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Unit 7综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与你所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.Its windy today.2Its too cold today.Its snowing now.3Mary likes rainy days.4Its sunny in Shanghai.5I dont like cloudy weather.1_C_2._D_3._A_4._B_5._E_二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:6.M:Is it sunny today?W:Yes,it is.(A)6.Hows the weather today?AIts sunny.BIts rainy.CIts cloudy.听力材料:7.M:Is it raining in London today?W:No,its snowing.(B)7.Whats the weather like in London today?ARainy. BSnowy. CSunny.听力材料:8.W:Hows the weather in Moscow?M:Its cold and snowing.(C)8.Is it raining or snowing in Moscow?AIts raining. BIts warm. CIts snowing.听力材料:9.W:Where is your father,Sam?M:He is running by the pool.(C)9.What is Sams father doing?APlaying football. BWatching TV.CRunning by the pool.听力材料:10.W:Are you doing your homework,Bob?M:No,I am writing to my father.(B)10.Who is Bob writing to?AHis pen friend. BHis father.CHis teacher.三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:M:Hi,Gina.W:Hi,Jack!Hows it going?M:Im in America.Im calling to see how you are.W:Oh,thanks!M:Hows it going?W:Very good!Im just doing my homework.How are you?M:Great!Im with my friend,Eric.Hes from Boston.We are having lunch.W:Cool!Hows the weather in Boston?M:Great!Hot and sunny.Hows the weather in Shanghai?W:Also hot.And really a lot of rain.(A)11.What are they doing?AThey are talking on the phone.BThey are having lunch.CThey are doing their homework.(A)12.Where is Gina?AIn Shanghai. BIn America. CIn Toronto.(C)13.Whats Gina doing now?AWatching TV. BHaving lunch.CDoing homework.(A)14.Whats Jack doing now?AHaving lunch. BWriting to friends.CDoing homework.(B)15.Hows the weather in Boston?AHot and windy. BHot and sunny.CHot and rainy.四听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:Dale comes from Canada.He can speak French and English.His father works at a TV station in the US.Dale and his family are living in New York now.Dale likes his new school.He thinks the teachers are friendly.He has lots of new friends.They usually play sports after school.But Dale doesnt like the summer in New York,because its very hot.He likes winter.And in Canada there is lots of snow in winter.(C)16.Where does Dales father work?AAt a radio station. BIn a library.CAt a TV station.(B)17.Where is Dale living now?AIn Canada. BIn the US. CIn China.(C)18.Who are friendly?ADales parents. BPeople in China. CDales teachers.(C)19.Why doesnt Dale like the summer in New York?ABecause its too cold. BBecause there is no snow.CBecause its too hot.(A)20.What does Dale usually do after school?APlays sports. BDoes his homework.CReads books.笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)(C)21.In _ word “Russian”,we can see _ “r”Aa;a Bthe;an Cthe;a Dan;an(B)22.Hey,Chen Hui.What do you usually do _ rainy days?I usually read books.Ain Bon Cat Dto(D)23.Helen,is Bill your pen friend?Yes.I often write to _.Ait Bthem Cyou Dhim(C)24.Its too _.Put on your coat,please.Ahot Bcool Ccold Dwarm(B)25.Jim is sitting _ the pool and _ juice.Aon;drinking Bby;drinkingCby;drinks Din;drinks(A)26.On the weekend,the _ is a great place to exercise.Youre right.Apark Blibrary Ckitchen Dshop(D)27.The students are studying _ for the English test these days.Ausually Beasily Cwell Dhard(D)28.The zoo is a good place to have fun.I want to go there _ next week.Aeither Bnever Coften Dagain(A)29.Wheres my mum,Dad?In the kitchen.Shes _ chicken hamburgers for you.Acooking Beating Cbuying Ddrawing(D)30.Mom asks me to _ my grandparents and take some nice food to them this weekend.Acall Bforget Cleave Dvisit(A)31.Look!The children are having fun _ a snowman in the snow.Amaking Bmakes Cto make Dmake(C)32._ is the weather in Shanghai?Its raining.AWhat BWhere CHow DWhen(D)33.Hey,Alan.Jim asks me to _ for you.Really?What does he ask you to tell me?Atake a walk Btake the subwayCtake a rest Dtake a message(D)34._ you _ the window?Yes,I am.ADo;clean BIs;cleaningCDo;cleaning DAre;cleaning(A)35.Hi,Emma.Hows it going?_AGreat! BHere you are.CYoure welcome. DThank you.六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)John and his family live in New York.They are _36_ Mexico(墨西哥)It is a country in North America(北美洲)John is an eightyearold boy._37_ father finds a new job in New York,_38_ they come here.John doesnt like New York.The winter here is too _39_,and there is always snow.The weather is too _40_On snowy days,the traffic(交通) is very bad,so John is always late for _41_Johns English is not very good.He doesnt _42_ any friend at school.John really _43_ Mexico.It is always warm in that _44_,and he has lots of friends there.They often _45_ football after school,or swim in the sea.John wants to go back to Mexico.