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Chapter one,International Marketing Briefing,1.1 What is marketing 1.1.1.Definition Marketing: The process of building lasting relationships through planning, executing执行 and controlling the conception观念, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create mutual exchange that satisfy individual and organizational needs and objectives.,1.1.2. Marketing and sales marketing selling and advertising marketing process: figure1-1 P4 Marketing is the process of uncover consumers requirements and adopting the information to products distribution and promotion.,research and development 研究与开发,Customer needs and wants,R&D,Engineering,Manufacturing,Customer value,engineering:设计,工程工艺,制造工艺,技术设备,1.1.3. Basic elements of the marketing concept 1. Needs, wants and demands P4 needs: a state of deprivation剥夺 of some basic satisfaction, e.g. the need for food, shelter, clothing and belonging. wants: devices for specific items that can satisfy those needs, so that an individual may need to eat, but wants to consume a particular brand of food. demands: human wants backed by buying power For a marketer, it is very important to satisfy the wants and needs of a consumer.,2. consumer value and consumer satisfaction consumer value顾客价值 : the difference between the values the consumer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product 顾客评价,获得与付出之比 consumer satisfaction顾客满意度: the extent to which a products perceived 感知performance matches a buyers expectations.,自20世纪70年代以来, 学者和企业经理们不断地探求顺应形势变化的市场营销新方法, 从最初以产品为中心单纯注重产品质量, 到“以顾客为导向”争取顾客的满意与忠诚, 直至90年代顾客价值概念的提出, 将市场营销理念推向了一个全新的高度。 与传统营销概念相比, 顾客价值的创新之处是企业站在顾客的角度来看待产品和服务的价值,这种价值不是由企业决定的, 而是由顾客实际感知的。美国学者特雷西和威尔斯玛将顾客价值描述为: 顾客所得到的收益之总和减去其在获取产品和服务时所付出的成本。收益在某种程度上形成了价值, 这个价值是指产品或服务提升了顾客的绩效或经验。成本包括购买和维护上的支出, 以及花费在延期、差错和努力上的时间和精力, 有形的与无形的成本抵减了价值。从顾客满意、顾客忠诚到顾客价值的每一阶段, 企业的经营侧重点都存在差异。产品质量、服务质量、价格、品牌形象以及企业与顾客的关系等构成了顾客价值的来源。,注重顾客满意的企业关注的是如何使购买自己产品和服务的顾客感到满意, 而较少关注竞争对手与其顾客的情况, 这类企业与顾客之间的关系往往是静态的, 单方的“取悦”, 并通过这种“取悦”来获取现有顾客对自己产品的忠诚; 而注重顾客价值与竞争力相匹配的企业是基于自己的价值定位, 向目标顾客提供超越竞争对手的价值, 而顾客为了使自己获得的感知价值最大, 也更加乐于和企业维持互动的关系。因此, 争取顾客满意、顾客忠诚仅仅是企业营销中的战术问题, 而创造顾客价值则是企业获取持久竞争优势的战略问题。应该指出的是, 顾客价值并不是对顾客满意、顾客忠诚的否定, 而是在新的市场竞争形势下对顾客满意、顾客忠诚的扩充与发展, 它为企业进行战略选择, 提升自身的竞争力提供了一个全新的理念与方法, 是企业获取竞争优势的新来源。,3. Markets As for marketers, a market is the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service,A simple Marketing System,Communication,Industry (sellers),Market (buyers),Goods/services Money,Information,Marketing management: the process of planning and executing the concept, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.,Actors参与者 and Forces in a Modern Marketing System,Environment,Marketer,Market interme- diaries,Supplies,End-user market,Competitor,1.1.4. marketing function 1. Contact: the seeking out of prospective consumers and it may be based on a variety of determinants. Improper handling of the initial contact can keep a company out of the marketplace indefinitely. 2. Merchandising: the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the right time in the right quantity at the right place. 3. Pricing: the price of a product is often the determining factor when a purchase is made and is always a key to profit.,4. Promotion: Promotion is used to support marketing efforts: paid advertising, personal selling, public relations, and supplemental efforts 5. Distribution: The process of putting the consumer and the product together. 6. Human resources: Internal marketing that occurs within a company between employers and employees is a reflection in the ability to market externally to the public. Its essential that sellers understand, communicate with and value buyers.,1.2 What is international marketing? 1.2.1 Definition the simplest level: the firm in making one or more marketing mix 销售组合decisions across national boundaries the most complex: the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across markets,1.2.2 Different levels of international marketing domestic marketing: (fewer and fewer) export marketing: (market outside, production inside) international marketing: (marketing environment),1.2.3 Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing What makes marketing interesting is the challenge of molding the controllable elements of marketing decisions (product, price, promotion, and distribution) within the framework of the uncontrollable elements of the marketplace ( competition, politics, laws, consumer behavior, level of technology, and so forth) in such a way that marketing objectives are achieved.,1. Environment differences: the international marketers primary concern 2. Different applications of marketing principles, concepts and techniques 3. The different relations between enterprises and governments,1.2.4 International marketing process,Appraising 评价the international marketing environment,Deciding whether to go abroad,Deciding which market to enter,Deciding how to enter the market,Deciding on the marketing mix,Deciding on the marketing control and management,Product:n. 1. 产品 basic product 基本产品 by-product 副产品 end product / final product / finished product 成品 2. 制成品 product acceptance 产品接受率 Product deletion / product elimination 产品删减、产品淘汰,Production: n. 生产 production cost 生产成本 production line 生产线 batch production 分批生产,间隙生产,productivity: 生产力,生产率 productivity bonus 生产率奖金 productivity drive 提高生产率的干劲,Distribute: v. a. to share out dividends 分配股利: Profits were distributed among the shareholders.利润分配给所有股东。 b. to send out goods


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