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1,Lecture 5 Changes in Word meaning,讲授题目:Changes in Word Meaning 计划学时:3periods 教学方法:传统讲授法 参考资料:英语词汇学教程、英语词汇学 所属章节:教材之第五章 教学目的和要求:通过本单元的学习,学生应对词 义变化的种类、词义演变的原因 和过程有较好的了解和认识。,2,Lecture 5 Type of changes,教学重点: 1) Types of changes; 2) Causes of changes. 教学难点: Five types of changes: 1) Extension; 2) Narrowing; 3)Elevation; 4) Degration; 5) Transfer.,3,Lecture 5 Type of changes, Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content. Comparatively, the content is even more unstable than the form. Of course, some meanings remain much the same for a long time because the referents to which they direct do not change.,4,Lecture 5 Type of changes,(词的形式和内容总处于变化之中,是语言中最不稳定的因素。从比较的角度来说,内容比形式更不稳定。当然有些词的意义由于所指未变而没有发生变化。),5,Lecture 5 Type of changes, Changing in word meaning has never ceased since the language came into being and will continue in the future. Yet no one has been able to systemize the ways in which changes occur. However, there are a few patterns that changes follow. This lecture will discuss in some detail the major patterns and the causes of changes.,6,Lecture 5 Type of changes,1. Types of Changes Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation, and transfer. (1) Extension / Widening (词义的扩大) Extension of meaning, also known as generalization (词义一般化), is the name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo.,7,Lecture 5 Type of changes,It is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized. In other words, the term has extended to cover a broader and often less definite concept. 词义的扩大指词的意义的扩展。这是一个词义从表达某一专门意义到表示概括意义的过程。也就是说,词开始涵盖了更多的意义,比原有的概念的范围更大了。,8,Lecture 5 Type of changes,Examples: Word Old Meaning Extended Meaning manuscript handwriting any authors writing whether written (writing by hand) by hand or typed with a type-writer, barn a place for storing only barley storeroom picture painting drawings, even photographs,9,Lecture 5 Type of changes,mill pace for grinding place where things are ground/made journal daily paper periodical bonfire fire on bones a fire in the open by burning anything butcher one who kills goats one who kills animals,10,Lecture 5 Type of changes,Extension of meaning may occur in four ways: From specific to general thing: a public assembly any object or event picture: painting (绘画) drawings, even photographs(各种画及照片) Journal: daily paper periodical,11,Lecture 5 Type of changes, From proper nouns to common nouns sandwich: a gamblers name n. a kind of fast food; v. place or squeeze between 夹在中间 lynch: originates from Charles Lynch(1736-1796), member of a vigilance committee in Virginia kill without lawful trial. The more examples illustrating this are watt, volt, ohm, newton , champagne ,vandal, etc.,12,Lecture 5 Type of changes, From concrete to abstract thing: a public assembly any object or event arrive: come to shore come to a place More examples are: affair, business, fact, pain, place,13,Lecture 5 Type of changes,From technical terms to general words bomb: a weapon designed to explode a complete failure; a lot of money. tangent (切线) to fly at a tangent (离题) atomic great: an atomic effort (巨大努力) catalyst (催化剂) a thing that causes change(促进/变化的因素).,14,Lecture 5 Type of changes,(2) Narrowing Narrowing of meaning, also called specialization, is the opposite of widening meaning. It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specialized sense. Word Old Meaning Specialized Meaning liquor liquid alcoholic drink,15,Lecture 5 Type of changes,meat food flesh of animals disease discomfort illness poison drink poisonous drink wife woman a married woman accident event unfortunate event girl young person of either sex female young person,16,Lecture 5 Type of changes,pill (各种药片) 避孕药片(contraceptive pills) undertaker (承担者、承办人) 承办丧葬的人、殡仪员 room (空间、地方) (有限空间)房间 probe(调查、检验) 宇宙探测器 side (旁边、侧面) (人体)肋部 memory(记忆) (计算机)存储器 recovery (恢复) (航天器的)回收 garage (任何储存东西的地方) 存放汽车的地方车库,17,Lecture 5 Type of changes,(3) Elevation Elevation or amelioration refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. Some words early in their history signified something quite low or humble, but changed as time went by to designate something agreeable or pleasant.,18,Lecture 5 Type of changes,Word Old Meaning Elevated Meaning angel messenger messenger of God knight servant rank below baronet governor pilot head of a state minister servant head of a ministry success result achievement / accomplishment marshal keeper of horses high-ranking army officer nice ignorant foolish pleasant/delightful,19,Lecture 5 Type of changes,(4) Degradation Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words. Word Old Meaning Degraded Meaning boor peasant rude, ill-mannered person,20,Lecture 5 Type of changes,wench country girl prostitute silly happy foolish sad calm sorrowful knave boy dishonest person criticize appraise find fault with lust pleasure sexual desire,21,Lecture 5 Type of changes,(5) Transfer Apart from the four major modes of semantic change, there is one other type which needs mentioning, i.e. transfer. Transfer means the meaning of a word has changed from literal meaning to figurative meaning. That is to say, people always use figures of speech to express this kind of semantic changes. Metaphor A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile , this comparison is implied rather than stated. E .g: the eye of the needle; the teeth of the comb; an ass; to dog (to follow); to parrot ( to repeat ).,22,Lecture 5 Type of changes, Metonymy(换喻、转喻) Metonymy is an effective language device. It is also an important factor in the shift of meaning that involves substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it. Uncle Sam the United States government John Bull the English people the Bear the Soviet Union heart feelings cup a cup of tea or coffee dish food brought to table on or in a dish,23,Lecture 5 Type of changes, Synecdeche Synecdeche is a figure of speech that involves substitution of the part for the whole or the whole for the part. hand member of a ship crew; worker. heart brave fellow Australia beat Canada at cricket . Australia team beat Canada team at cricket,24,Lecture 5 Type of changes, Euphemism Euphemism is the substitution of a word of more pleasant connotation for one of the unpleasant connotation. It is also an important factor in the shift of meaning. Death in English is full of such expressions like: To join the majority; to go to heaven; to come an un timely end; to be food for worms; to kick the bucket, etc.,25,Lecture 5 Type of changes,2. Causes of changes (1) 社会原因 社会发展与词义变化 从社会语言学的角度来看,词义的变化不是在封闭的状态下发生的,而是受社会的影响和制约的。词义不仅在形成过程中与客观世界,社会实践有密切联系,而且随着社会及人们认识的发展而发展。人类社会中的事物、概念、思想不断发生变化,因此反映客观事物或现象的词义往往会发生变化。,26,Lecture 5 Type of changes, 社会环境与词义变化 社会上发生的事件往往会使词的意义发生变化。 社会阶级与词义为化 语言就像一面镜子,反映人类社会存在的一切现胆,自然也反映社会各阶级的言语和态度。词义的升格与降格就是受阶级的影响。有许多表示劳动人民职业的词产生了贬义,这是因为在贵族阶级的眼里,劳动人民是无知的、愚蠢的。,27,Lecture 5 Type of changes, 民族情绪与词义变化 民族之间的感情也会影响词义的


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