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练习、定语从句一、把下列每对句子合并成含有定语从句的主从复合句:1. The fan is on the desk. You want it.2. The man is in the next room. He brought our textbooks here yesterday.3. The magazine is mine. He has taken it away.4. The students will not pass the exam. They dont study hard.5. The woman is our geography teacher. You saw her in the park.6. The letter is from my sister. I received it yesterday.7. The play was wonderful. We saw it last night.8. The train was late. It was going to Nanning.9. The boy is my brother. He was here a minute ago.10. The tree is quite tall. He is climbing it.二、根据句子意思,在第一个空白处填入介词,在第二个填入关系代词whom或which:1. The person _ _ I spoke just now is the manager that I told you about.2. The pencil _ _ he was writing broke.3. Wu Dong, _ _ I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.4. The two things _ _ Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms of English.5. Her bag, _ _ she put all her books, has not been found.三、选择填空:1. The man _ visited our school yesterday is from London.A. whoB. whichC. whomD. when2. The woman _ is talking to my mother is a friend of hers.A. whoseB. whoC. whomD. which3. Because of my poor memory, all _ you told me has been forgotten.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. as4. Do you remember those days _ we spent along the seashore very happily?A. whenB. where C. whichD. who5. Tom did not take away the camera because it was just the same camera _ he lost last week.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. as6. Those _ want to go please sign their names here.A. whomB. whichC. whoD. when7. Where is the man _ I met this morning?A. whenB. whereC. whichD. who8. Who is the woman _ is sweeping the floor over there?A. whoB. /C. thatD. when9. The man _ you talked just now is a worker.A. whoB. whomC. to whomD. to who10. The man _ you are going to make friends is my fathers neighbor.A. with whomB. whenC. to whomD. which11. The doctor _ is leaving for Africa next month.A. the nurse is talking to himB. whom the nurse is talkingC. the nurse is talking toD. who the nurse is talking12. The man _ around our school is from America.A. which you showedB. you showed himC. you showedD. where you showed13. He talked about a hero _ no one had ever heard.A. of whomB. from whomC. about thatD. who14. In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions _ were asked in French.A. whereB. whoC. in whichD. which15. Have you read the book _ I lent to you?A. thatB. whomC. whenD. whose16. Finally, the thief handed over everything _ he had stolen to the police.A. that B. which C. whateverD. all17. The foreign guests, _ were government officials, were warmly welcomed at the airport.A. most of themB. most of thatC. most of whomD. most of those18. This is the very letter _came last night.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. as19. I know only a little about this matter; you may ask _ knows better than I.A. whoeverB. whomeverC. anyoneD. the one20. This is the school _ we visited three days ago.A. whereB. /C. whenD. what21. This is the factory _ we worked a year ago.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. on which22. Nearby were two canoes _ they had come to the island.A. whichB. in whichC. thatD. /23. Jack is pleased with _ you have given him and all _ you have told him.A. that, whatB. what, thatC. which, whatD. that, which24. Do you work near the building _ colour is yellow?A. thatB. whichC. itsD. whose25. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.A. whomB. whoC. to whomD. form whom26. Is this school _ we visited three years ago?A. the oneB. whichC. thatD. where27. Is this the school _ we visited three years ago?A. the oneB. whereC. in whichD. /28, How many students are there in your class _ homes are in the country?A. whoseB. who C. whomD. which29. Alice received an invitation from her boss, _ came as a surprise.A. itB. whichC. thatD. he 30. The train was crowded and I had to get into a carriage _ already seven other people.A. when there wereB. which there wereC. that there wereD. where there were31. I live in the house _ windows face south. A. whichB. whoseC. whereD. in that32. - What game is popular with them?- The _ most is tennis.A. game they like itB. game they likeC. best game they likeD. best game they like it33. They stayed with me three weeks, _ they drank all the wine I had.A. whichB. which timeC. during which timeD. during which34. The room _ Mr. White lives is not very large. