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中软国际无锡ETC (绝密文件,泄露追究)考试准则:1、 该试卷考试共120分钟。2、 考生应讲诚信并自觉服从监考员等考试工作人员管理,不得以任何理由妨碍监考 员等考试工作人员履行职责,不得扰乱考场及其他考试工作地点的秩序。2、考生须在每科开考前15分钟进入考场,迟到30分钟则不准参加当科考试。3、考生接到试题(卷)后,首先核对试题,若遇到疑问,举手要求更换。4、考生在考场内必须保持安静,不准吸烟;不准喧哗;不准交头接耳、左顾右盼、 打手势、做暗号;不准夹带、旁窥、抄袭或有意让他人抄袭;不准传抄或交换试 题(卷)、答题卡;不准将试题(卷)、答题卡和草稿纸带出或传出考场。中软国际无锡(ETC)实训鉴定考试卷 (第二阶段) 一、选择题(共50分,每题2分)(注意:存在不定项选择)Question NO:1(2分)1public class Test 2. static boolean foo(char c) 3. System.out.print(c);4. return true;5.6. public static void main( String argv ) 7. int i =0;8. for ( foo(A); foo(B)&(i2); foo(C)9. i+ ;10. foo(D);12. 13. 14. What is the result? A. ABDCBDCBB. ABCDABCDC. Compilation fails.D. An exception is thrown at runtime.Question NO:2(2分)1. public class Outer2. public void someOuterMethod() 3. / Line 34. 5. public class Inner6. public static void main( Stringargv ) 7. Outer o = new Outer();8. / Line 89. 10. Which instantiates an instance of Inner? A. new Inner(); / At line 3B. new Inner(); / At line 8C. new o.Inner(); / At line 8D. new Outer().new Inner(); / At line 8 Question NO:3(2分)public class test public static void main(String args) Integer a1 = new Integer(20); Integer a2 = new Integer(20); if(a1= =a2) System.out.println(a1= =a2); if(a1.equals(a2) System.out.println(equals); ; A.equals B.a1= =a2 C.什么都不输出 D.程序错误Question NO:4(2分)下列哪个说法是错误的。 A.程序员可以定义新的异常类 B.Exception 可以用 try/catch 进行捕获处理 C.Exception 可以递交给上一级调用方处理 D.类似像 IOException 等异常 , 程序可以忽略不进行捕获和处理Question NO:5(2分)欲构造 ArrayList 类的一个实例,下列哪个方法是正确的 ? A. ArrayList myList=new Object(); B. List myList=new ArrayList(); C. ArrayList myList=new List(); D. List myList=new List();Question NO:6(2分)(多选)欲构造 使用泛型的ArrayList 类的一个实例,下列哪个方法编译时出错(E)?下列哪个方法运行时出错(D)?A. List list = new ArrayList();B. List list = new ArrayList();C. List list = new ArrayList();D. List list = new ArrayList();E. List list = new ArrayList();F. Collection list = new HashSet();Question NO:7 (2分)public class Example String str=new String(good); charch=a,b,c; public static void main(String args)Example ex=new Example(); ex.change(ex.str,; System.out.print(ex.str+ and ); Sytem.out.print(; public void change(String str,char ch)str=test ok; ch0=g; What is the result? A.good and abcB. good and gbcC. test ok and abcD. test ok and gbcQuestion NO:8 (2分)1.public class threadTest implements Runnable2. private int x; /1353. public int getData()4. synchronized(this)5. x=123;6. x=x+12;7. 8. return x;9. 10. public void run()11. System.out.println(getData()+ );12. 13. 14. public static void main(String args)15. ThreadTest test=new TheadTest();16. Thread th1= new Thread(test);17. Thread th2= new Thread(test);18. th1.start();19. th2.start();20. 21. What is the result? A)output 123 and 135 on the consoleB)output 123 or 135 recurrence without rule. C)output 135 and 135 on the consoleD) Compilation fails.Question NO:9 (2分)(多选)1.interface myI x=0; Mymethod(int x);4.5.class myImplementation implements myInterface6. public int myMethod(int x)7. return super.x;89.10.public class MyTest11. public static void Main(String args)12. myInterface mi = new myImplementation();13. System.out.println(mi.myMethod(10);14. 