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twilight city暮光之城,twilight暮色,new moon新月,eclipse月食,breaking down破晓,personage and writer,twilight,bella swan moves from phoenix(凤凰城). after moving to forks(福克斯), bella finds herself involuntarily(不自觉地) drawn to a mysterious(神秘的), handsome boy, edward cullen. she eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human blood. edward and bella fall in love, but james, a sadistic(残酷成性的) vampire from another vampire coven, is drawn to hunt down bella. ,back,new moon,edward and his family leave forks because he believes he is endangering bellas life. bella falls into a deep depression(沮丧), until she develops a strong friendship with jacob black, who she discovers can shape-shift(变化) into a wolf. jacob and the other wolves in his tribe(部落) must protect her from victoria, a vampire seeking to avenge(报仇) the death of her mate james, by killing bella,back,eclipse,the vampire victoria has created an army(军队) of “newborn“ vampires to battle the cullen family and murder(谋杀) bella for revenge. meanwhile, bella is compelled(迫使) to choose between her relationship(关系) with edward and her friendship with jacob. edwards vampire family and jacobs werewolf pack join forces to successfully destroy(毁灭) victoria and her vampire army. in the end, bella chooses edwards love over jacobs and agrees to marry him,back,bella and edward are married, but their honeymoon(蜜月) is cut short when bella discovers that she is pregnant(怀孕的). her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her. she nearly dies giving birth to her and edwards half-vampire-half-human daughter, renesmee, but edward injects(注入) bella with his venom(毒液) to save her life and turns her into a vampire. a vampire from another coven sees renesmee and mistakes her for an “immortal(不朽的) child“. she informs the volturi, as the existence of such beings violates vampire law. the cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that renesmee is not an immortal child. after an intense confrontation(对抗), the cullens and their witnesses(证人) convince the volturi that the child poses no danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace by the volturi.,breaking down,back,edward,jacob,carlisle,alice,jasper,stephanie meyer 史蒂芬梅尔,stephanie meyer graduated from brigham young university with a bachelors degree(学士学位) in english. she lives with her husband and three young sons in phoenix, arizona. after the publication(出版) of her first novel, twilight, booksellers chose stephanie meyer as one of the “most promising new authors of 2005“ .,back,vampire vmpai 吸血鬼 twilight twailait 黄昏 involuntarily invlntrili 不自觉地 mysterious mistiris 不可思议的 shape-shift 变化 tribe traib 部落;宗族 honeymoon hnimu:n 蜜月 compel kmpel 迫使,thank you,演讲稿的写法,七个阶段的准备 一、决定话题和目的 二、分析听众和场合 三、满足听众的本能欲求 四、收集材料 五、编制提纲 六、练习词语 七、练习篇章,一、演说者和听众分析 1、 演说的成败,首先决定于演说者的良好心理素质和充分准备。必须克服羞怯、拘谨、冷谈、自卑,做到勇敢、轻松、亲切、自信。任何演讲都必须有满腔热情和必胜的信心。 2、 在演讲前对听众的人数、年纪、性别、教育程度、有关话题的、关注焦点和愿望、固定的态度和信仰等要进行调查,做到有的放矢,才可能收到理想的效果。 3、在演说过程中,必须目视听众,必须察言观色,注意听众情绪反应做适当的点整。,二、确定目的和选择话题 1、目的 要么让人快乐;要么给人知识;要么让人行动;社交是联络感情,鉴赏目的是让人快乐、让人感动。可概括三大主要目的:知行目的,人际目的,语篇目的。 2、话题 要令人亲近、关注,因此要具有社会性,特别要关注社会的热点。 要明确、集中、正确、易懂,要有一定得形象性。 要具有针对性,针对某种意见做辩答,或解决某个要解决问题,或针对某些人思想情绪。,三、文字口语化,语言的节奏感 演讲的声音稍纵即逝,因而演讲稿必须要写得入耳。 1、多用群众创造的形象生动的语言 演讲要尽量把不易听懂的书面语言改为口语,如书面语“对垒”、“角逐”改为“比赛”、“竞争”等口语。 2、避免同音相混的语言 如期中-期终;终年-中年;全部-全不等 3、多用象声语言 如,载重超负荷-装多了,车压得吱吱的响; 不说“正、草、隶、篆他会写”应改为“什么正楷啦,草书啦,隶书啦,篆书啦他全部会写”,四、演讲稿的开头 1、提问开头法 有这样一个问题常在我的脑海里萦回:是什么力量使爱因斯坦名扬天下之后仍在攀登科学高峰呢?是什么力量使张海迪在死神缠绕之时仍锐志奋进呢?,这大概是当代青年,特别是我们大学生讨论最多的问题之一,也是我今天演讲的题目。,2、套近乎开头 林肯的演说:听说在场的就有些人要下决心和我作对,我实在不明白为什么要这样做,我也和你们一样是一位爽直的平民,我为什么不能和你们一样有发表意见的权力呢?好朋友,我不是来干涉你们的,我是你们中间的一员。,3、引用入题法 同学们,有一首诗这样写道:“多少人爱你青春欢畅的时候,爱慕你的美丽,也许假意或真心。只要我爱你朝圣者的灵魂,爱你衰老的脸上脸上的痛苦的皱纹。”诗中倾诉的是深沉真挚的爱,正如别林基斯所说:“爱是理解的别名。”知之愈深,才能爱之愈切,今天,带着这种爱,我要讲一讲我的祖国,讲一讲生我的这片土地。,4、开门见山 我主张将我们全党的学习方法和学习制度改造一下。 (改造我们的学习) 5、悬念开头法 刚才,我会见了一个欧洲代表团,他们问我对一部分先富起来的政策持什么看法。我对特们说,这个问题我已经不感兴趣了!因为,这已经成为现实了!他们接着问我,那你对什么感兴趣?我对他们说,我对一部分县富起来感兴趣,


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