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Unit 2 The Olympic Games一 请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1 He has _ me to buy me a car.他已经答应给我买辆汽车。2 Nothing can _ a mothers love.没有什么东西能取代母爱的。3 Our English teacher is friendly _ _ _ kind to us.我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。4 He _ _ the game yesterday.昨天他参加比赛了。5 It would be _ for us to quarrel.我们吵架是很愚蠢的。6 , you didnt do your best.老实说,你并没有尽力。7 There was _ _ _ of Lu Xuns novels on the shelf.在那书架上有一套鲁迅的小说。8. He_ having done wrong. 他承认做错了事。9He _ _ _ the strike.他参加了罢工。1 He _ _ _ his parent was going out for a holiday.他和他的父母将要去度假。2 The students went out of the classroom _ _ _.学生一个接着一个走出教室。Unit 3 Computers一请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1._ _ _, the food is not enough.在我看来,这食物不够。1 Yesterday, he took an i_ test.昨天他参加了智力考试。2 He dont know how to _ _ his naughty son.他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子。3 Its not surprising youve got stomachache. _ _ you have eaten too much.你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。4 They have nothing in _ with one another.他们彼此毫无共同点。6_ _ _ my computer, I could finish my job in time.在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。7_ _ _, what you said is reasonable.在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。Unit 4 Wildlife Protection一 请根据中文意思完成下列句子1. Do you know how did the world _ _ _ ?你知道宇宙如何形成的吗?2In winter, you should cover something to _ the plants _ the cold.在冬天你应该盖上东西保护那些植物不要冻坏。3 He is _ great _.他处于极度危险中。4 He didnt work hard. _ _ _, he failed in the exam.他没有努力学习,因此他就在考试中失败了。5You should _ _ _ the signs when you are driving.当你驾驶的时候你应该注意标志。6My family lives _ _.我一家人相处融洽。7. Dinosaurs _ _ millions of years ago.恐龙在几万年前就灭绝了。8He wrote a letter to _ _ the job.他写信申请那份工作。9. The storm _ a bad _ _ the crops.那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响。Unit 5 Music一请根据中文意思完成下列句子1I met an old friend in the street _ _.我偶然在街上遇见一位老朋友。2Once you make up your mind, you should _ _ it.你一旦下了决心,你应该坚持下去。3 I _ _ being a great scientist when I was a child.当我是个小孩的时候我梦想成为一名伟大的科学家。4. I spent a whole morning to _ _ my books.我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好。5. It is impolite to _ _ _ others.开别人的玩笑是不礼貌的。6He will arrive at six oclock _ _.他大约六点到。7_ _, you should make a plan for your study.首先你应该为你学习制订好计划。8 We should _ _ _ our parents.我们应该对我们的父母诚实。9. The club _ _ last year.那个俱乐部去年解散了。高中英语必修三单词及语言点总结Unit 1 Festivals around the worldExercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. -Do you need more milk? -No, thanks, theres p_ in the fridge.2. Shes s_ herself to try to lose weight.3. Nothing s_ him, hes always complaining (抱怨).4. You f _ me to death suddenly shouting out by my ear.5. I a_ him for his success in business.6. The judge _ (判定)both finalists (决赛者) equal points.7. These books are _ (最喜欢的东西) of mine.8. Christmas Day is a _ (宗教的) festival.9. I made my _ (道歉) and left early. 10. I _ (原谅) her long ago.Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)have ones origin as, do (no) harm ( to), lead to, have fun with, wait for, set off, set on, makeof , decorate with, take place, look forward to, play a trick on, in the shape of, be proud of 1. He means _by saying what he thinks.2. This misunderstanding _ a war between the two countries.3. Sam used to be a spy _ a journalist.4. The Spring Festival in China _ an activity to drive off the “Nian”, a wild beast.5. Dont _ me; Im not a fool.6. He ended the letter with “_ seeing you soon”.7. The parents _ their childs success.8. What time are you planning to _ tomorrow?9. Father bought a Christmas tree _ coloured lights a week ago.10. We have never discovered what _ between the couple that day.Unit 2 Healthy eatingExercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. Dont take some e_ exercise when you have caught a cold.2. He gave in to c_ and opened the letter addressed to his classmate.3. Tom would never a_ to being wrong.4. Did Lucy m_ when she would come to see me?5. Ive had the b_ of a good education.6. Because they didnt reach any agreement, they had to make a _(折中) decision.7. He could do nothing but stand and _ (惊讶).8. The subject has already been fully _(研究).9. Dao Lang is _ (受欢迎的) among the youth.10. Hydrogen _(结合) with oxygen to form water.Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)earn ones living, care about, are for, after all, above all, take park in, take the part of, success, avoid, long before, before long, feel fit, provide1. Hes been ill for weeks and doesnt _ for work yet.2. She _ by singing in a nightclub.3. He was extremely angry yesterday and said he would not come back. But he returned today _.4. How many countries will be _ the games?5. He _ Hamlet in the play.6. I just stopped cycling to _ running over the cat in the street.7. He wasnt _ as a teacher because of lacking of experience.8. That sad thing had happened _.9. All the woman _ their children.10. The firm _ me with a car since I worked here.Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-NoteExercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. She is an i_ actress in modern times.2. After three hours of waiting for the train, our p_ finally went to end.3. The fans s_ with excitement when they saw the star.4. She seems g_ but can I trust her?5. He has a good sense of h_, so most of the students like his class.6. His illness _ ( 是的解释) his absence.7. I only found it _ (偶然地).8. He was _(妒忌) Toms success.9. You can tell from her _(外表) that she has been ill.10. Dogs are not _ (允许) in the building.Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)care about, carry out, do with, deal with, promise, bet on, stare at, look, in rages, account of, to be honest, notuntil1. He took no _ what I said and failed.2. Tell me what you _ yourselves last Sunday.3. He spends all his money _ horses.4. Dont look at me in such way; I dont like being _.5. The program made in yesterdays conference will soon _.6. You shouldnt consider Tom poor though he is _.7. I dont think she _ what happens to her children.8. _, I dont think we have a chance of winning.9. _ we know more will we be able to improve the situation.10. I cant _, but I will do my best.Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the starsExercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. A _ is scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, ect.2. Christian, Buddhist and Hindu are the main r_ in the world.3. The a_ over dinner was warm and friendly.4. The firework e_ in his hand.5. The news he s_ around the town was not true.6. Its a _ (谜) to me why they didnt choose him.7. We must care about further _ (进展).8. As a parent, you should not _(鼓励) bad habits in a child.9. The ECP _ (出版) weekly.10. The force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and on the earth pulls them towards the center of the planet is called _ (重力).Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)lessen, dissolve, depend on, prevent(from), lay, now that, on earth, on the earth, on time, in time, surface, gradually1._ youve finished your homework, you can go and play football to have a rest.2. Ive phoned you several times. What _ are you doing?3. Nothing on earth can _ me _ loving her.4. Do you best in your career, youll succeed _.5. You must not look only at the _ of things.6. Salt _ easily in water.7. The old man _ his two sons for food and clothing.8. The cuckoo(杜鹃) _ its eggs in other birds nest.9. After hard working, they improved the things _.10. The pain _ already _ after taking the medicine.Unit 5 Canada “The True North”Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. China is in Asia, one of the seven c_ on the earth.2. The house was s_ by high walls.3. In those days, mothers usually t_ the babies by telling stories of wolf or ghosts.4. Chinas former Prime M_, Zhu Rongji stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world at the Earth Summit.5. We must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we c_ to develop the world successfully.6. They couldnt wait to stop to admire the _ (风暴) on arriving the park.7. Im _ (极其,非常)sorry for the delay.8. We must reach the _ (港口) before sunset in case of the bad weather.9. He is going to _ (竞赛,比赛) against his old rival in the second round.10. Not having seen each other for ages, they found it difficult to make _ (交谈).Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)flow into, figure out, do well in, be ready to, spend, take, at dawn, at noon, as/so far as, as well as, in size, at least1. He grows flowers _ vegetables, so he can save much money to buy from the market.2. They started _, hoping to arrive before 10:00 am.3. Offers of help _ the homeless people because of the tsunami.4. _ I can see that is impossible.5. I cant _ how much the holiday will cost before it ends.6. My house is the same as hers _.7. She may be slow, but _ shes reliable (可靠的).8. Ive got changed, so I _ start work at any time.9. Take trouble to _ your examination despite you are good at it or not.10. Although he is a man, he _ too much time on clothes.