15.A.0B.10(在Line 7 的return super.x改成x)C. An exception is thrown at runtime.D. Compilation fails.Question NO:10(2分)下面程序运行之后,变量x的值是()./swap方法的声明public static void swap(int a,int b)int t=a;a=b;b=t;/main方法public static void main(String args)int x=2;int y=3;swap(x,y);A、2 B、3 C、4 D、6Question NO:11(2分)编译并运行下面的Java程序:class Aint var1=1;int var2;public static void main(String args)int var3=3;A a = new A();System.out.println(a.var1+a.var2+var3);将产生()结果。A0B4C3D代码无法编译,因为var2根本没有被初始化Question NO:12(2分)已知A类被打包在packageA , B类被打包在packageB ,且B类被声明为public ,且有一个成员变量x被声明为protected控制方式 。C类也位于packageA包,且继承了B类 。则以下说话正确的是()AA类的实例不能访问到B类的实例 )BA类的实例能够访问到B类一个实例的x成员CC类的实例可以访问到B类一个实例的x成员DC类的实例不能访问到B类的实例Question NO:13(2分)分析下面的Java程序:public class YY public static void main(String args) throws Exception try throw new Exception(); catch(Exception e) System.out.print(Caught in main(); System.out.println(Nothing);输出结果为()。ACaught in main() NothingBCaught in main()CnothingD没有任何输出Question NO:14(2分)分析下面的Java程序:public class YY public static void main(String args) throws Exception System.out.println( method() );private static int method()tryint value = 12/0;return value;catch(Exception e)/System.exit(0);retrun 6;finallyreturn -1;输出结果为()。A0B6C2D-1Question NO:15(2分)运行下列程序, 会产生什么结果public class X extends Thread implements Runnablepublic void run()System.out.println(this is run(); public static void main(String args) Thread t = new Thread(new X(); t.start(); A. 第一行会产生编译错误 B. 第六行会产生编译错误 C. 第六行会产生运行错误 D. 程序会运行和启动 Question NO:16(2分)要从文件 file.dat文件中读出第10个字节到变量C中,下列哪个方法适合? A. FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(file.dat); in.skip(9);int; B. FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(file.dat); in.skip(10); int; C. FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(file.dat); int; D. RandomAccessFile in=new RandomAccessFile(file.dat); in.skip(9); /peek();int c=in.readByte(); Question NO:17(2分)(多选)1、String str = “abcd”;2、String str2 = “a”+”b”+”c”+”d”;3、String str3 = new String(“abcd”);请问第一行产生多少个字符串对象(A)?请问第二行产生多少个字符串对象(D)?请问第三行产生多少个字符串对象(B)?说明:单独每行独立分析上面三行的结果:A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Question NO:18(2分)输出结果为:class Parentprivate void method1()System.out.println(Parents method1();public void method2()System.out.println(Parents method2();method1();class Child extends Parentpublic void method1()System.out.println(Childs method1();public static void main(String args)Parent p = new Child();p.method2(); A. compile time errorB. run time errorC. prints: parents method2() parents method1()D. prints: parents method2() childs method1()Question NO:19(2分)当Frame的大小被改变时Frame中的按钮的位置可能被改变时使用的哪一个布局管理器?A. BorderLayoutB. FlowLayoutC. CardLayoutD. GridLayoutQuestion NO:20(2分)哪一个是DataOutputStream的构造方法?A. New DataOutputStream(“in.txt”);B. New DataOutputStream(new file(“in.txt”);C. New DataOutputStream(new writer(“in.txt”);D. New DataOutputStream(new FileWriter(“in.txt”);E. New DataOutputStream(new InputStream(“in.txt”);F. New DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(“in.txt”);Question NO:21(2分)怎么样待会线程执行后的结果?A.ThreadB. RunnableC. FutureD. CallableQuestion NO:22(2分)分析下面的Java程序,有几个错误?( )public class Test public static void main(String args) throws Exception System.out.println( method() );private void method()trySystem.out.println(“hello world!”);finallySystem.out.println(“good bye!”);输出结果为()。