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when35. Dont forget the day _ you were received into the Youth League.A. whenB. thatC. at whichD. where36. Ive finished writing the novel, _ is to be published next month.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. when37. He returned home safe and sound after a fierce battle, _ was unexpected.A. whichB. asC. thatD. it38. _ is known to all, English is not very difficult to learn.A. WhatB. As C. ThatD. Which39. The old man had three sons, all of _ died during World War .A. whoseB. thatC. whomD. who40. There was _ to prevent the accident.A. something could doB. anything we could doC. nothing we couldnt doD. nothing we could do41. Do you know the reason _ she has changed her mind?A. whyB. whichC. for thatD. of which42. He failed in the exam, _ proves that he wasnt working hard enough.A. whichB. whatC. itD. that43. During the week _ he tried to collect materials for his article.A. followingB. followedC. to followD. that followed44. _ was expected, he succeeded in the exam.A. ItB. WhichC. AsD. That45. He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, _ his father expected.A. that was whatB. what was thatC. and which wasD. which was what46. We should read such books _ will make us better and wiser.A. whenB. asC. whoseD. what47. You must show my wife the same respect _ you show me.A. whenB. asC. whoseD. what48. That is one of those books that _ worth reading.A. isB. areC. has D. have49. This is the only one of the students whose handwriting _ the best.A. isB. areC. has D. have50. This is the only book _ I can find.A. that B. whichC. itD. with which语法复习四:定语从句一、1. The fan that you want is on the desk. 2. The man who brought our textbooks here yesterday is in next room. 3. The magazine which he has taken away is mine. 4. The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam. 5. The woman you saw in the park is our geography teacher. 6. The letter I received yesterday is from my sister. 7. The play that we saw last night was wonderful. 8. The train which was going to Nanning was late. 9. The boy who was here a minute ago is my brother. 10. The tree he is climbing is quite tall. 二、1. to whom; 2. wiht which; 3. with whom; 4. about which; 5. in which三、15 ABACD 610 CDCCA 1115 CCADA 1620 ACCAB 2125 ABBDC 2630 ADABD 3135 BBDCA 3640 CABCD 4145 AADCD 4650 BBBAA 以下为赠送的简历模板不需要的下载后可以编辑删除,谢谢!性别:女民族:现居地:广东省出生年份:198*9政治面貌:党员身高:164 cm教育经历2006-092008-07广州医学院所学专业:护理学类获得学历:大专工作/实习经历2008-072009-07广州市第一人民医院单位规模:1000人以上 单位性质:国营 助理护士工作地点:广州市盘福路 下属人数:1 工作内容:在护士长和护师的指导下工作,主要负责病人的基础护理和付治疗,协助医生护士抢救,完成病人的输液和指导病人正确服药及心理健康宣教,根据医嘱完成病人的输血工作,病人进行化疗时要负责心电监护仪的操作。人自我评价我是一个充满自信心且具有高度责任感的女孩,经过1年多的临床工作,强烈认识到爱心、耐心和高度责任感对护理工作的重要性!在血液内科一年的锻炼,让我学会了很多血液科及大内科的知识,临床护理和急救更加磨练了我的意志,极大地提高了我的操作能力和水平。自信这一年的工作让我实现了从护理实习生到内科护士的飞跃,有信心接受一份全职护士工作。当然一年的时间不可能完全达到专业护士的要求,在以后的工作中我会更加努力,为护理工作尽职尽责!专长描述1.能熟练进行各项护理操作,应变能力强,能在实际操作中不断地学习,因而能很快融入到新的工作中; 2.擅长对常见血液病、多发病进行观察和护理; 3.熟练掌握呼吸机和心电监护仪等急救设备的操作,对急救的基本程序和技术要求,以及危重病人的护理、病情监测的技术重难点基本掌握; 4.对病人的心理护理的基本技巧有一定地认知。 目前就读于广州医学院护理学专业一年级。暂未命名意向职位:护士期望薪资:2000-3000工作地点:广东省语言能力英语读写:(良好)听说:(良好)相关技能计算机(良好)兴趣爱好看书、听音乐、滑旱冰、张卢良性别:男邮箱:qqjianli_民族:汉族婚姻状况:未婚体重:74 kg出生年份:QQ:123456现居地:上海身高:174 cm教育经历2010-092013-07人民大学所学专业:网络工程获得学历:本科工作/实习经历2013-08现在XX公司网络工程师相关技能网络工程相关(精通)自我评价积极乐观,观察能力强,能够理智思考问题;个性开朗,适应新环境能力强,工作认真负责,敢于迎接挑战,敢于承担责任,具有良好人际关系。求职意向意向职位:网络工程师期望薪资:7500工作地点:上海语言能力英语读写:(熟练)听说:(熟练)兴趣爱好爱好看球、滑冰扫一扫,手机查看本简历*乡党的群众路线教育实践活动工作总结党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,*乡党委按照中央、省、市、县委的统一部署,在县委第3督导组的精心指导下,按照“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的总要求,紧密围绕“为民、务实、清廉”的活动主题,紧密聚焦“四风”突出问题,紧密联系工作实际,扎扎实实完成了学习教育、听取意见,查摆问题、开展批评,整改落实、建章立制三个环节的工作任务,达到了预期的目标。现将活动总结报告如下:1、 主要做法自活动开展以来,全乡444名党员,共16个党支部全部参加教育实践活动,参与覆盖面达100%。乡党委在严格执行上级党委统一部署的基础上,立足于不同阶段的不同特点,创造性地开展工作,使整个活动“规定动作做到位,自选动作有特色”。截至目前,整改工作任务已经基本完成,后续整改工作也已作出有序安排。(1) 高度重视,深入部署,确保教育实践活动有序开展。乡党委把深入开展教育实践活动作为首要政治任务和重大政治责任,在上级部门的部署下迅速召开党委会议学习中央精神,围绕活动的总体要求、目标任务、主要内容和方法步骤开展周密部署,为活动整体有序开展建立有效的组织保障和机制保障。一是健全组织机构。第一时间成立了由党委书记挂帅的党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组,集合全部力量,确保统一领导、分工明确、责任到人,为活动的顺利开展提供了组织保障。二是强化实施保障。制定下发全活动工作方案和联系点工作方案,确保在组织推进、活动内容、进度安排和方式方法等方面不折不扣地贯彻中央和上级党委精神;各党支部分头制定活动开展计划并报领导小组审核,建立起层层落实的机制保障。 (二)深入学习,广泛听议、确保教育实践活动质量过硬。乡全体党员干部把学习教育、听取意见作为基础环节,从加强学习、提高思想认识入手,为深入开展教育实践活动开好头、起好步。一是思想动员“全统一”。乡党委召开群众路线教育实践活动工作会议,动员全体党员干部深刻领会活动的重大意


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