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Module 9 Unit 1,尤溪县城关小学 林莹,Do you want to visit the UN building?,Theres a Great Wall in China,Theres a Great Wall in China.It is very very long. Theres a Great Wall in China.It is very very strong. There are many many people and they like to sing this song. Theres a Great Wall in China and its very very long. In China theres a Great Wall, a Great Wall, a Great Wall. It is very very very big and its a very famous wall.,Beijing/ the Great Wall,Nanjing / the Changjiang River,Hangzhou/ the West Lake,Anhui/ the Huangshan Mountain,Taiwan/ the Sun Moon Lake,I want to go to_.,I want to visit_.,北京,北京,杭州,安徽,台湾,南京,厦门,Xiamen/ Guliangyu Island,Do you want to _?,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,No, I dont.,No, I dont.,Yes, I do.,学习任务:,能谈论你想要做的事情并且跟你的小组合作完成一本关于本话题的画书。,the UN building 联合国大厦,What a big building!,the UN building 联合国大厦,UN,= the United Nations(联合国),联合国是一个由主权国家组成的国际组织。在1945年10月24日在美国加州旧金山签定生效的联合国宪章标志着联合国正式成立。联合国致力于促进各国在国际法、国际安全、经济发展、社会进步、人权及实现世界和平方面的合作。总部设立在美国纽约。,联合国大会 the United Nations General Assembly,联合国安理会 the U.N. Security Council,历届秘书长 The Secretary General,联合国秘书长 潘基文 the U.N. Secretary-General,图案:徽底为蓝色,图案为白色。中间是从北极上空看下去的地球,地图上标有陆地和海洋、经线和纬线,边上有橄榄枝。 象征:用和平包围着整个地球。 表达:人们渴望世界和平、团结的愿望。,peace 和平,Read, write “T ”or “F ”and correct it. 阅读,判断正误并改正。,Daming,2)The UN building is small.,1)Simon and Lingling want to visit the UN building in New York.,3)There are flags from all around the world.,4) There are 192 member states.,F,F,big,T,F,193,all around the world 世界各地,all around the school 学校处处,all around the lake 湖的四周,Heres a flag from China.,Read and choose the right answers. 阅读并选择正确的答案。,1) Do Daming and Simon want to go inside ? _ A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.,2) Simon wants to show Daming the present from_. A. America B. China,3) Whats the present of China to the UN? _ A. Its a bus. B. Its a train.,4) What does Daming want to do? _ A. He wants to take a photo. B. He wants to buy a toy train.,A,B,B,A,bike,kite,side,inside,在里面,wife,pipe,hide,she,snow,show,row,slow,window,给看,中国送给联合国的第一件礼物成昆象牙雕。这座象牙雕刻是1974年中国赠送给联合国的礼物。它描述的是1970年通车的成昆铁路。这条铁路全长一千多公里,连接了中国南方的云南省和西南方的四川省。这座象牙雕用八支象牙雕成,98个人雕刻了两年多,工艺的精湛令人赞叹。你甚至可以看到刻在火车里的细小人物。它与美国的月球陨石、前苏联的人造卫星并列!为了制作这高1.1m宽1.95m的雕塑,140个人用了8颗象牙。,Dear_,Lingling,How are you? Im sending some photos about the UN building in _ _.,Look, what a _ building! There are flags from _ _the world. There,are _ _ _ in the UN. They want to make a big _. I want to,_ the present from China to the UN. Its a _. Its beautiful. I _ _ take a photo. Do you want to _ the UN building? I miss everyone in China.,New,York,big,all,around,193,member,states,family,show,train,want,to,visit,From_,Daming,Picture Book,Summary,Words Bank,inside 在里面,show 展示,member state 成员国,all around 到处,Sentences,A: I want to show Daming one of the presents from China.,A: Do you want to visit the UN building?,B: Yes, we do.,B: Its beautiful. I want to take a photo.,UN 联合国,Homework,1. Read and write the words “inside, all around, member state”


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