A0B1C2D3Question NO:23(2分)下面使用文件流是错误的?()A. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (test.txt)B. File file = new File(test.txt);C. File file = new File(c:); File file1 = new File(file,test.txt); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file1);D. FileOutputStream FIS=new FileOutputStream(c:,test.txt);Question NO:24(2分)运行下面程序段: Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2008); c.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); c.set(Calendar.DATE, 32); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(yyyy/M/dd); System.out.println(sdf.format(c.getTime();控制台输出的结果是()A. 2008/1/01 B. 2008/3/03 C. 2008/2/01 D. 2008/3/01 E. 这个真不会,但我很厚道Question NO:25(2分)(多选)调用下面的测试代码()。 public static void main(String args) throws Exception EmpService empService = new EmpService(); empService.checkEmp(); 控制台提示如下异常信息: Exception in thread main three.ServiceException: 服务异常 at three.EmpService.checkEmp( at three.CoreTest.main( Caused by: three.DAOException: 数据访问失败 at three.EmpDAO.getEmp( at three.EmpService.checkEmp( . 1 more 下列正确的推断的是()A. ServiceExcepiton一定是RuntimeException的子类 B. ServiceException一定不是RuntimeException的子类 C. EmpService的checkEmp方法抛出异常ServiceException 的原因是由于其调用的EmpDAO的getEmp方法抛出了DAOException D. EmpDAO的getEmp方法抛出异常DAOException 的原因是由于其调用的EmpService的checkEmp方法抛出了ServiceException E. 这个真不会,但我很厚道 二、程序阅读题(共20分):Question NO:1(5分)class Super int i = 10;Super () print();i = 20;void print() System.out.println(Super = + i);public class SubClass extends Super int i = 30;SubClass() print();i = 40;void print() System.out.println( SubClass = + I );public static void main( String args) System.out.println( new SubClass().i );请分析上面Java程序的执行结果 ?20+i,40Question NO:2(5分)1.public class Test2.String para1;3.StringBuffer para2;4.public void method1(String param)5.para1 = param.replace(j,l);6.7.public void method2(StringBuffer param)8.para2 = param.append(c);9.10.public static void main(String args)11.Test obj = new Test();12.obj.method1(new String(java);13.obj.method2(new StringBuffer(java);14.System.out.println(obj.para1);15.System.out.println(obj.para2.toString();16.17.请分析上面Java程序的执行结果 ? Question NO:3(5分)1.Super: 2.package test; 3.public class FatherClass 4.public FatherClass() 5.System.out.println(FatherClass Create); 6. 7. SubClass: 8.package test; 9.import test.FatherClass; 10.public class ChildClass extends FatherClass 11.public ChildClass() 12.System.out.println(ChildClass Create); 13.14.public static void main(String args) 15.FatherClass fc = new FatherClass(); 16.ChildClass cc = new ChildClass(); 17.18.请分析上面Java程序的执行结果 ? Question NO:4(5分)public class Testpublic static void main(String args) File file = new File(C:test);File files = file.listFiles();String str = .tmp;deleteFile(files, str);private static void deleteFile(File files, final String str) / TODO Auto-generated method stubfor (File file : files) if (file.isFile() if (file.getName().indexOf(str) != -1) file.delete(); else deleteFile(file.listFiles(),str); 请分析上面Java程序的执行结果 ?三、问答题(共20分):(第四题和第五题任选一作答)1、 抽象类与接口的区别有哪些?(5分)答:2、 多线程有几种实现方式?(1分)线程通信方法都是什


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