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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,八年级下册英语(人教版),单元写作专题Section B (3a3b),本单元以童话故事、神话故事或民间故事为话题,常见的命题形式有:根据所给提示描述一个故事,告诉别人你最喜欢的故事等。 常用句型: In my Chinese class today, we read a famous story called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Once upon a time, there was a very old man. They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.,This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it. The clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up. The story is about an emperor who loved clothes.,经典范文展示 你准备参加学校“英语角”开展的“用英语讲故事”活动,你选取了“曹冲称象”这个大家熟悉的故事。请你根据右边图片内容,用英语写一篇80 词以上的小短文。 注意:标题、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,How Cao Chong Had the Elephant Weighed Cao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present.He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, but there was no scale(秤)big enough to weigh such a huge creature. _ “Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant,”Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride.,【佳作赏析】 How Cao Chong Had the Elephant Weighed Cao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present.He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, but there was no scale (秤)big enough to weigh such a huge creature.,One day Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones. Cao Cao was very surprised, but still he ordered his men to get everything ready. When the elephant was led onto the boat, the water came up.Then Cao Chong asked a man to mark a line along the water surface on the boat. After that, they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones into the boat until the water came up to the same line. “Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant,” Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride.,【名师点评】因故事的开头已经给出,故写作时只要写出故事的主要情节即可。文章另起一段,首先用含if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句陈述了曹冲告诉父亲如何称大象的想法。用but 连接的并列句表达了曹操在听了曹冲称大象的方法后的反应惊讶, 但还是按儿子说的准备了。其中order sb.to do sth.,getready 的用法地道而精准。用含when 引导的时间状语从句的复合句陈述接下来发生的事大象被牵到船上, 水漫上来了。其中被动语态was led 用法正确而地道。用then 引出接下来发生的事曹冲叫人沿水面在船身上画一条线作为标记。用after that 引出故事的高潮把大象牵到河岸上,并把石头放入船里直至水漫到那画线处。其中, driveonto, putinto,until等的运用非常精准。至此完成本文该写的部分。但与文章所给的结尾衔接得不是很好。,热点作文练习 根据下面提供的内容,用英语写一篇童话故事。 1很久以前,有一个漂亮的女孩,叫白雪公主。在她很小的时候妈妈就去世了。 2她的继母要猎人把白雪公主杀了。 3猎人可怜公主,让她离开了。 4白雪公主在森林里遇到了小矮人,小矮人们决定保护她。 5她的继母装扮成老农妇,用有毒的苹果毒死了白雪公主。 6小矮人们发现白雪公主的尸体后,把她装进一口玻璃棺材里。 7最终,一个王子救了公主并娶了她。,Long long ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Snow White. When the girl was very young, her mother died. Her stepmother ordered a hunter to kill her. The hunter felt pity for the girl and he let the girl leave. Then Snow White met the seven dwarfs in the forest and they decided to protect her. Her stepmother disguised herself as an old farm woman and killed Snow White with a poisonous a


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