于固定成本发生变化的成本。C.劳动力成本的另一个名称,因为这些成本都已经预算过了。D.已经投入项目的资金,不管进行了什么工作都不会影响项目的产出。45.If operations on a work package were estimated to cost $1,500 and finish today but, instead, have cost $1,350 and are only two-thirds complete, the cost variance isA.+$150B.$150C.$350 D.$500如果一个工作包的估算成本为1500美元且完成日期为今天。然而,今天已花费成本为1350美元却只完成三分之二的工作。这时成本偏差为:A.+$150B.$150C.$350 D.$50046.The purpose of cost budgeting is to - A.Determine the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities and allocate them to the proper chart of accounts for the organizationB.Monitor cost performance to detect variances from the planC.Allocate cost estimates to individual work items to establish a cost baseline against which project performance can be measured D.Expend the minimum amount of funds possible成本预算的目的在于:A.确定完成项目活动所需的资源成本,把它们分配到组织账目的适当章节。B.监控成本执行情况,监测偏差。C.把成本分配到每一件工作中,建立一个用来评定项目绩效的基准计划。D.可能的话使资金开支最低化。Seeing the table below, assuming that money is worth 10%, the net present value of Project Q is:A. $45,489B. $9,489C. ($9,489)D. $54,978 Initial InvestmentProject Q$36.000Project R$40,000YearCash InflowsCash Inflows1$12,000$8.000212,00012,000312,00014,000412,00018,000512,00012,000用下表数据计算, 假定货币利率是10%,项目 Q 的净现值是:A. $45,489B. $9,489C. ($9,489)D. $54,978 初始的投资项目Q$36.000项目R$40,000年现金流现金流1$12,000$8.000212,00012,000312,00014,000412,00018,000512,00012,00048 Using the table below, a comparison of the cost variance of August as compared to that of July shows that the magnitude ($value) of the variance has and the percentage change has . A. Become worse, become worse B. Become worse, improved C. Improved, improved D. Improved, become worse MonthBCWSBCWPACWPJune$34,000$34,000$33,000July$18,000$16,000$20,000August$58,000$60,000$66,000用下表数据,比较八月与七月的成本偏差表明: 偏差程度值已经 并且变化百分比已经 。 A. 变得更差,变得更差 B. 变得更差,


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