高中英语必修四单词及语言点总结Unit 1 Women of achievementExercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. Coming top in such an important exam is quite an a_.2. The ship is in no c_ to make a long voyage.3. Their b_ towards me shows that they do not like me.4. He was under o_ by the police.5. Wed better take time and money into c_ when making the plan.6. He is always _(谦逊的) about his success.7. Genius is 10 _(灵感)and 90 perspiration.8. The workers are on _(罢工)for higher pay.9. I was _(资助)by my parents when I was studying at collage.10. We have been told to show _(尊敬)for our elders.11. As a student, all her life is _(奉献)her students.12. This settlement _(成立)in 1600.13. Do you _ (了解) Jack getting arrested? 14. You need warm clothes to _ (保护) you against the cold.15. I was _ (驱逐) the club because of breaking the rule.16. The lost child was seen _(闲逛)last afternoon.17. Tom, the top student of our class, thinks studying is a very _(值得的)work.18. With the Internet, people can _(交流)each other much easier.19. He _(瞧不起)people whove never been to university.20. I know the writer who _ ( 打算) work _ children.Unit 2 Working the landExercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. After a long s_, he gained control of the business.2. Our foreign trade has e_ greatly in recent years.3. The girl s_ her mother by cleaning up the kitchen.4. As is known to all, coal and iron are m_.5. She r_ her weight by 5 kilograms.6. Her unexpected arrangements_(搞乱)all our plans.7. After the conference, the secretary passed me a ten-page _ (纪要,摘要).8. The Fashion Magazine developed a large _(销售量)quickly.9. The two students _ (相互交流)greetings when they met.10. After 10 years in prison, he was given his _(自由).11. They_(结束)the party with a song “Take me to your heart”.12. It seems that you dont _ (在乎) your failure in the examination at all.13. The police are _(寻找)the escaped prisoners.14. The baby is hungry but it is too young to _ (喂养) itself yet.15. We want to _(装备)your children with some special skills.16. Last night they _ the dormitory_ mice which made much noise at night.(摆脱)17. I dont hope to leave so soon; I _(宁愿) stay home a day longer.18. Its no use _(希望)things you cant have.19. She _(醒来) a terrible dream when her mother entered the room.20. We help _(互相) with our homework in the summer holiday.Unit 3 A taste of English humourExercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1 Man should try to be harmony with nature, and not be c_ to wildlife.2 To my a_, he did the difficult job well.3 Could you e_ the child for an hour, while I make dinner?4 He had o_ the difficulties with his English before he went aboard.5 I was f_ to have a good teacher.6 Dont be in such a hurry; youd better eat a few _(一口,满口)of food before you go shopping.7 In fact, China is a_(多山的)country.8 He did the job under my _(指导).9 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be _(咀嚼)and digested.10 Although he failed in the examination again, he knew the success came after many_(失败).11 Last night, I happened to _ (碰见) a chair in the dark.12 He used to hope to go abroad, but now he _(满足,满意)stay his present position.13 We should satisfy ourselves with the living conditions-many families are much _(穷的)than we are.14 They were recognized by the _(贫穷)of their clothing.15 The movie _(以为背景)pre-war Beijing in China.16 Youve been caught cheating, now you must _ (面对) the music.17 Her health soon _( 恢复) after a few days rest.18 _(代替) the childrens play and adventure, he had a desire to learn.19 Its cruel to _(玩弄,开玩笑) people who stammer(结巴).20 Those whod like to go sign names at the _(底部) of the page, please.Unit 4 Body Language1. At the airport, he kissed me goodbye on the c_.2. The guest e_ their thanks to the host and hostess when leaving.3. The artist asked his model to take a reclining (躺着) p_.4. Mother told me to b_ well when we visited relatives.5. You say he is easy-going, but I never feel at e_ with him.6. We both are not in time; I think there must be some _ (误会) over the time.7. As you _ (接近) the school the first building you see is the teaching building.8. Everyone who helped gets a _ (份额) in the profiles.9. The police _ (注意到) the man entering the bank.10. You see Im a student of art; Im not very _(熟悉的) with botanical names.11. I _( 愿意,准备) lend you the book if you promise to return it on time.12. Our teacher _(主修) in mathematics and physics.13. Following the national news we have got the _(当地的) news and weather.14. The picture _(描绘,描述) a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king.15. I will stay at home this evening; she _very _(很可能) ring me tonight.16. I think he _( 回避,躲开) me, because he several times pretends not to see me.17. We have _(相似的) tastes in music.18. I heard they _ (想要,打算) marry, but they havent so far.19. The teacher _ (惩罚)


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