(D)36.A.to Bin Cat Dfrom(C)37.A.Their BMy CHis DHer(B)38.A.but Bso Cor Dbecause(C)39.A.big Bsmall Clong Dshort(A)40.A.cold Bcool Cwarm Dhot(B)41.A.shop Bschool Chome Dwork(D)42.A.ask Bsee Clike Dhave(C)43.A.remembers Bdreams Cmisses Dforgets(A)44.A.country Bzoo Cstate Dvillage(B)45.A.buy Bplay Cuse Dstudy七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计20分)AIm Millie from the USA.Its raining outside.Im at home with my brother Simon.Im reading books and Simon is playing with his cat.Hi,Im Rose.Its cloudy today in the UK.Mike and I are in the park.Mike is listening to music under a big tree and Im playing games with some other children.Im Alan.Its a sunny day in Australia.For my family,its also a busy day.Look!My mom is washing clothes.My sister and I are helping my father clean his car.Hey,Im Ha Wen.Its cold in Beijing.Its snowing.Now my mother is cooking in the kitchen.My father and I are making a snowman outside. (B)46.Hows the weather in the UK?AIts raining. BIts cloudy.CIts sunny. DIts snowing.(C)47.Where is Alan now?AIn the USA. BIn the UK.CIn Australia. DIn China.(D)48.What is Mike doing?AHes playing games. BHes reading books.CHes making a snowman. DHes listening to music.(D)49.Whos washing clothes?AMillies brother. BAlans sister.CHa Wens mother. DAlans mom.(B)50.There are _ people in Alans family.Athree Bfour Cfive DsixBSunday,May 20thRainyToday is Sunday and the weather is very terrible.Its raining all day.There are no people playing in the park.And there is no one walking on the street.Its so quiet.The bad weather makes me sad(悲伤的)Many people are watching TV at home.On the street there are a few buses and cars.They are running slowly.The rain will (将) stop on Wednesday.The sun will come out.And I wish to play with my friends outside on that day.Wednesday,May 23rdSunnyIts Wednesday today.The rain stops.We are so happy to play outside.Look!There are so many people in the park.Some boys are playing basketball.Two girls are taking photos.A little child is learning to walk with the help of his parents.My classmates are swimming in the river.Its cool.Everyone is having a great time.I like sunny weather.How about you?(B)51.Whats the weather like on Sunday?ASunny. BRainy.CSnowy. DWindy.(C)52.Why are there no people on the street?ABecause they like to stay at home.BBecause there are so many buses and cars on the street.CBecause its raining all day.DBecause people dont like to go out.(A)53.Which of the following is TRUE?AIt will be sunny on Wednesday.BThe buses and cars are running quickly on the street.CSome children are playing in the park on Sunday.DThe rain will stop on Tuesday.(A)54.What are the two girls doing in the park?AThey are taking photos.BThey are playing basketball.CThey are learning to walk.DThey are swimming.(D)55.What kind of weather does the writer like?ARainy weather. BSnowy weather.CCool weather. DSunny weather.八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。56The weather here is very bad (坏的)57There is some apple juice (果汁) in the cup.58I have a problem (难题)Can you help me,please?59I want to see you soon (不久)60Look!One girl is skating (滑冰) on the ice (冰)B)根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61You cant leave now.Its raining (rain) outside.62People are wearing hats (hat) to keep warm in winter.63Tom is very happy to_have (have) a new bike.64The weather is cool and cloudy,just right for walking (walk)65Its sunny (sun) in Shiyan today.九、按要求完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共计10分)66My mother is working in_the_garden(对画线部分提问)Where is your mother working?67The students are having_an_English_class(对画线部分提问)What are the students doing?68Its raining_and_very_cool in Wuhan.(对画线部分提问)Hows the weather in Wuhan?69你的暑假怎么样?(翻译句子)Hows your summer vacation going?70We are having fun in the park.(改为同义句)We are having a good time in the park.十、情景交际。(每小题2分,共计10分)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:71._D_B:Im from Canada.A:Canada?72._F_B:Its cold.A:73._B_B:Yes,its windy and it often snows.A:74._A_B:Yes,I like it very much because it isnt cold here in Guangzhou.A:Do you like summer?B:Yes.75._G_ADo you like the weather here?BIs it windy?CWhat do you do in summer?DWhere are you from,Linda?EAnd I think spring is the best season here.FHows the weather there?GI like summer best because I can swim.十一、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成短文。(每小题1分,共计10分)in,other,friend,be,tell,cool,know,or,taste,visitDear Jenny,Im very happy 76.to_know that youre coming to Beijing for your vacation.N


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